
One Star? WTF!


Um, I’m not believing it. I mean, why, really?

Independent authors rely on reviews.

Why does some jerk purchase your book and give it a one-star review?

As a writer, I’ve learned a lot, including how to write novels, get my articles published in magazines, and write over 60 million words.

Entering and winning contests where I can receive critiques helps me refine my craft even more.

As an author, I take my craft seriously.

Because it’s cheeky, I had to rewrite one of my early novels.

According to my beta readers, the book is substantially better than the reviewer gave it credit for.

What I do know is that I am an ever-developing writer.

A naughty and mischievously entertaining tale is Titties, Kitties, and Winks. I engage the characters in lesbian activities and discuss controversial topics. It’s a full-fledged intellectual story with plot twists, character arcs, and more.

Return to the single star along with the venom, according to their comment, after reading a few pages, they found it hard to believe and decided to put it down.

It’s fiction… Do they think Star Wars is real?

What the fuck? Why didn’t you read those first few pages for free? Using a pseudonym to pen your poison is BS.

A new edition of the book has just come out. Your sincere opinions are valued.

Under Roswell, the first book I ever wrote, is being revised.

There is some rather adult content in the current Amazon version as well. Since the book’s original intent was to be a work of science fiction, the updated version will omit much of the explicit content. Get the book while you can to own a rare collectible.

The rewrite is currently in progress. The truth is that I am still enjoying writing it, even though it has been years since I last did so.

Were your books trashed?

Add a remark to the review.



On KDP for a few more Weeks

Julie thought she was human until she tried to retire. Secrets of who and what she was were about to unfold in this thriller.

I left this on KDP instead of publishing it with other booksellers. Here is your chance to read it for free.

Forensic Assassin

Julie Thompson had done her bit. Shot down in the Middle East, she retired from the military to find the government was not finished with her. A unique talent for finding and assassinating bad people was only one of her talents.

Thousands of years in the making, she was the perfect DNA mix for the next mission.


Do we really need to buy an EV?

Skinny dipping on an alien world was probably not their best idea.

Happy Friday!

Here in Texas, it appears that we will have a bang-up weekend. As I sit here at noon on Friday, the current temperature is 70F degrees or 21C. The sun is shining, and I have lots to do just in case we get another cold snap before Halloween.

You might wonder why I am focusing on the weather.

Not all that long ago, there was something called the Star Registry. This company would pick a star and give it your name or any name you choose for a fee. As proof, they would send you a pre-printed certificate with the star’s coordinates and, of course, your name.

While it might be the perfect gift for someone who has everything, it is possibly one of the largest scams around until now.

Climate change is one of the scare tactics that ‘scientists’ and other hucksters use to change the behavior of the masses. You will see protestors who could not tell you what CO2 stands for, spending their valuable energy protesting cheap energy to put in place that the globalist wants to control.

The simple facts are that there are wars, so the defense companies can sell better weapons. Yes, real people are killed, and lives are lost on both sides, but those that want the money from the sales or creation of weapons will push the need for such things.

We here in the states are told that certain world leaders are evil. They…you possibly are told that the American president is evil. The lies continue; if money is spent and the media has something to perpetuate hate, nothing will change.

Emotional tragedies sell air time. The game goes on, whether it is for a pillow or some drug that has you ask your doctor if death is right for you.

This latest scam to stop climate change is a device that extracts carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and, through large equipment, shoves the gas deep into the earth, where it will never harm another soul. They want you to buy carbon credits as gifts for the person with everything.

The earth already handles CO2 handily by using it as food for plants, trees, and so on. In return, the plants emit something called O2 or oxygen. Huh… Don’t we need oxygen to breathe to live?

The protestors should be fighting the people who are destroying the rainforest or those who harvest timber to the point of leaving barren land to be washed away in the rain.

As far as electric cars are concerned, I think there is far more under the hood than they tell us. ‘Under the hood is a metaphor. I want to know how much pollution is created when making these batteries. I would also like to know where these raw materials come from. I would also like to know who is mining these materials. Now add to those facts this little nugget. When the batteries no longer work, what happens to them? Is there a company that is going to dig a large hole in the earth and put the inert material back in the soil?

Before you rush out and make Elon any richer, we should know what the life cycle is of those batteries.

The exciting thing about fossil fuel is that it is renewable. “What…TW, you are crazy.”

Well, no, not really; I am a writer and think creatively.

Fossil fuel is named because it was created by dead plants and other biological things like animals.

The CO2 that we emit today feeds the plants, which will eventually become fossil fuels. Time is the operative word.

We have the means to destroy all human life on this planet. We also have the nut jobs that think there can be winners and losers with nuclear bombs.

Using the variable time in the life equation, we already have ample evidence of what happens when nuclear material is mishandled. Chernobyl is 34 years after the accident, and we only have another 20,000 years to wait before the land is habitable again. That is twenty thousand years!

If any imbecile launches a nuke of any kind, it will take eons before that target area is safe to inhabit. Those bombs used in Japan were woefully inefficient. What is the cancer rate in Japan these days? Do we believe that the radiation only affected Japan?

If you could afford a Geiger counter that correctly identifies the types of radiation you are exposed to daily, you would find that radiation from Chernobyl, Fukashima, and other sources would be all around you, including your food.

That milk on your Wheaties contains radiation. How much radiation does it take to bastardize your DNA in cells to grow cancers that are malignant enough to end your life?

That’s where we are, folks.

I find it fascinating that doctors will order a CT scan as their first diagnostic test, which is equivalent to 50 chest x-rays, without looking for a less dangerous method to get the image they think they need.

We pollute our environment for money. Those that dumped tons of DDT in the Pacific Ocean by Catalina Island are not paying the price for their treachery. They were fined. They were fined less than the cost to properly dispose of the poison. The manufacturer that dumped the tons of DDT went out of business. This happened through the ’60s and ’70s. With no regard for humans and animals, they found a way to care for their little problem. DDT has a half-life of 35 to 65 years.

If Greta wanted to complain about something, that is one I would support. The real question is, what are other people doing with their toxic leftovers from manufacturing? I am more concerned about countries that don’t give a shit about what they allow into the environment.

Now we circle back to the batteries in these EVs.

Where are the defunct batteries going?

Recycling these batteries is the only real option, but the challenges are daunting. What toxins will be released in the process of recycling them? What toxins will be put into landfills?

What toxins are released, creating batteries?

Is it possible we are attempting to fix something that doesn’t require fixing? Are we inventing yet another star registry?


About the cover… One of my best sellers.


PayPal, Misinformation, and You

Are you ready for NaNo Wrimo November?

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

As an author, I stay out of political debate as often as possible. If I were to fall on one side of the fence or the other, I would risk pissing off half my audience.

The truth is most facts are not facts but opinions. Many of these are formed by the media and those who own them.

Opinions are not facts, ergo not a debatable topic. Opinions based on feelings are IEDs just waiting to go off when you tread on one of them.

The most recent post regarding fines from PayPal for those who dare to speak their mind, engaging in free speech, was an audacious attempt to test the water regarding muzzling the populations.

The USA is one of the last bastions of free speech, and it is under attack by everyone that wishes to control the masses. That is a fact, not fiction or opinion.

PayPal, as a company, ought to know better than to engage in blatant attacks on free speech.

They have backstepped their $2500 fine for those who dare to opine regarding a non-politically correct statement.

I am not one to call for boycotts. I will not do business with companies that infringe upon my ability to speak my mind.

Whoever even considered wading into the waters of fact-checkers biased by wokeness is rather foolish where stockholders are concerned.

I was rather pleased to see that the media now tells you that the clickbait you are about to check out is ‘opinion.’

There are way too many ‘opinions’ stated by racist individuals that were published as facts.

I don’t need hate in my life. Hate is like a contagion that spreads about as easily as Covid. When we disseminate such vitriol and animus toward someone we disagree with, we perpetuate the cycle of dividing the herd.

Some think you are too stupid to think for yourself. Instead of providing the facts for you to think about, they make you angry by using hyperbole as the trigger. The political ads you see on social media and TV make you mad at someone or a group.

