One Star? WTF!


Um, I’m not believing it. I mean, why, really?

Independent authors rely on reviews.

Why does some jerk purchase your book and give it a one-star review?

As a writer, I’ve learned a lot, including how to write novels, get my articles published in magazines, and write over 60 million words.

Entering and winning contests where I can receive critiques helps me refine my craft even more.

As an author, I take my craft seriously.

Because it’s cheeky, I had to rewrite one of my early novels.

According to my beta readers, the book is substantially better than the reviewer gave it credit for.

What I do know is that I am an ever-developing writer.

A naughty and mischievously entertaining tale is Titties, Kitties, and Winks. I engage the characters in lesbian activities and discuss controversial topics. It’s a full-fledged intellectual story with plot twists, character arcs, and more.

Return to the single star along with the venom, according to their comment, after reading a few pages, they found it hard to believe and decided to put it down.

It’s fiction… Do they think Star Wars is real?

What the fuck? Why didn’t you read those first few pages for free? Using a pseudonym to pen your poison is BS.

A new edition of the book has just come out. Your sincere opinions are valued.

Under Roswell, the first book I ever wrote, is being revised.

There is some rather adult content in the current Amazon version as well. Since the book’s original intent was to be a work of science fiction, the updated version will omit much of the explicit content. Get the book while you can to own a rare collectible.

The rewrite is currently in progress. The truth is that I am still enjoying writing it, even though it has been years since I last did so.

Were your books trashed?

Add a remark to the review.


On KDP for a few more Weeks

Julie thought she was human until she tried to retire. Secrets of who and what she was were about to unfold in this thriller.

I left this on KDP instead of publishing it with other booksellers. Here is your chance to read it for free.

Forensic Assassin

Julie Thompson had done her bit. Shot down in the Middle East, she retired from the military to find the government was not finished with her. A unique talent for finding and assassinating bad people was only one of her talents.

Thousands of years in the making, she was the perfect DNA mix for the next mission.

PayPal, Misinformation, and You

Are you ready for NaNo Wrimo November?

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

As an author, I stay out of political debate as often as possible. If I were to fall on one side of the fence or the other, I would risk pissing off half my audience.

The truth is most facts are not facts but opinions. Many of these are formed by the media and those who own them.

Opinions are not facts, ergo not a debatable topic. Opinions based on feelings are IEDs just waiting to go off when you tread on one of them.

The most recent post regarding fines from PayPal for those who dare to speak their mind, engaging in free speech, was an audacious attempt to test the water regarding muzzling the populations.

The USA is one of the last bastions of free speech, and it is under attack by everyone that wishes to control the masses. That is a fact, not fiction or opinion.

PayPal, as a company, ought to know better than to engage in blatant attacks on free speech.

They have backstepped their $2500 fine for those who dare to opine regarding a non-politically correct statement.

I am not one to call for boycotts. I will not do business with companies that infringe upon my ability to speak my mind.

Whoever even considered wading into the waters of fact-checkers biased by wokeness is rather foolish where stockholders are concerned.

I was rather pleased to see that the media now tells you that the clickbait you are about to check out is ‘opinion.’

There are way too many ‘opinions’ stated by racist individuals that were published as facts.

I don’t need hate in my life. Hate is like a contagion that spreads about as easily as Covid. When we disseminate such vitriol and animus toward someone we disagree with, we perpetuate the cycle of dividing the herd.

Some think you are too stupid to think for yourself. Instead of providing the facts for you to think about, they make you angry by using hyperbole as the trigger. The political ads you see on social media and TV make you mad at someone or a group.

If I offer you facts, I will engage your logical center and critical thinking skills. If, on the other hand, I piss you off, I will promote you into action without thinking it through. Think about it.

Road rage is absolute. If someone were to cut you off, do you give them the benefit of the doubt, or are you ready to cut them off in return? If the latter, you are the person the media likes to manipulate through your emotions. Those groups are a majority, which is a sad state of affairs.

The truth is that most people are good. If they cut you off, they most probably didn’t see you. Now, there are idiots out there as well. Not only do they drive, but they vote.

Love is also contagious. I manage to infect most people I run into during my daily routines with a smile, a kind word, and, yes, love of my fellow human.

Without being sappy, we need to learn from Pollyanna and look for the good in people.