If I offer you facts, I will engage your logical center and critical thinking skills. If, on the other hand, I piss you off, I will promote you into action without thinking it through. Think about it.

Road rage is absolute. If someone were to cut you off, do you give them the benefit of the doubt, or are you ready to cut them off in return? If the latter, you are the person the media likes to manipulate through your emotions. Those groups are a majority, which is a sad state of affairs.

The truth is that most people are good. If they cut you off, they most probably didn’t see you. Now, there are idiots out there as well. Not only do they drive, but they vote.

Love is also contagious. I manage to infect most people I run into during my daily routines with a smile, a kind word, and, yes, love of my fellow human.

Without being sappy, we need to learn from Pollyanna and look for the good in people.



Roe Vs. Wade

Never has there been such a divisive dividing piece of legislation concocted by any legislature.

If you take the time to read the entire context of the syllabus and understand the history of the case, there can be only one conclusion.

The issue of division is not clear cut as one might think. The argument was bound to find its way up to the highest court in the land.

The reason the legislation is so divisive is this; they are debating emotions. Feelings are not substantive and cannot be legislated. We have them; they are part of what makes us ‘mankind.’

If the case were debated on facts alone, I think it would have never made it to the supreme court. The reality might be, do I have a right to kill my errant child at 2 years old? Most of America, not all, mind you, would say hell no.

The pivotal argument then becomes, when is it a human life?

To wrap abortion under the cloak of a woman’s health obfuscates the true meaning of the rule. We could argue that my errant child is driving me crazy; hence, it is a woman’s health. I should be allowed to take them out since I brought them into the world.

There are those that ‘feel’ that way and have killed their progeny for reasons that only they understand.

Regardless of your side, here is a challenge for you.

In the comments below, tell us which side you favor and then argue the other person’s side. I doubt many will do it, and here is why. We are married to how we feel. We can’t set aside our feelings for logic.

The problem with this inability is, as a Juror, you are manipulated by that inability to just look at the facts. Lawyers are actors in the truest sense of the word. They should have award shows just like those on the silver screen. To win a case, they must hook your emotions which will overpower your ability to disassociate facts from fiction.

If you follow any high-profile case, you will see them in action. Kyle Rittenhouse is the perfect example of emotions on trial. The jury found him innocent, but the public held him in contempt, and even though he was found innocent, his life would never be the same. The prosecuting lawyer was horrible, but the media had him convicted before it went to trial. They did the same thing to Nicholas Sandman. When you hear that the media is the enemy of the people, they are not wrong. What they do, they do for ratings that equal money.

While we could debate many facets of Roe vs. Wade, the decisions in 1973 and 2022, let’s focus on the issue.

  • Pro-life or pro-abortion?
  • Which way do you lean and why?
  • Now, argue the other side. Use the same amount of energy that you used to come up with the way that you lean to make the argument why you are wrong.

Those of you who are so dogmatic that you cannot conceive that the other side is right are the people who need to dig a little deeper.

I believe that if more of us were not so inflexible in our views, we would be a much better country. Critical thinking is a lost art. We are too willing to call the other person out on how we feel. That, my friends, makes us easy targets for those who need us divided. If you split up the herd, we are easier to manipulate.

That is why the racist card is played so much in the media. That is also why they are working hard to call conservatives a cult, following a crazy man. I would make a wager that whoever decided to re-visit Roe Vs. Wade during the midterms did so to give the Democrats fodder to paint conservatives in a bad light. The timing is just too coincidental.

The DC establishment is deathly afraid of Trump. They have enjoyed a lifetime of raping and pillaging your tax dollars, and they don’t want that to end. There should be term limits in our government at all levels.

Want more proof? Look at the billions of dollars headed to Ukraine. I will be shocked if that isn’t a money laundering scheme of gigantic proportions.

If you want another conspiracy to think about, I believe that our own government killed JFK. Why? He was a populist like Trump. He believed that the government was there to serve the people… Silly man. He might have been the original MAGA.

I will end with an observation you should take to heart. I can go to a game, a public event, or even the shopping mall and have lovely conversations with almost anyone I meet. Their color, background, religion, etc., makes no difference. I constantly engage in conversation with people I fundamentally disagree with because I want to understand why they ‘feel’ the way they do. I would bet that you can and do as well.

I do this because what if I am wrong?

That is the purpose of this exercise. Set your feelings aside and see the facts as they are. What if you are wrong?


If you have not yet read Forensic Assassin, it is still on KDP.

Two alien races end up on the earth, BC. One race hunts the other to have total control over this new world. Melding with the humans, history is augmented by each faction, one for good and one for conquering the world.

Our heroin has powers that she grows into as the plot unwinds in modern times.

If you like the story, please review it for me. As an author, reviews go a long way.

Much Love -TW


Gates of Hell

Is Biden working for Satan?

Long but worth the read.

If I weren’t paying so much for everything, thanks to the policies of this administration, I might find this laughable.

After Biden’s election two years ago, I was in denial. After his basement campaign, he promised to do away with fossil fuel and embrace the green new deal; I knew that would be a disaster for the economy. In case you didn’t know, the world’s economy is tied together. 40% of the world’s economy is based on the greenback (us currency.)

I have no doubt that we are headed for a recession.

History is replete with these same stupid policies. They will push this country and others into economic disaster. You cannot spend your way out of debt.

Imagine, if you will, you have several credit cards. Your burn rate (the amount you spend each month) is higher than your family income. So, you pay a bill with a credit card, thinking you will pay it off next month. With the rent paid, you go back to your regular routine.

The following month you have even less available cash. You continue to pay one credit card with another. Bankruptcy used to be simple and a way out. Not today. The rules were changed to protect the fat cat bankers.

Some predators love people like credit card people. 24% interests, pfft try 471% APR. Payday loans are some of the most egregious lending practices around. Yet, congress turns the other way while they accept donation cash to do so.

Check cashing places take advantage of the folks who can least afford it. The truth is, many families could not scrape together $500 cash if they had to. If the refrigerator conks out, they end up charging it, obtaining one from a rent-to-own-store, or using a loan shark.

Crime is up because people are desperate. What would you do to feed your family if you were out of options?

White-collar crime is also up. Hard times breed opportunities for nefarious or unscrupulous people like most used car salesmen.  

I digress just a moment to talk about Biden’s speech. Is it just me, or did that look like Satan standing before a crowd with the red background and his two minions standing behind him? If I were to go to the other place instead of heaven, that is precisely what I would think it might look like. I think it was intentional. The question is, why?

I don’t mean to demean the president’s office or those marines behind him. I think the optics were horrible. Colors are symbolic and physiological. Red is undoubtedly one of the stronger colors representing danger, anger, or seduction. Red can evoke violence. That was planned but for what purpose?

While his speech was billed as non-political and taxpayer-funded, it was anything but non-political. If there were full-size flags for sale that said MAGA, they would sell to 74 million.

You don’t have to trespass on government property to make a statement.

There is a phenomenon of mass psychosis that predates the Roman Empire. Focus the people’s attention on something small and convince them through rhetoric and propaganda that what they think they know to be accurate is false.

The early Church did this with those who practiced Pegan ideologies. The early Church was also the school, the way to heaven, and the government. Failure to comply would get you tortured or killed, all in the name of God.

An independent government was a threat to the Church, the total power of the Church.

It was illegal to own a bible. When Martin Luther thought for himself, he realized that the Church was in error. Those were dangerous thoughts back in the day.

Religion is a threat to ‘democracy.’

Trump derangement syndrome is nothing more than a complicit media spreading propaganda, hoping it will stick. The ruling class in the US and I would bet other countries believe with all their hearts that you are too stupid to think for yourselves.

If you look at some of the tick-tock videos, one might conclude they are right. There is a ‘hold my beer and watch this’ element in our society. They, however, do not represent the whole of humanity.

Hillary Clinton is on record telling a reporter why she is a Democrat. “Democrats are stupid and easy to fool.”

With Covid as an invisible threat, there was a blatant attack on religion. Under the guise of public health, even outdoor gatherings where the congregates stayed in their cars were banned.