Roe Vs. Wade

Never has there been such a divisive dividing piece of legislation concocted by any legislature.

If you take the time to read the entire context of the syllabus and understand the history of the case, there can be only one conclusion.

The issue of division is not clear cut as one might think. The argument was bound to find its way up to the highest court in the land.

The reason the legislation is so divisive is this; they are debating emotions. Feelings are not substantive and cannot be legislated. We have them; they are part of what makes us ‘mankind.’

If the case were debated on facts alone, I think it would have never made it to the supreme court. The reality might be, do I have a right to kill my errant child at 2 years old? Most of America, not all, mind you, would say hell no.

The pivotal argument then becomes, when is it a human life?

To wrap abortion under the cloak of a woman’s health obfuscates the true meaning of the rule. We could argue that my errant child is driving me crazy; hence, it is a woman’s health. I should be allowed to take them out since I brought them into the world.

There are those that ‘feel’ that way and have killed their progeny for reasons that only they understand.

Regardless of your side, here is a challenge for you.

In the comments below, tell us which side you favor and then argue the other person’s side. I doubt many will do it, and here is why. We are married to how we feel. We can’t set aside our feelings for logic.

The problem with this inability is, as a Juror, you are manipulated by that inability to just look at the facts. Lawyers are actors in the truest sense of the word. They should have award shows just like those on the silver screen. To win a case, they must hook your emotions which will overpower your ability to disassociate facts from fiction.

If you follow any high-profile case, you will see them in action. Kyle Rittenhouse is the perfect example of emotions on trial. The jury found him innocent, but the public held him in contempt, and even though he was found innocent, his life would never be the same. The prosecuting lawyer was horrible, but the media had him convicted before it went to trial. They did the same thing to Nicholas Sandman. When you hear that the media is the enemy of the people, they are not wrong. What they do, they do for ratings that equal money.

While we could debate many facets of Roe vs. Wade, the decisions in 1973 and 2022, let’s focus on the issue.

  • Pro-life or pro-abortion?
  • Which way do you lean and why?
  • Now, argue the other side. Use the same amount of energy that you used to come up with the way that you lean to make the argument why you are wrong.

Those of you who are so dogmatic that you cannot conceive that the other side is right are the people who need to dig a little deeper.

I believe that if more of us were not so inflexible in our views, we would be a much better country. Critical thinking is a lost art. We are too willing to call the other person out on how we feel. That, my friends, makes us easy targets for those who need us divided. If you split up the herd, we are easier to manipulate.

That is why the racist card is played so much in the media. That is also why they are working hard to call conservatives a cult, following a crazy man. I would make a wager that whoever decided to re-visit Roe Vs. Wade during the midterms did so to give the Democrats fodder to paint conservatives in a bad light. The timing is just too coincidental.

The DC establishment is deathly afraid of Trump. They have enjoyed a lifetime of raping and pillaging your tax dollars, and they don’t want that to end. There should be term limits in our government at all levels.

Want more proof? Look at the billions of dollars headed to Ukraine. I will be shocked if that isn’t a money laundering scheme of gigantic proportions.

If you want another conspiracy to think about, I believe that our own government killed JFK. Why? He was a populist like Trump. He believed that the government was there to serve the people… Silly man. He might have been the original MAGA.

I will end with an observation you should take to heart. I can go to a game, a public event, or even the shopping mall and have lovely conversations with almost anyone I meet. Their color, background, religion, etc., makes no difference. I constantly engage in conversation with people I fundamentally disagree with because I want to understand why they ‘feel’ the way they do. I would bet that you can and do as well.

I do this because what if I am wrong?

That is the purpose of this exercise. Set your feelings aside and see the facts as they are. What if you are wrong?


If you have not yet read Forensic Assassin, it is still on KDP.

Two alien races end up on the earth, BC. One race hunts the other to have total control over this new world. Melding with the humans, history is augmented by each faction, one for good and one for conquering the world.

Our heroin has powers that she grows into as the plot unwinds in modern times.

If you like the story, please review it for me. As an author, reviews go a long way.

Much Love -TW

Gates of Hell

Is Biden working for Satan?

Long but worth the read.

If I weren’t paying so much for everything, thanks to the policies of this administration, I might find this laughable.

After Biden’s election two years ago, I was in denial. After his basement campaign, he promised to do away with fossil fuel and embrace the green new deal; I knew that would be a disaster for the economy. In case you didn’t know, the world’s economy is tied together. 40% of the world’s economy is based on the greenback (us currency.)

I have no doubt that we are headed for a recession.

History is replete with these same stupid policies. They will push this country and others into economic disaster. You cannot spend your way out of debt.

Imagine, if you will, you have several credit cards. Your burn rate (the amount you spend each month) is higher than your family income. So, you pay a bill with a credit card, thinking you will pay it off next month. With the rent paid, you go back to your regular routine.

The following month you have even less available cash. You continue to pay one credit card with another. Bankruptcy used to be simple and a way out. Not today. The rules were changed to protect the fat cat bankers.

Some predators love people like credit card people. 24% interests, pfft try 471% APR. Payday loans are some of the most egregious lending practices around. Yet, congress turns the other way while they accept donation cash to do so.

Check cashing places take advantage of the folks who can least afford it. The truth is, many families could not scrape together $500 cash if they had to. If the refrigerator conks out, they end up charging it, obtaining one from a rent-to-own-store, or using a loan shark.

Crime is up because people are desperate. What would you do to feed your family if you were out of options?

White-collar crime is also up. Hard times breed opportunities for nefarious or unscrupulous people like most used car salesmen.  

I digress just a moment to talk about Biden’s speech. Is it just me, or did that look like Satan standing before a crowd with the red background and his two minions standing behind him? If I were to go to the other place instead of heaven, that is precisely what I would think it might look like. I think it was intentional. The question is, why?

I don’t mean to demean the president’s office or those marines behind him. I think the optics were horrible. Colors are symbolic and physiological. Red is undoubtedly one of the stronger colors representing danger, anger, or seduction. Red can evoke violence. That was planned but for what purpose?

While his speech was billed as non-political and taxpayer-funded, it was anything but non-political. If there were full-size flags for sale that said MAGA, they would sell to 74 million.

You don’t have to trespass on government property to make a statement.

There is a phenomenon of mass psychosis that predates the Roman Empire. Focus the people’s attention on something small and convince them through rhetoric and propaganda that what they think they know to be accurate is false.

The early Church did this with those who practiced Pegan ideologies. The early Church was also the school, the way to heaven, and the government. Failure to comply would get you tortured or killed, all in the name of God.

An independent government was a threat to the Church, the total power of the Church.

It was illegal to own a bible. When Martin Luther thought for himself, he realized that the Church was in error. Those were dangerous thoughts back in the day.

Religion is a threat to ‘democracy.’

Trump derangement syndrome is nothing more than a complicit media spreading propaganda, hoping it will stick. The ruling class in the US and I would bet other countries believe with all their hearts that you are too stupid to think for yourselves.

If you look at some of the tick-tock videos, one might conclude they are right. There is a ‘hold my beer and watch this’ element in our society. They, however, do not represent the whole of humanity.

Hillary Clinton is on record telling a reporter why she is a Democrat. “Democrats are stupid and easy to fool.”

With Covid as an invisible threat, there was a blatant attack on religion. Under the guise of public health, even outdoor gatherings where the congregates stayed in their cars were banned.

Picture this setting. A drive-in movie, but during the daytime. The congregates park where you can see an outdoor screen and tune your radio to a prescribed frequency. From there, you listen to the sermon and go home. The police were called to break up this threat to the world’s health even though everyone was in their cars.

What is next, not allowing evangelist air time?

During the covid conspiracy, religion was under attack. Religion is an ideology that contradicts the control of the government.

“Then there are those people that cling to their god and their guns!” -Obama

The government feels they need to be the leading authority, the loudest voice on matters where revenue from your paycheck is concerned. Other than your tax dollars, they need your vote. If they manage to make our country a one-party system, your voice will not be nearly as important. They will all be wolves dressed as sheep, making no difference.

Today, many on both sides are already wolves dressed as sheep. It is incumbent on the voter to research who they are voting for. One way to do this is through the Church.

Here is the rub; the politicians know this. They wrote the tax code so the clergy could not proffer an opinion regarding politics from the pulpit. That is a clear violation of the 1rst amendment, but large congregations could sway elections, and they know this. In truth, and I hate to admit this, TV evangelists could probably be bribed to enforce the narrative of whatever party is in charge. Greed corrupts. We have seen it all too often.