Picture this setting. A drive-in movie, but during the daytime. The congregates park where you can see an outdoor screen and tune your radio to a prescribed frequency. From there, you listen to the sermon and go home. The police were called to break up this threat to the world’s health even though everyone was in their cars.

What is next, not allowing evangelist air time?

During the covid conspiracy, religion was under attack. Religion is an ideology that contradicts the control of the government.

“Then there are those people that cling to their god and their guns!” -Obama

The government feels they need to be the leading authority, the loudest voice on matters where revenue from your paycheck is concerned. Other than your tax dollars, they need your vote. If they manage to make our country a one-party system, your voice will not be nearly as important. They will all be wolves dressed as sheep, making no difference.

Today, many on both sides are already wolves dressed as sheep. It is incumbent on the voter to research who they are voting for. One way to do this is through the Church.

Here is the rub; the politicians know this. They wrote the tax code so the clergy could not proffer an opinion regarding politics from the pulpit. That is a clear violation of the 1rst amendment, but large congregations could sway elections, and they know this. In truth, and I hate to admit this, TV evangelists could probably be bribed to enforce the narrative of whatever party is in charge. Greed corrupts. We have seen it all too often.

NPR is publicly funded, yet they lean far to the left. Who are they taking their orders from?

While Stalin would have had a much easier time killing his people with the mainstream media parroting his verbiage, he still managed by using the written word as his sharpest weapon.

Animals, including mankind, fall prey to mass hypnosis. A percentage of the population is led to believe that the sky is falling, and soon, they spread the lie. Calling out anyone who does not spew the same garbage like #climatechange, those that don’t buy the lie just stay quiet to avoid harassment from the mob.

BLM destroyed cities, killed people, and was responsible for the deaths of others, including police officers. Our very own VP sent money to bail them out of jail. One of the people that she bailed out was a career criminal. He committed murder after his release. If I were that person’s family, I would sue her and the organization that sponsored the bail.

Mob rule cannot stand.

We cannot afford to stay silent.

The Minority of the un-brainwashed need to speak up.

When a hypnotist has you believe that you are a chicken, someone in the room needs to quack like a duck and break the spell.

The mob is wrong, dead wrong. If they don’t wake up soon, they will destroy themselves.

The president’s speech was derisive and meant to further divide this country. The MSM felt like it was a wartime speech. They were right. Who is this administration at war with? Half the country.

I will not sit here and tell you that Trump is the answer. He is too bombastic for many, and he doesn’t really think before he speaks. Every word or utterance must be carefully crafted from the president’s mouth. He can be honest and still be him.

He resonates with many because his genuine affection for the country and the American people is true. He truly feels that way, which is Trump’s real secret.

What are the issues that Americans care about?

The economy is by far at the top of most people’s minds. People are looking for ways to feed their families for less money. Bloomberg, who is totally out of touch with reality, told people that rice and beans have as much protein as meat, eat that and quit complaining. Too bad farts are not a renewable source of energy.

The billionaires of the world are the ruling class. As a writer, I would wager some groups tell the different world leaders what to do and when to do it. Who are they?

I wrote a book called Presidential Assassins, which is on Amazon. Truthfully the material I wrote is a fantasy made up late at night. Today there is so much crazy going on; the script writes itself.

I also wrote a book called Forensic Assassin. That one is on KDP. Check them out, and if you like them, give me some feedback.

Much Love -TW


Tesla Loan Forgiveness

Firstly, you have little control over what the government does with your tax dollars after they rob you of them. Democrats tend to tax and spend more than Republicans, which is why most people vote conservative folks into office.

VOTE is all the control you have. You can protest peacefully provided you get a protest permit to gather etc.

I worked my way through school and paid for it as I went.

When the government decided to back the loans for college, colleges took advantage of that, raising the tuition cost. Many ivy league schools have huge surpluses thanks to government intervention.

Anything the government touches appears to turn to shit. You need to look no further than the DMV or attempt to speak with a knowledgeable person at the IRS.

Loan forgiveness is not what it sounds like. The debt is still there; it is transferred to the taxpayers who may or may not have even gone to college.

There are many on social media gleefully boasting of voting for Biden on the promise he would forgive student debt. AOC is running in the same lane. She wants it to go even further. It is too bad that she is that clueless about economics.

What emotional trigger words can we use to sway voters?

Election season is always messy and ugly and sours the whole voting process. Everyone is a skunk. So, we hold our breath and vote for the skunk that is the least stinky. Does that sound like you?

I don’t listen to their words so much as look at what they have done in the past.

In keeping with #climatechange, California and Virginia will ban the sale of gasoline-powered cars. California certainly does not have the power grid for that endeavor, but the sound bite will resonate with the climate change people.

I don’t think it wise to only have an electric car. As your daily driver, it might make sense to purchase one, but which one is the question?

If, for instance, you are in Florida or near the Gulf of Mexico, a storm is headed your way. Evacuation routes are packed with people attempting to escape harm’s way. I can envision traffic stalled because EVs ran out of electricity, and the charging stations were underwater. How many lives do you think it will cost?

Imagine 100 miles of cars, trucks, and so on stuck because they ran out of electricity. We have seen this during white-out snow storms, but now you have the EV to consider. How does super cold or super hot weather affect the battery life?

FEMA will plead ignorance, telling the president, who could have predicted that?

I think a long-range gasoline car, probably a truck or large SUV, should be in the garage of those who might need to evacuate.

If it were me, I would have a motor home filled with diesel and ready with the ability to tow the Tesla.

That was a joke when the government passed this last bill to reduce inflation. The bill will most certainly drive the US economy into recession.

Here is the plan. Late in 2023, go out and purchase a top-of-the-line Tesla. Much like that college degree in feminine studies you paid a quarter million for, you might as well buy the most expensive model Tesla on the market.

You are saving the earth, after all.

If enough people do this and figure out that they cannot afford a $4,000 a month car payment, they would be loud, and it would be an issue. Then we could get the candidates to incorporate a Tesla loan forgiveness for those of us who did our best to help solve climate change. The sky is falling mantra was why we did it. Could it be that we need to breathe fresh air into the science behind climate change?

In all my years, I would never consider borrowing money that I could not pay back in a timely fashion. I am self-made. I didn’t need a degree in accounting to know how to manage money.

The government is piss poor at managing the budget. Buying votes appears to be the goal, and it might work.

Currently, we have a used car shortage. Could the cash for clunkers program under Obama have contributed to this scenario?

One other thing about EVs

I have found that older electronic equipment is a bad investment. If something goes haywire while attempting to repair it, you might find that those special chips are no longer available.

EVs are rife with special chips or proprietary devices. How long will Tesla or other manufacturers keep parts on the shelf?

I think the KISS method should be employed when building cars. Keep it Simple Stupid.

A hundred grand for a car that might not even last ten years is a lot of money.



Slave Mind

Since when do we ban people for an opinion?

I watched an interview with a fellow by the name of Andrew Tate. I had never heard of him until that interview.

His feud with social media intrigues me. His story at face value makes social media companies appear the bad guys on steroids. I won’t debate the points as I have no first-hand knowledge.  

What impressed me with this man is he is incredibly articulate and well-spoken. In my opinion, he is almost certainly a narcissist. That last statement I can only surmise from his interview. I would love to be proven wrong on that point.

Setting his faults aside, he used the term ‘Slave Mind.’

His terminology strikes a chord with me. Many of my conversations with folks I disagree with are of that slave mind mentality. The last thing they hear on TV is what they believe and espouse to their friends in person and on social media.

An opinion piece written for clicks will get their attention, and they skip over the part that is someone’s opinion garnered through the lens of bias.

He didn’t use critical thinking in his interview, but that is what he meant when he said ‘People don’t look into the mirror and admit they were tricked.’

In many of my writings, I encourage mirror time. Be willing to admit you made a mistake and then go about learning from it, and making it right if that is appropriate.

I would encourage you to look him up on Rumble. https://rumble.com/c/TateSpeech

The tech giants have attempted to silence him.

In the US, we still have free speech. Until the voters totally obfuscate their sanity for the promise of money or safety, he, like you and I have the right to be heard.