NPR is publicly funded, yet they lean far to the left. Who are they taking their orders from?

While Stalin would have had a much easier time killing his people with the mainstream media parroting his verbiage, he still managed by using the written word as his sharpest weapon.

Animals, including mankind, fall prey to mass hypnosis. A percentage of the population is led to believe that the sky is falling, and soon, they spread the lie. Calling out anyone who does not spew the same garbage like #climatechange, those that don’t buy the lie just stay quiet to avoid harassment from the mob.

BLM destroyed cities, killed people, and was responsible for the deaths of others, including police officers. Our very own VP sent money to bail them out of jail. One of the people that she bailed out was a career criminal. He committed murder after his release. If I were that person’s family, I would sue her and the organization that sponsored the bail.

Mob rule cannot stand.

We cannot afford to stay silent.

The Minority of the un-brainwashed need to speak up.

When a hypnotist has you believe that you are a chicken, someone in the room needs to quack like a duck and break the spell.

The mob is wrong, dead wrong. If they don’t wake up soon, they will destroy themselves.

The president’s speech was derisive and meant to further divide this country. The MSM felt like it was a wartime speech. They were right. Who is this administration at war with? Half the country.

I will not sit here and tell you that Trump is the answer. He is too bombastic for many, and he doesn’t really think before he speaks. Every word or utterance must be carefully crafted from the president’s mouth. He can be honest and still be him.

He resonates with many because his genuine affection for the country and the American people is true. He truly feels that way, which is Trump’s real secret.

What are the issues that Americans care about?

The economy is by far at the top of most people’s minds. People are looking for ways to feed their families for less money. Bloomberg, who is totally out of touch with reality, told people that rice and beans have as much protein as meat, eat that and quit complaining. Too bad farts are not a renewable source of energy.

The billionaires of the world are the ruling class. As a writer, I would wager some groups tell the different world leaders what to do and when to do it. Who are they?

I wrote a book called Presidential Assassins, which is on Amazon. Truthfully the material I wrote is a fantasy made up late at night. Today there is so much crazy going on; the script writes itself.

I also wrote a book called Forensic Assassin. That one is on KDP. Check them out, and if you like them, give me some feedback.

Much Love -TW

Slave Mind

Since when do we ban people for an opinion?

I watched an interview with a fellow by the name of Andrew Tate. I had never heard of him until that interview.

His feud with social media intrigues me. His story at face value makes social media companies appear the bad guys on steroids. I won’t debate the points as I have no first-hand knowledge.  

What impressed me with this man is he is incredibly articulate and well-spoken. In my opinion, he is almost certainly a narcissist. That last statement I can only surmise from his interview. I would love to be proven wrong on that point.

Setting his faults aside, he used the term ‘Slave Mind.’

His terminology strikes a chord with me. Many of my conversations with folks I disagree with are of that slave mind mentality. The last thing they hear on TV is what they believe and espouse to their friends in person and on social media.

An opinion piece written for clicks will get their attention, and they skip over the part that is someone’s opinion garnered through the lens of bias.

He didn’t use critical thinking in his interview, but that is what he meant when he said ‘People don’t look into the mirror and admit they were tricked.’

In many of my writings, I encourage mirror time. Be willing to admit you made a mistake and then go about learning from it, and making it right if that is appropriate.

I would encourage you to look him up on Rumble.

The tech giants have attempted to silence him.

In the US, we still have free speech. Until the voters totally obfuscate their sanity for the promise of money or safety, he, like you and I have the right to be heard.

Early in the history of the US, there were slaves. Those slaves were kept on the plantation by different methods. One important strategy was to keep them ignorant. It was illegal to teach them to read.

We still do that today but not by the color of their skin. The poor are kept poor, and the very rich keep them poor. A different version of the golden rule applies. ‘Those who have the gold make the rules.’ How, you might ask? Through complicit media disguised as news or public radio.

There are two sets of rules. Unless you have the gold, you are a plebian and treated as such.

Andrew’s argument seems to be that masculinity is under attack. If you dare to be manly, you will be labeled a misogynist. Men don’t like labels and seem afraid of confrontations with feminists.

The takeaway from his thought process is this. Surround yourself with successful people. He, unfortunately, worded it poorly, which offended the feminists.

Paraphrased ‘Don’t hang around with low-class people. Men who do drugs and play video games are not the kind you should associate with. The same is true of women. If they are low class, distance yourself from them.’

Low class does not mean poor; it means questionable turpitude.

He said it badly and was banned from all social media. Again, we have free speech. I think the ACLU would be hopping up and down to correct this.

You live and die by the sword or, in this case, the written word. In his interview, he said he used some locker room speak in his jokes.

While nobody is perfect, I remember the locker room speak from Trump that was the shot heard around the world.

If you are an influencer which he is, jokes are something you should weigh carefully. His point was well taken regarding video enthusiasts trying to get their fifteen minutes of fame by distorting what he said.

Dissecting videos to prevaricate the truth is commonplace. You clicked, so it worked.

He mentioned that kids need someone to look up to, a superhero. He purports to be that superhero. (Hence the narcissism comment earlier.)

Mother used to say, if you lay down with the dogs, you will wake up with the fleas. That is really all he said, which offended some dogs.

Tilting at windmills is a fool’s errand. Some folks are just too stupid to come out of the rain. Cudos to the ones that do.


#AndrewTate #TopG #tate #motivation #freetopg #censored #viral #like #follow #share #money #morpheus #matrix @authorTWScott


At Ease Disease, there is a Fungus Among Us.

Perhaps Skinny dipping on an alien world was not their best idea.

Years ago, I wrote a book called The Saga of the Starduster. I don’t want to give too much away as it is one of my best sellers.

While a refresh of the book would probably be a good idea, the story works, and it is on point.

Aliens use modified viruses to cure cancer. Much like the mRNA vaccine was designed to find and kill cancer cells, they used a virus.

You all know that fiction writers like myself often create science facts. We think outside the box.

Last year I lost eleven friends to cancer. To me, that was an astounding number. I have lost ten to cancer this year, and it is only August.

When I speak with friends and family, I am told that their congregates are dropping like flies, usually because of cancer.

I know many people, but these numbers are out of this world. Why? How is this happening?

If you were creating the ultimate doomsday device, it would be a virus that attacks certain DNA types. Maybe you would make a virus that went after the LGBTQ crowd if you were just evil. If you were a racist, you might create a virus that attacked people with a different skin color than yours.

In the world of the doomsday clock, which many young people know nothing about, we were worried about nukes. If one idiot touches off a nuke, every country that has invested its fortunes in nukes will want to get into the game. Since the US has been set apart as evil, those nukes would be inbound worldwide. We are not evil, we still have the best country around, and people want to come here.

Some people think you can have winners and losers with nukes. Yes, they are that damned stupid.

You would have to be willfully blind to believe that the Corona Virus as we know it was not created by man. Yes, some coronaviruses are not that sophisticated in nature, but nothing compares to one like this.

Why create a virus instead of nukes?

Biological warfare leaves the infrastructure intact. It leaves the roads, bridges, buildings, and so forth, so an invasionary force will have no problems taking over when the current residents are gone.

I am not a doctor, and I don’t play one on TV. I think I understand our current situation today, and I want to share them with you. Comment if you like, and share if you think I am correct.

Firstly, I think the vaccine hurts more people than we know. Perfectly healthy people suddenly have heart issues (like myself) and other problems with specific organs, including male and female fertility issues.

My guess is this. When we are born, our immune system, such as it is, comes from our mother. We venture out into the world and expose ourselves to diseases, bacteria, etc. If you catch the flu, your immune system goes to work creating antibodies to fight off the flu virus.

They found antibodies in an older lady for the 1918 Spanish flu. Think about that. She was exposed and survived; many years later, she was still protected if it ever appeared.

We all have cells that are not perfect. We might think of them as cancer cells. Your immune system goes about looking for them and destroying them. If you become overwhelmed with them, we see cancer rear its ugly head; well, you know the rest.

What happens when you take the vaccine for covid? What happens if you take the second shot, the third, or even the fourth or fifth?

Other than big pharma getting rich, what about you, your body?

If you imagine a snow globe and the snow as cancer cells, I think the vaccine is like shaking the hell out of the globe and spreading the cancer cells that were dormant or in remission back to life.

The vaccine possibly focuses our immune system so intently on covid that it allows all the other diseases and such to do what they do best.