Early in the history of the US, there were slaves. Those slaves were kept on the plantation by different methods. One important strategy was to keep them ignorant. It was illegal to teach them to read.

We still do that today but not by the color of their skin. The poor are kept poor, and the very rich keep them poor. A different version of the golden rule applies. ‘Those who have the gold make the rules.’ How, you might ask? Through complicit media disguised as news or public radio.

There are two sets of rules. Unless you have the gold, you are a plebian and treated as such.

Andrew’s argument seems to be that masculinity is under attack. If you dare to be manly, you will be labeled a misogynist. Men don’t like labels and seem afraid of confrontations with feminists.

The takeaway from his thought process is this. Surround yourself with successful people. He, unfortunately, worded it poorly, which offended the feminists.

Paraphrased ‘Don’t hang around with low-class people. Men who do drugs and play video games are not the kind you should associate with. The same is true of women. If they are low class, distance yourself from them.’

Low class does not mean poor; it means questionable turpitude.

He said it badly and was banned from all social media. Again, we have free speech. I think the ACLU would be hopping up and down to correct this.

You live and die by the sword or, in this case, the written word. In his interview, he said he used some locker room speak in his jokes.

While nobody is perfect, I remember the locker room speak from Trump that was the shot heard around the world.

If you are an influencer which he is, jokes are something you should weigh carefully. His point was well taken regarding video enthusiasts trying to get their fifteen minutes of fame by distorting what he said.

Dissecting videos to prevaricate the truth is commonplace. You clicked, so it worked.

He mentioned that kids need someone to look up to, a superhero. He purports to be that superhero. (Hence the narcissism comment earlier.)

Mother used to say, if you lay down with the dogs, you will wake up with the fleas. That is really all he said, which offended some dogs.

Tilting at windmills is a fool’s errand. Some folks are just too stupid to come out of the rain. Cudos to the ones that do.


#AndrewTate #TopG #tate #motivation #freetopg #censored #viral #like #follow #share #money #morpheus #matrix @authorTWScott


At Ease Disease, there is a Fungus Among Us.

Perhaps Skinny dipping on an alien world was not their best idea.

Years ago, I wrote a book called The Saga of the Starduster. I don’t want to give too much away as it is one of my best sellers.

While a refresh of the book would probably be a good idea, the story works, and it is on point.

Aliens use modified viruses to cure cancer. Much like the mRNA vaccine was designed to find and kill cancer cells, they used a virus.

You all know that fiction writers like myself often create science facts. We think outside the box.

Last year I lost eleven friends to cancer. To me, that was an astounding number. I have lost ten to cancer this year, and it is only August.

When I speak with friends and family, I am told that their congregates are dropping like flies, usually because of cancer.

I know many people, but these numbers are out of this world. Why? How is this happening?

If you were creating the ultimate doomsday device, it would be a virus that attacks certain DNA types. Maybe you would make a virus that went after the LGBTQ crowd if you were just evil. If you were a racist, you might create a virus that attacked people with a different skin color than yours.

In the world of the doomsday clock, which many young people know nothing about, we were worried about nukes. If one idiot touches off a nuke, every country that has invested its fortunes in nukes will want to get into the game. Since the US has been set apart as evil, those nukes would be inbound worldwide. We are not evil, we still have the best country around, and people want to come here.

Some people think you can have winners and losers with nukes. Yes, they are that damned stupid.

You would have to be willfully blind to believe that the Corona Virus as we know it was not created by man. Yes, some coronaviruses are not that sophisticated in nature, but nothing compares to one like this.

Why create a virus instead of nukes?

Biological warfare leaves the infrastructure intact. It leaves the roads, bridges, buildings, and so forth, so an invasionary force will have no problems taking over when the current residents are gone.

I am not a doctor, and I don’t play one on TV. I think I understand our current situation today, and I want to share them with you. Comment if you like, and share if you think I am correct.

Firstly, I think the vaccine hurts more people than we know. Perfectly healthy people suddenly have heart issues (like myself) and other problems with specific organs, including male and female fertility issues.

My guess is this. When we are born, our immune system, such as it is, comes from our mother. We venture out into the world and expose ourselves to diseases, bacteria, etc. If you catch the flu, your immune system goes to work creating antibodies to fight off the flu virus.

They found antibodies in an older lady for the 1918 Spanish flu. Think about that. She was exposed and survived; many years later, she was still protected if it ever appeared.

We all have cells that are not perfect. We might think of them as cancer cells. Your immune system goes about looking for them and destroying them. If you become overwhelmed with them, we see cancer rear its ugly head; well, you know the rest.

What happens when you take the vaccine for covid? What happens if you take the second shot, the third, or even the fourth or fifth?

Other than big pharma getting rich, what about you, your body?

If you imagine a snow globe and the snow as cancer cells, I think the vaccine is like shaking the hell out of the globe and spreading the cancer cells that were dormant or in remission back to life.

The vaccine possibly focuses our immune system so intently on covid that it allows all the other diseases and such to do what they do best.

I don’t think it is a coincidence that I have lost many folks to cancer in the last two years. I don’t believe that we have seen the last of this. I fear that other scientists are in other countries attempting gain of function research on even more deadly viruses.

Monkeypox is not new, but suddenly, it is in the news more than Trump.

Who funds these labs, and what madman thinks financing them is a good idea? Why invent yet another type of doomsday scenario? What fool would use it and why?

No, I don’t think that Ebola or Aids or many of the viruses that attack folks are made in nature. When the covid 19 virus, a second strain would attack cells and switch off the cell’s ability to call for help; that is genius. Only the Minions could appreciate the madness of it all.

When much of the media is owned by just a few companies, you cannot trust what you read, hear, or see on TV. You must examine the facts for yourself.

The book I wrote is a page-turner. The Saga of the Starduster takes you on one of your fantasies to go back in time knowing what you know now. You get a do-over but with aliens. Think about it.

I love feedback. If you like the book, please leave me a review.



Not my Monkeys, not my Circus

Is it time for a sequel?

What Should I know about you as an Author?

Firstly, your personal likes and dislikes are your business, not mine.

A young author I follow doesn’t hesitate to share her opinions on social media. In her latest rant, she defends the government spending billions on 87k more IRS agents. Her argument is that they need the money to automate the IRS.

They are hiring 87 thousand more IRS agents trained to use guns and be prepared to shoot citizens. They are trained to do the dirty work. If there is an uprising, they will be on the front lines.

That’s not automation; that’s an army paid for by your tax dollars to go after the middle class who cannot afford expensive CPAs and Tax specialists.

Her rant is not formulated around the facts. Her rant is a concoction of half-truths created to sell the plan to the American people. (the check is in the mail…)

Your predilection regarding political affiliations is, again, your business. Again, how you feel about court rulings and specific candidates is your business, not mine.

  • What genre do you write?
  • Have you won any awards?
  • What other books come close to your style?

You often see tweets or rants from authors who have no problem telling you that you should feel the way they do. I am reminded of schoolyard bullies poking each other in the chest while saying stupid shit like, ’it takes one to know one.’

Here is my free advice. Before you post a rant, challenge yourself to take the other side and do your best to defend it.

If you consider that the media’s job is no longer to inform but to drive ratings or clicks, you will quickly see that they use emotional triggers to accomplish that goal. Journalism is dead. Stories must drive ratings even if they are fake news.

Money is the driving force. We will miss the larger picture if we are at each other’s throats over men in girl’s showers. The political class is raping the country, selling it bits and pieces at a time to the highest bidder.

If a story about men in the girl’s locker room is broadcast, men with daughters will go ape shit. You don’t mess with daddy’s girl. The distraction will take several news cycles, and politicians will have buried the proverbial body by the time the dust settles.

Most of the things people will burn a city down for are fake news ginned up by the media for ratings. Ratings equal advertising dollars. I worked in the industry for years; trust me on this one grasshopper.