I don’t think it is a coincidence that I have lost many folks to cancer in the last two years. I don’t believe that we have seen the last of this. I fear that other scientists are in other countries attempting gain of function research on even more deadly viruses.

Monkeypox is not new, but suddenly, it is in the news more than Trump.

Who funds these labs, and what madman thinks financing them is a good idea? Why invent yet another type of doomsday scenario? What fool would use it and why?

No, I don’t think that Ebola or Aids or many of the viruses that attack folks are made in nature. When the covid 19 virus, a second strain would attack cells and switch off the cell’s ability to call for help; that is genius. Only the Minions could appreciate the madness of it all.

When much of the media is owned by just a few companies, you cannot trust what you read, hear, or see on TV. You must examine the facts for yourself.

The book I wrote is a page-turner. The Saga of the Starduster takes you on one of your fantasies to go back in time knowing what you know now. You get a do-over but with aliens. Think about it.

I love feedback. If you like the book, please leave me a review.


Saving your Retirement Dollars

Will your retirement strategy work?

If your email is like mine, you are inundated with scary emails about Biden stealing your 401s.

Again, if you are like me, you skip over them as they are nothing more than clickbait to sell you some service.

There is a reality to the grim state of our country and the economy. Left unchecked, many will lose their retirement dollars and sadly will depend on social security as their only source of income.

With retirement age not too far in the future, we see that with the current prices of everything, even sitting at home will be costly.

You might be tempted to blame Putin for the state of the world, but not so fast. Energy costs were already skyrocketing before February 24th. Just like Under Obama, energy costs were much higher; however, we have reached new highs.

The world economy revolves around energy. That is why China and India still build and maintain coal-fired power plants. Sure, they are dirty and pollute and might even be the cause of climate change, but…They don’t have anyone screaming at them about the environment.

That dirty air does not just hover over the place it was created. No…it travels on the Jetstream just like the dust from the Sahara Desert pollutes our air in Texas and elsewhere.

Removing inexpensive energy availability from a country forces large companies to take their business to countries where dirty air is not a problem. They also search for cheap labor (slave labor), and we look the other way. 

Addicted to our tablets and phones, we ignore that SLAVES made them.

What about your retirement?

You don’t care about where the technology comes from as long as it works and entertains. You might care about the price of gas as it takes three times the amount of money that it did just two years ago to fill up your tank. Many are still Ridin with Biden, even though inflation is clearly his doings. The cost of goods and services are also much higher because energy costs are much higher.

He campaigned on killing fossil fuels, and he is doing it. Damned, the torpedoes.

You might have noticed that your mailbox has new credit card applications in it on a weekly basis, if not daily. Get this phenomenal rate of 17.9% on credit card rollovers vs. the 24% you have currently.

Why do you suppose these great offers are hitting your mailbox now?

As the cost of ‘everything’ skyrockets, people still must live. They need to get to work or keep the lights on or food on the table. While many Americans could not come up with $500 cash on a bet, they still must have the means to survive.

The money predators are there to assist you in your time of need. From Pay Day loans for those without much credit to introductory offers to those with credit, they are there.

The first time you revolve credit from purchasing gas, you are sinking fast into the abyss of debt that you might never get out of.

The cost of that gallon of gas will increase exponentially as you continue to revolve dept.

Along comes the cheaper credit card, and you see relief. No, it’s just a slower death.

What are your options?

The cheapest option is to rob your savings account. The kids don’t need to go to college. Trade school still works, and we need plumbers, electricians, and so on. You don’t really need that dream vacation that you have saved for since your wedding…do you?

At .05 % interest on your savings, it is truly the cheapest money you have access to.

Your burn rate or how quickly you run through your paycheck before the next one comes in will assist you in determining what expenses you can cut.

Do you need Netflix or Cable? Do you really need to run the air? Your ancestors didn’t have such things; do you really need it?

How warm can you stand to have your home before you are just miserable?

Do you really need to take that trip to grandmother’s house, or can she use zoom or face time?

Eventually, if things don’t change, your burn rate will exceed what you make.

Is a second job necessary? What will the long-term costs be to your children who are forced to be raised by the internet, TV, or the other kids whose parents are working two jobs? Will your child grow up to be the next mass shooter? It did look like fun in the video game.

With the rent or mortgage increases thanks to higher taxes, your retirement nest egg, that 401, looks rather attractive.