A perfect example of this is the current war. The Russians have the same DNA as the Ukrainians. They are most likely related in many ways. Now, you have some megalomaniac shell a girl’s dormitory, and you no longer have logical thinking humankind on the battlefield. What you have created is chaos on a massive scale, with each side only ‘feeling’ hate for the other. The rage over war atrocities will drive the very worst in mankind to sideline their humanity over their animalistic tendencies toward violence. Putin and other world leaders know this and use it.

We are so desensitized to man’s inhumanity that they just possibly should torture puppies. I would bet that act would cause kids to pick up arms and fight to the death.

This is how our media controls you. “Democrats are for killing babies! Republicans want to keep all women in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant!”

Neither is true, but if you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it. If they buy the lie, they will vote to put the devil in office, even if he promises to kill you. Yes, hate is much stronger than logic. The media has been successful in destroying Trump. If Biden or Trump were to tour the country handing out $100 bills to people for their vote, how many would not take the money? How many would take the money and lie to them and vote for the other guy anyway?

Ruminate on that last paragraph for a while. How many do you think will look in the mirror and question what kind of person they are? How many would care?

Politicians want to keep their power, which makes no difference if they are an R or a D.  

If you, as an author, take a side, you chance losing half your potential audience.

That, my friends, is why I suggest before you get worked up about an issue, dig deep and make an honest effort to argue the other side.

If you are forced to argue for something you oppose, you must learn the other side. Once open to the idea that you could be mistaken or your previous arguments came from a news report and not from facts, you will see how we can be divided as a people.

A substantial glaring example is race. I know well over 600 people, personally, as in I have shaken their hands, had dinner with them, etc. Out of all those folks, I know nobody who judges people by their skin color.

We are simply not a racist country. Yes, there are knuckle-dragging inbred monsters out there, but they are in the minority of mankind.

Those who willingly use the R-word are probably the ones who should look into the mirror.

Riddle me this… What would the world be like if we just shut off the cable news, the TV news, and so on? What if there were only news feeds that were not designed to trigger people?

‘Arizona is going to be wet for a few days. Heavy rainfall expected.’

What if opinion programs designed to stir up your emotions were canceled?

What if calling someone a racist was tantamount to screaming fire in a theatre?

As a writer, it is easy to write dystopian novels. Why? We are living in one right now. It’s all about money and power. Those at that level only care about their portfolio, not you or me.

My latest novel is on hold because today’s events interfere with my natural writing style. Yes, you can isolate yourself, but eventually, you will be exposed to the stupidness in the world. That ignorance will drive you to blog about it rather than write your novel.

The last advice I would offer aspiring writers or even established authors is this, get rid of the distractions. Take the smart speaker off your desk. Leave your phone in another room.

Think back to how some of the authors of years ago might have accomplished their novels. One author had a shack in the woods. I was thinking about creating a giant tree house with a ladder that I could pull up to stop all intruders.

In truth, I am considering building a cabin on some property I have that is relatively remote. Cell phone coverage is spotty, so that would do away with intrusions by smart speakers, spam calls, and of course, those attempting to sell me an extended warranty.

Now, what do you know about me?

  • I am dedicated to the craft of writing.
  • I go out of my way to assist other writers or authors.
  • I stay informed, I vote, and then I let it go.
  • I do not form opinions by what I hear or see from the media.
  • I do my own fact-checking. Most online fact-checkers are an opinion of biased individuals.
  • Where politicians are concerned, I never vote straight ticket.
  • My personal feelings about someone do not predicate how I will vote; their actions do. What are their policies? How do they see Americans vs. the rest of the world?

We all have biases. Once you accept that truth, you can begin to see why the ‘other side feels the way they do. How they think does not make them right or wrong, it is just how they feel.

There is no such thing as your or my truth; there is only ‘the truth.’ Some will go to war over nothing more than a half-truth or how they feel.

If you choose to pontificate on social media, be ready to fight with those that follow you and be prepared to lose potential customers. Arguing with idiots is a waste of time.

There was a meme with some milk advertisement regarding the names of the cows from which the milk came. Some fuck wit posted the following. “I couldn’t help but notice that all those names are girls’ names. Misogyny is alive and well at this company.”

Since I don’t argue with unwise people, why should I spend my time attempting to tell her that milking a bull might get you a BFF? It is almost as if people are looking for a fight.

I often feel like starting a group on social media… “What offended you today?” the world is changing and not for the better.

A man attacked a lady in plain sight of several people. Instead of stopping the attack, the bystanders pulled out their phones and attempted to capture the whole fight on video. Once the video is captured, the first to upload it wins. Is that the game? Is that the brave new world we are living in?

Think before you speak. Read history before you espouse your feelings. If you take the time to attempt to argue their point, that puts you way ahead of the rest. Distinguish the facts from more than the TV or Radio. Knowing the difference between a cow and a bull is also good.

As always, Happy writing!



Saving your Retirement Dollars

Will your retirement strategy work?

If your email is like mine, you are inundated with scary emails about Biden stealing your 401s.

Again, if you are like me, you skip over them as they are nothing more than clickbait to sell you some service.

There is a reality to the grim state of our country and the economy. Left unchecked, many will lose their retirement dollars and sadly will depend on social security as their only source of income.

With retirement age not too far in the future, we see that with the current prices of everything, even sitting at home will be costly.

You might be tempted to blame Putin for the state of the world, but not so fast. Energy costs were already skyrocketing before February 24th. Just like Under Obama, energy costs were much higher; however, we have reached new highs.

The world economy revolves around energy. That is why China and India still build and maintain coal-fired power plants. Sure, they are dirty and pollute and might even be the cause of climate change, but…They don’t have anyone screaming at them about the environment.

That dirty air does not just hover over the place it was created. No…it travels on the Jetstream just like the dust from the Sahara Desert pollutes our air in Texas and elsewhere.

Removing inexpensive energy availability from a country forces large companies to take their business to countries where dirty air is not a problem. They also search for cheap labor (slave labor), and we look the other way. 

Addicted to our tablets and phones, we ignore that SLAVES made them.

What about your retirement?

You don’t care about where the technology comes from as long as it works and entertains. You might care about the price of gas as it takes three times the amount of money that it did just two years ago to fill up your tank. Many are still Ridin with Biden, even though inflation is clearly his doings. The cost of goods and services are also much higher because energy costs are much higher.

He campaigned on killing fossil fuels, and he is doing it. Damned, the torpedoes.

You might have noticed that your mailbox has new credit card applications in it on a weekly basis, if not daily. Get this phenomenal rate of 17.9% on credit card rollovers vs. the 24% you have currently.

Why do you suppose these great offers are hitting your mailbox now?

As the cost of ‘everything’ skyrockets, people still must live. They need to get to work or keep the lights on or food on the table. While many Americans could not come up with $500 cash on a bet, they still must have the means to survive.

The money predators are there to assist you in your time of need. From Pay Day loans for those without much credit to introductory offers to those with credit, they are there.

The first time you revolve credit from purchasing gas, you are sinking fast into the abyss of debt that you might never get out of.

The cost of that gallon of gas will increase exponentially as you continue to revolve dept.

Along comes the cheaper credit card, and you see relief. No, it’s just a slower death.

What are your options?

The cheapest option is to rob your savings account. The kids don’t need to go to college. Trade school still works, and we need plumbers, electricians, and so on. You don’t really need that dream vacation that you have saved for since your wedding…do you?

At .05 % interest on your savings, it is truly the cheapest money you have access to.

Your burn rate or how quickly you run through your paycheck before the next one comes in will assist you in determining what expenses you can cut.

Do you need Netflix or Cable? Do you really need to run the air? Your ancestors didn’t have such things; do you really need it?

How warm can you stand to have your home before you are just miserable?

Do you really need to take that trip to grandmother’s house, or can she use zoom or face time?

Eventually, if things don’t change, your burn rate will exceed what you make.

Is a second job necessary? What will the long-term costs be to your children who are forced to be raised by the internet, TV, or the other kids whose parents are working two jobs? Will your child grow up to be the next mass shooter? It did look like fun in the video game.

With the rent or mortgage increases thanks to higher taxes, your retirement nest egg, that 401, looks rather attractive.

Sure, you can pay off the credit card bills, but if you don’t change the calculus on your burn rate, again, you are prolonging the result.