Sure, you can pay off the credit card bills, but if you don’t change the calculus on your burn rate, again, you are prolonging the result.

Borrowing from your 401 is horribly expensive money but not as bad as credit card interests.

Those of us close to retirement might use our homes as a way out of debt, opting for less expensive places to live, like a mobile home. They are horribly energy inefficient and not what I would call an attractive place to retire. They are, however, an option.

Is Biden coming after your retirement?

No, but the feds know that curbing inflation is going to require dollars that are not printed, flowing back into the ‘system.’ Where are those dollars? Yep, your savings and 401 and every other bit of capital that you have saved, including that in your home.

They are not forcing you to take those measures, unlike other governments might, but they are limiting your options.

The good news is, if they push too hard, they will kill the golden egg-laying goose. The Feds have an idea of just how hard they can push by how much money is still tied up in 401s.

“Good News?”

Yes, they don’t want to totally kill the American way of life, just cripple it enough so you and everyone else will become more dependent on government handouts. The way of life the Boomers grew up with will be gone, just like those who survived the atomic age.

Their end goal is socialism in a much larger format than what we have now. Make no mistake, we are a socialist country. If you can afford it, you pay for those who cannot. Park outside a WIC office on a Friday. Those with new cars parked far away from the front of the building. Those mothers with Boyfriends, yeah, they stay in the car.

It’s not just WIC; it’s the healthcare industry along with every government handout program. Your tax dollars fund each and every person crossing the border illegally. They get a swag bag with a smartphone, tickets to the city of their choice, and god knows what else. I wonder if they get an autographed picture of the president?

Where is my free phone or free stuff? If I sneak into Mexico and then cross back into the US and claim I am from Brazil fleeing oppression, will I get free stuff?

If you want to save your retirement dollars, cut your burn rate now before you must. When Time Warner and Netflix, and others scream at the government, they will back off. Stop spending money that you don’t have to spend.

We are in a war, and money talks.


Wasting away from Covid

Eating a hamburger was a milestone!

Firstly, you all know me as an author, not a doctor. I don’t even play one on TV, although I could.

I will not delve into conspiratorial territory where covid is concerned.

Since I picked up the dreaded infection in the hospital, I suffered the usual complaints of no sense of smell or taste. There were other abnormalities that went along with these symptoms too, but weight loss triggered many other concerns, which meant more doctors.

Un-explained and rather rapid weight loss usually gets most doctors sending you to an oncologist. In my case, they sent me to a GI doctor who ran multiple tests before sending me to a hepatologist. (liver doctor)

Without thinking about what she was saying or how it might affect me, she said the cause was most probably liver cancer. We needed to find out what kind so we could see if it is treatable.

The last few months of 2021, I spent getting my affairs in order. The weight melted off, and I began to resemble a holocaust survivor. I am certain depression played a role in my weight loss too.

Having spent the last part of 2021 and the first part of 2022 taking different tests to determine the cause of the weight loss, they determined it was not cancer. This was the last week of April 2022.

The ‘doctor’ who had been tossing around the C-word turned out to be a PA. She held herself out as a doctor and introduced herself as a doctor but indeed was a PA with two years of training working in the office of a specialist. When I inquired what the doctor thought about what we were doing, her response was… “He hadn’t had time to look at your case.”

How can a specialist who has a PA doing his work for him allow a PA to toss out the C-word without knowing for certain what the diagnosis is? How can a specialist in all good conscious not supervise his PA? After six months of being their patient, how the hell could he just ignore what she was doing? How many other patients of his is she misdiagnosing or just scaring the shit out of them?

That is my rant about the state of our medical care today. I just wonder how they coded the bill to the insurance company. Was it from a specialist or a PA?

The problem I have stems from Covid long. There are no experts on Covid, and truthfully if someone said they were, I wouldn’t believe them. I do believe Covid was invented, and I don’t believe the vaccine was or is ready for prime time, nor should it be a once size fits all solution. That is my opinion.

Most of the symptoms you read about regarding Covid long, I manifested over the course of the last 12 months.

With unexplained weight loss still an issue, I was about to seek some medical purpose Pot as a possible remedy to see if I could get my appetite back. Thankfully and truthfully, I didn’t have to go that far. Before my discovery, I doubt I was getting 1000 calories a day. The labs show that I was malnourished.