Borrowing from your 401 is horribly expensive money but not as bad as credit card interests.

Those of us close to retirement might use our homes as a way out of debt, opting for less expensive places to live, like a mobile home. They are horribly energy inefficient and not what I would call an attractive place to retire. They are, however, an option.

Is Biden coming after your retirement?

No, but the feds know that curbing inflation is going to require dollars that are not printed, flowing back into the ‘system.’ Where are those dollars? Yep, your savings and 401 and every other bit of capital that you have saved, including that in your home.

They are not forcing you to take those measures, unlike other governments might, but they are limiting your options.

The good news is, if they push too hard, they will kill the golden egg-laying goose. The Feds have an idea of just how hard they can push by how much money is still tied up in 401s.

“Good News?”

Yes, they don’t want to totally kill the American way of life, just cripple it enough so you and everyone else will become more dependent on government handouts. The way of life the Boomers grew up with will be gone, just like those who survived the atomic age.

Their end goal is socialism in a much larger format than what we have now. Make no mistake, we are a socialist country. If you can afford it, you pay for those who cannot. Park outside a WIC office on a Friday. Those with new cars parked far away from the front of the building. Those mothers with Boyfriends, yeah, they stay in the car.

It’s not just WIC; it’s the healthcare industry along with every government handout program. Your tax dollars fund each and every person crossing the border illegally. They get a swag bag with a smartphone, tickets to the city of their choice, and god knows what else. I wonder if they get an autographed picture of the president?

Where is my free phone or free stuff? If I sneak into Mexico and then cross back into the US and claim I am from Brazil fleeing oppression, will I get free stuff?

If you want to save your retirement dollars, cut your burn rate now before you must. When Time Warner and Netflix, and others scream at the government, they will back off. Stop spending money that you don’t have to spend.

We are in a war, and money talks.



Wasting away from Covid

Eating a hamburger was a milestone!

Firstly, you all know me as an author, not a doctor. I don’t even play one on TV, although I could.

I will not delve into conspiratorial territory where covid is concerned.

Since I picked up the dreaded infection in the hospital, I suffered the usual complaints of no sense of smell or taste. There were other abnormalities that went along with these symptoms too, but weight loss triggered many other concerns, which meant more doctors.

Un-explained and rather rapid weight loss usually gets most doctors sending you to an oncologist. In my case, they sent me to a GI doctor who ran multiple tests before sending me to a hepatologist. (liver doctor)

Without thinking about what she was saying or how it might affect me, she said the cause was most probably liver cancer. We needed to find out what kind so we could see if it is treatable.

The last few months of 2021, I spent getting my affairs in order. The weight melted off, and I began to resemble a holocaust survivor. I am certain depression played a role in my weight loss too.

Having spent the last part of 2021 and the first part of 2022 taking different tests to determine the cause of the weight loss, they determined it was not cancer. This was the last week of April 2022.

The ‘doctor’ who had been tossing around the C-word turned out to be a PA. She held herself out as a doctor and introduced herself as a doctor but indeed was a PA with two years of training working in the office of a specialist. When I inquired what the doctor thought about what we were doing, her response was… “He hadn’t had time to look at your case.”

How can a specialist who has a PA doing his work for him allow a PA to toss out the C-word without knowing for certain what the diagnosis is? How can a specialist in all good conscious not supervise his PA? After six months of being their patient, how the hell could he just ignore what she was doing? How many other patients of his is she misdiagnosing or just scaring the shit out of them?

That is my rant about the state of our medical care today. I just wonder how they coded the bill to the insurance company. Was it from a specialist or a PA?

The problem I have stems from Covid long. There are no experts on Covid, and truthfully if someone said they were, I wouldn’t believe them. I do believe Covid was invented, and I don’t believe the vaccine was or is ready for prime time, nor should it be a once size fits all solution. That is my opinion.

Most of the symptoms you read about regarding Covid long, I manifested over the course of the last 12 months.

With unexplained weight loss still an issue, I was about to seek some medical purpose Pot as a possible remedy to see if I could get my appetite back. Thankfully and truthfully, I didn’t have to go that far. Before my discovery, I doubt I was getting 1000 calories a day. The labs show that I was malnourished.

I mention that because I think it is relevant to the conversation on how this ‘medication’ might be working.

Truly, my heart goes out to people who suffer from anorexia. If you have ever wanted to puke thinking about eating, that is what it is like and what I lived.

Telling someone to ‘just eat’ is cruel. Imagine you had to eat living grub worms to stay alive… That is what it was like for me.

My life was waning; I forced myself to eat things that made me gag. It was that or die.

I read a story written by a young lady who was dying of cancer. She talked about watching her body waste away. I got it.

I swear I don’t get money for this, but I am telling you what I found that is over the counter that turned things around.

Geritol, yep that liquid you might have seen your grandparents take, I take a half-ounce of it every day and most probably will for the rest of my days. Keep it out of the reach of children.

My energy levels have returned, my weight is going back up, and I crave certain foods again. When my neighbor asked me how I was doing, and I bragged about eating an entire hamburger, she had a puzzled look on her face. Friends, that was a huge deal for me and a milestone.

I don’t know how Covid affects the brain, but it does more than just jack with your sense of taste and smell.

As a side note, I told this story to a friend of mine whose daughter is suffering the same fate. She told her doctor what I said, and he laughed at her. “It is just iron and vitamins…”

If that were me, that doctor would be fired on the spot.

For a moment, let’s say it is a placebo effect. The brain can cure you or kill you, all on its own. You have no doubt heard of hypochondriacs. That is the same thing. A person with that affliction will assume they are sick, and they will become sick.

My liver enzymes and other numbers are showing that it is not a placebo effect; however so, that is my story. I am telling you that stuff is working for me. I have turned others on to it, and it is working for them. Just possibly when you starve your body, there is a ‘shutdown’ routine. Again, not a doctor but I suspect that the body burns what stores of energy or fuel you have before it begins to shut down your organs. I would wager that the unexplained weight loss many patients experiences is part of the process of dying.

Geritol is old and has been around for a long time. I could not find it locally at any drug or grocery store. I don’t imagine they sell much of it.

Amazon is the least expensive (and only) place I have found to get it, but your mileage might vary.

Speak with your doctor about it; I did. My liver doctor didn’t laugh a bit. He has patients on transplant lists because of what covid has done to them. He saw the difference in me in just a few weeks.

What would you care to wager that he keeps Geritol in his toolkit?

I am certain the trick is to stay well-nourished. How or why Geritol made this difference is anyone’s guess but, I suspect it had a lot to do with nourishing those organs that control things like appetite.



The Green Dream

Ever ask yourself if what you are hearing is the truth?

As a writer, I must confess that the news of the day has a detrimental effect on the creative process. With the Covid fiasco fading into the sunset, we have another disaster on the horizon. The media teases us with the phrase nuclear war. What would happen if? Could we survive? And the list goes on as to the stupid bullshit they promote for clicks or ratings.

One nuke gets turned loose, and the world as you know it is over. There are so many nukes in the world we could destroy the planet a hundred times over.

Have you ever wondered why people spend so much time and money on inventing better ways to kill each other than to just get along?

Gas prices topping $4 a gallon should be cause for alarm for most people. There is a push by the ‘squad,’ a progressive doltish bunch of politicians, to save the planet by using ‘green energy.’

There is nothing new under the sun, and this is true of this bunch of uninformed individuals who most certainly will be financially rewarded for pushing this agenda.

Here in the US, under the Bush regime, we were forced to give up Freon, a very efficient coolant for something that uses more energy to produce similar results that are much harder on the equipment.

Since it uses much higher pressures to achieve similar BTUs as freon, the equipment wears out faster, and often the coils used for transferring heat develop leaks.

This loss of freon was all predicated on a lie that we were destroying the ozone layer. In truth, the fluorocarbons in freon are much heavier than nitrogen-oxygen, so they don’t make it up high enough in the atmosphere to do any damage to the ozone layer.

I would love to know why other countries are still using freon if this was such a hair-on-fire issue. Do you suppose their leaders could not be purchased as easily as ours?