I mention that because I think it is relevant to the conversation on how this ‘medication’ might be working.

Truly, my heart goes out to people who suffer from anorexia. If you have ever wanted to puke thinking about eating, that is what it is like and what I lived.

Telling someone to ‘just eat’ is cruel. Imagine you had to eat living grub worms to stay alive… That is what it was like for me.

My life was waning; I forced myself to eat things that made me gag. It was that or die.

I read a story written by a young lady who was dying of cancer. She talked about watching her body waste away. I got it.

I swear I don’t get money for this, but I am telling you what I found that is over the counter that turned things around.

Geritol, yep that liquid you might have seen your grandparents take, I take a half-ounce of it every day and most probably will for the rest of my days. Keep it out of the reach of children.

My energy levels have returned, my weight is going back up, and I crave certain foods again. When my neighbor asked me how I was doing, and I bragged about eating an entire hamburger, she had a puzzled look on her face. Friends, that was a huge deal for me and a milestone.

I don’t know how Covid affects the brain, but it does more than just jack with your sense of taste and smell.

As a side note, I told this story to a friend of mine whose daughter is suffering the same fate. She told her doctor what I said, and he laughed at her. “It is just iron and vitamins…”

If that were me, that doctor would be fired on the spot.

For a moment, let’s say it is a placebo effect. The brain can cure you or kill you, all on its own. You have no doubt heard of hypochondriacs. That is the same thing. A person with that affliction will assume they are sick, and they will become sick.

My liver enzymes and other numbers are showing that it is not a placebo effect; however so, that is my story. I am telling you that stuff is working for me. I have turned others on to it, and it is working for them. Just possibly when you starve your body, there is a ‘shutdown’ routine. Again, not a doctor but I suspect that the body burns what stores of energy or fuel you have before it begins to shut down your organs. I would wager that the unexplained weight loss many patients experiences is part of the process of dying.

Geritol is old and has been around for a long time. I could not find it locally at any drug or grocery store. I don’t imagine they sell much of it.

Amazon is the least expensive (and only) place I have found to get it, but your mileage might vary.

Speak with your doctor about it; I did. My liver doctor didn’t laugh a bit. He has patients on transplant lists because of what covid has done to them. He saw the difference in me in just a few weeks.

What would you care to wager that he keeps Geritol in his toolkit?

I am certain the trick is to stay well-nourished. How or why Geritol made this difference is anyone’s guess but, I suspect it had a lot to do with nourishing those organs that control things like appetite.


Be Teachable

Only a few more weeks left to get this on Kindle unlimited for Free…

Hello, I was going to wish you all a happy Sunday but, it is already Monday in some places. So, happy day that ends in a Y…

One of the most important lessons I attempt to pass on is this, if something makes you angry, there is a good chance you are being manipulated. Once you are pissed about whatever it is, critical thinking goes out the window.

I told a friend that those who dwell in one sandbox can only see the world through the lenses of that sandbox.

More clearly stated, if your religion believes in certain things and you dismiss all other religions because of what you have been told, your world is skewed.

Some of those beliefs can be rather innocuous. Sprinkle Vs. Dunk is a great example. It is a symbol, period. There are those who are so ensconced in what they have been told that they would consider that a hill to die on. It’s not.

Drifting away from the dogmatic rituals of church aggrandizement, we have the media, which is brainwashing the masses. Much like the church, their brand of propaganda is considerably more vociferous and manifests itself as pure evil with a capital E.

The media that promotes racism is by far an outlet that should be boycotted.

Garbage in equal garbage out. When someone appeals to your emotions to beat you into submission regarding a topic that deserves some critical thinking, they are, in fact, propagandists. I know lots of folks; I also know that none of them are racist.

The bottom line is to humble yourself enough to realize that you don’t know it all. You might be wrong. There is nothing amiss if you are incorrect and take steps to right wrongs. There is, however, plenty to commiserate over if you don’t want to be open to the fact that you might have a skewed opinion on certain subjects.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

Your opinions are not facts. Your feelings are not facts. There is no such thing as ‘your truth or my truth.’

There is only the truth.

Be teachable, admit it when you are wrong, and ask forgiveness if your opinions have injured anyone.

I hope this week brings you joy and happiness. If you are like me, a writer, I hope you get some words on the page.

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