Then we had the light bulb fiasco. Replacing .25 cent bulbs with $12 bulbs would save the world. Yeah, they failed to mention that those bulbs contained mercury. They cannot simply be tossed into the garbage when they don’t live up to their expected lifetime. In fact, they are much more of a hazard to the environment than plain old incandescent bulbs ever could be. They also have been known to start fires.

Someone got rich from it. Now we have the LED bulb, which could also be a fire hazard. Dissembling failed or dead bulbs from infant mortality have proved shoddy workmanship to be the issue.

There is no secret that lawmakers pick winners and losers. Those who are for sale are the ones that lobbyists make sure to get the money. Special interests groups buy your lawmakers.

Isn’t there a branch of our government that is to look out for the consumer?

Both Russia and Ukraine are pumping tons of disinformation, ‘propaganda’ into society. My personal feelings on the matter are to stay the hell out of it. We don’t know the truth. Some of the videos I have seen look as though they came from a movie. Cell phone video and Hollywood quality video are distinguishable. Some of those videos seem to be cinematographically perfect, i.e., lighting and composition. Question everything.

The nightly news is rife with emotional triggers, but are they real? If you follow social media, you can see what they block, censor, or otherwise removed. From there, you can guess that whatever they don’t want you to see, you probably should see. Our lawmakers need to stop taking money from big tech. Our lawmakers work for us, not them.

If we were to take the world events at face value, it is no secret that the Biden, Bernie Sanders, and the Squad agenda are to have energy costs skyrocket. There are tons of money to be made in going green. This was also the Obama dream to move this country to forms of energy that would take us out of the competitive market for manufacturing or keeping up with other countries that use coal.

The fallacies are plenty, but for time and typing sake, let’s just tackle the EV.

At fifty-six thousand for an EV automobile, the price is way out of the range of most people. Unless you plan on revamping Hitler’s Volkswagen initiative, re-inventing the people’s car with batteries instead of a clunky 60 horse engine, I just don’t see it.

Batteries are the problem with an EV.

The chemicals needed to create batteries are not in the US like they are in China and even the middle east. Batteries have a finite lifetime, and then what do you do with them? Currently, a replacement set of batteries cost between $15K and $26K depending on your car.

When you leave your home with your EV fully charged, it is the equivalent of starting out your day with less than half a tank of gas. That, of course, varies by the age of the batteries and how much of a charge you have on them.

Here is one of many problems that the squad has not entertained.

Let’s say you are in Florida. The weather folks tell you that there is a hurricane headed your way. Like many others, you hop into your EV and head north out of the path of the storm.

Someone or maybe several someone’s stalls because their batteries were not charged or capable of taking a full charge. The main highway out of the affected area is blocked. Soon you too are out of juice because you run your AC while waiting for the traffic jam to clear.

It’s not like you are going to pull into an affected area and hunt for a charging station; the lights are already out due to the storm.

The technology is not ready for prime time, and it is way too expensive. Mayor Pete was a disaster in his hometown and is clueless when it comes to his job in this administration. If he knew anything at all, we would not be in the supply chain mess we are in.

Elon Musk is a visionary, bright person, and I would love to hear his take on what I have laid out.

Currently, we need to turn our oil and gas folks lose to do what they do best. Biden and company forcing our dependence on foreign oil is a disaster in the making.

If Russia is guilty, as the news portrays, then why in God’s name are we giving them $700 million a day for their gas? If what we see on the news is factual, he should be punished for his aggression. I would wager there is much more to it than what we hear on the news.

Biden did this. He is the cause for most of our economic woes. I don’t care how you voted. I would love a few mean tweets right now instead of an inflation rate at over 7.5% and energy prices increasing very quickly.

If Trump was still in office, I don’t think Ukraine would be under assault by Putin. I am certain that the PRK would not be testing missiles and that our inflation rate would not be at 7.5% and climbing.

All these economic woes roost with those who can least afford them, you and I. Large companies are not going to take the hit. They will pass them down to you.

Just possibly, you should turn your backyard into a victory garden.

If that term escapes you, look it up, and while you are there, learn some history. If we would teach history and critical thinking skills, people might just pay attention to how they vote. Your vote matters.



Be Teachable

Only a few more weeks left to get this on Kindle unlimited for Free…

Hello, I was going to wish you all a happy Sunday but, it is already Monday in some places. So, happy day that ends in a Y…

One of the most important lessons I attempt to pass on is this, if something makes you angry, there is a good chance you are being manipulated. Once you are pissed about whatever it is, critical thinking goes out the window.

I told a friend that those who dwell in one sandbox can only see the world through the lenses of that sandbox.

More clearly stated, if your religion believes in certain things and you dismiss all other religions because of what you have been told, your world is skewed.

Some of those beliefs can be rather innocuous. Sprinkle Vs. Dunk is a great example. It is a symbol, period. There are those who are so ensconced in what they have been told that they would consider that a hill to die on. It’s not.

Drifting away from the dogmatic rituals of church aggrandizement, we have the media, which is brainwashing the masses. Much like the church, their brand of propaganda is considerably more vociferous and manifests itself as pure evil with a capital E.

The media that promotes racism is by far an outlet that should be boycotted.

Garbage in equal garbage out. When someone appeals to your emotions to beat you into submission regarding a topic that deserves some critical thinking, they are, in fact, propagandists. I know lots of folks; I also know that none of them are racist.

The bottom line is to humble yourself enough to realize that you don’t know it all. You might be wrong. There is nothing amiss if you are incorrect and take steps to right wrongs. There is, however, plenty to commiserate over if you don’t want to be open to the fact that you might have a skewed opinion on certain subjects.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

Your opinions are not facts. Your feelings are not facts. There is no such thing as ‘your truth or my truth.’

There is only the truth.

Be teachable, admit it when you are wrong, and ask forgiveness if your opinions have injured anyone.

I hope this week brings you joy and happiness. If you are like me, a writer, I hope you get some words on the page.

link to book



Spotify, Cancel Culture, Covid, and the media

Yes, I am still writing, are you?

I used to think that the ACLU was for the people. Today, not so much. Where the hell are they?

Opinions are like assholes; we all, well, most of us have them. Your intelligence to discern fact from fiction is what makes free society work.

Throughout all of mankind, some use emotional triggers to manipulate the herd. Stalin, among others, knew that the written word was much more powerful than many of his weapons. I could name countries today that keep their people captive, stupid, and compliant with pure fabrications.

Dare I say it, the early church used these same tactics to amass fortunes and complete dominance over the masses. We see churches today selling snake oil during people’s misery and sorrow, all for the desire for more money and control.

The church offers death and resurrection. The church offers the hard work of healing and resurrection. The church offers grace. Whatever else some charlatan is preaching is pure snake oil. They want your money, your time, and your obedience. They want your blind faith to believe what they tell you.

If we go back in history just two years, if you think about what has been said about Covid, you can see the progression of lies. Once you take off the media glasses, mega-media giants who control the narrative, you will see the lies.

Just two years ago, the virus started in some wet market and was NOT transmissible from human to human, etc. One must go to that meat market and buy infected meat from some creature that resembles an armadillo with scales. Nothing to see here, nothing to worry about, go about your business.

Never mind that this meat market was just feet from a lab that studied viruses, in particular coronaviruses. Funded in part by your tax dollars through the NIH and Fauci, we were convinced by the media that everything was fine.

The CDC and the WHO praised the Chinese for their handling of the problem and berated Trump for daring to question the WHO and the Chinese.

Biden and Harris both attacked Trump for stopping flights from China, calling him xenophobic.

China stopped all flights from Wuhan to the Chinese mainland but allowed them to go everywhere else in the world.

While we went about celebrating Chinese New Year with our friends over here in the states, Pelosi herself was in China Town with the Chinese calling Trump a bigot. The health commissioner of New York went on TV telling the world to go to China Town and enjoy the festivities. She danced among them for the cameras to prove her point.

In case you forgot, New York was one of the first hot spots.

Distracted from the facts, China secretly purchased all the PPP it could find from around the globe.

The WHO and CDC both continued to spread the narrative that everything was fine and China was the best for taking care of business.

The first case shows up in Washington State. Patient zero.

Trump, not listening to or trusting the WHO at this point, is attacked by the media for stopping flights from infected countries, as Italy falls to the virus. Italy uses lots of Chinese folks in their businesses, and they had just returned from China to resume their work.

Once Pandora’s box was opened, the genie began its magic, and not in a good way.

Realizing by now that the virus was airborne, the CDC was one of many who promoted the lies about masks allowing our front-line workers to find them. Trump used the power of the white house to get PPP made in factories here in the states. Further, he pushed to get ventilators created at factories and plants not designed for this purpose.

From test kits to yes, vaccines, operation warp speed was set into place. All of this was taking place while Pelosi and the entire Democratic cabal set about trying to impeach him on ‘trumped up’ charges regarding Russian interference.

When a vaccine was developed, both Biden and Harris went on the attack telling the world if Trump had anything to do with it, they wouldn’t take it. That vaccine is the same one they are pushing on the world today. I just wonder why there is vaccine hesitancy.

In record time, vaccines were invented. History shows us that this technology has been in the works for years, not for a pandemic but as a cancer treatment to target genetically mutated cells. Moderna and Pfizer both relegated to the annals of clinical trials, peer reviews, and humanized cells from rats as their testbed suddenly had billions of human lab rats.

I would offer that we have no idea how many people are being injured by their vaccines. Hidden from the world to avoid reasons for vaccine hesitancy are the true numbers. What are the numbers of acceptable casualties of such vaccines?

In the cloak of the pandemic, paperwork exempting them from legal issues if anything were to go wrong was created. With the green light to push forward, these two giants in the pharmacy industry jabbed the world at $20 a shot. Your tax dollars funded this.

I suspect that some good will come of this regarding cancer research. Greenlighted to use the world as lab rats, this mRNA technology will undoubtedly make leaps forward in research. I suspect that is also why the J&J vaccine, which is truly a vaccine, is trashed by the media.

With sufficient PPP for our front-line workers available, Fauci and others changed their tune. Now you should wear a mask or face diaper. No, wait, maybe you should wear two or possibly three of them just to be safe.

Once again, the media was put to work spreading the lies, the propaganda, and so on, ginning up fear and, yes, hatred toward groups of people who knew this was bullshit.

If you have your mask on and can smell anything like smoke or perfume, the mask is totally useless. I carry one in case some shit for brains media zombie is on an elevator with me and gives me grief for not having one.

The vitriol on social media reached its height of contempt when those who followed the government guidelines sat in long lines for the first jab to be safe, to go back to normal, to get their lives back. It was all a lie.

One post read, ‘for those of you doing your own research, I hope you get covid and die first so we can reach herd immunity.’  True story. This post was born from fear, anxiety, and simple ignorance.

With herd immunity being the key phrase, it was more like herd stupidity. Social media once again went into the publishing arena, removing any post (like this one) that dared to speak the truth.

I was reminded of the pod people and Donald Southerland, pointing his finger at the one person not taken by the aliens…

News of the truth of the virus leaked and was quickly squashed by the media.   

The bottom line is if you must kill opposing points of view because your facts are so weak, they cannot stand up to scrutiny; nobody should listen to them. We need robust debate so people can decide for themselves which is truth and what is a fabrication.

Truth be told that is the purpose of the media and why we have the 1rst amendment in the first place. Freedom of speech is about objective reporting keeping elite and powerful in check. “What about Hunter’s laptop?”

For giants in the industry to kill OAN, for example, should be a red flag to the rest of the world. Trump is correct; I would boycott ATT, Comcast, and any other entity that silences an opposing viewpoint.  

Some networks are self-disqualifying, and their ratings prove it. You cannot peddle lies into perpetuity with talking heads bought and paid for by special interests groups. People will eventually figure it out.

Those that peddle racism only serve those who are racists and want to have their hate fed. Hate is an insidious emotion that takes zero intelligence to enact. Hate feeds on itself and others who hate for no other reason than it releases chemicals in the brain that are like drugs.

Can you imagine if we created a news network for White supremacists? Just imagine a bunch of talking heads extolling the virtues of the KKK and how there should be fewer black people.

The reverse is already true on MSNBC, and it is allowed. When the census came out a few months ago, it was reported that there were half a million fewer white people. The head racist in charge said, and I quote, ‘Good, we need fewer white people.’

How is it that she is still on the air?

What if Tucker or Hannity or pick a conservative had said that? Even in jest, it is poor taste but, it was not in jest; she meant it. She is feeding hate, and those that watch her are consuming that hate.

There is no room for racism and those who promote it.

When the head bozo in charge of this country stood at his podium and uttered the words that the number one threat to this country was ‘white supremacy,’ I was shocked.

I would think the drug overdoses killing thousands might have been on top of that list, but nope, it is imagined bigotry that just possibly dwells within his addled brain.

Certainly, there are those in the world who feel that their skin color makes them better than others but, it is not who we are as a country, as a people, and certainly not as Americans. She might be that way, and there might be a few who live off the grid who feel that way, but Joe has a history of racism, including eulogizing a former head of the KKK. He is the last person who should be casting stones.

In circling around to where we started, just stop it. If Neil Young feels compelled to remove his music from Spotify, so be it. He is pretty much a horse with no name anyway, so it is not a huge loss.

Even the racist at MSNBC has the right to spew her bilge, and I have the right to offer my opinion.

If this were not America, my criticism of Uncle Joe might land me in prison or under a steam roller. In China, the law is written that you are being quarrelsome or some such shit and arrested.

I think that the US might be the one bastion of ‘true’ free speech left. Do you think it is worth protecting? I am certain it is under attack as we speak. From the mega-media giants to big tech, I feel strongly that your ability to speak your mind is under assault.

You and I might have different points of view but, I will defend your right to express them, will you do the same?

If you have read this far, wow thanks!  I have so many different projects going on that finding time to ‘blog’ is almost a non-starter.

I will be re-releasing Diamond Joe, soon. The entire book has been re-written, edited again, and a new cover is in the works.

If a romance involving two ladies and a story about a racehorse interest you, stay tuned. Keep in mind that there is only about a month left on the free version of Forensic Assassin on Kindle Unlimited.



Another year…PFFFT

When the eyes of a painting follow you, there is a soul locked in place, just behind the pigments. -TW

Many of us are happy that 2021 is behind us. Some are thinking that the pandemic is about to end and life will magically return to normal.

Thanks to men playing God with Genomics RNA, the world has lost over 8 million people and two years’ time, not to mention those whose lives have been altered in ways that their quality of life will never be the same.

Megalomania is nothing new. Throughout history, starting with the early church to Vlad the Impaler, there are those who are that depraved; they feel as if they are God. The media is rife with barking bitches, spewing out lies that they themselves probably believe.

When you tell a lie often enough, eventually, people believe it.   

Too much power in any one person’s or government’s hands is a recipe for disaster of biblical proportions.

Those millions crossing our southern border are fleeing from such places, run by those who only care about their personal wealth and comfort. As long as there are a few slaves left to tend the livestock, fields, and so forth, it is all good.

I dare say their education level is such they will undoubtedly vote the same way they did when their country was destroyed, thus dumbing down the votes of those who are educated.

On a micro-scale, we see a great migration from the Blue States who have run amuck. The middle class is shrinking as they support both the elite class and those who depend on the government for their supper. Those free meals and living expenses are not free; they are provided by the middle class, the same people who you thumb your noses at.

We willingly submit to a taxing authority that is responsible for taking from the wealthy and giving to the uber-rich. The uber-rich, in turn, decide how to spend some of your tax dollars to secure votes in the future so they can stay in power.

That is why the voting rights system is under assault by those same people. When they can figure out how to cheat by enough of a margin, they no longer need to buy votes; it will be more money in their own dynasties.

It amazes me to see them stand at a podium and say with a straight face that which is patently false.

Any ‘universal fee’ is yet another tax on people who can afford a service that seems to be a god-given right to those who don’t want to work or play by the rules. We call that socialism.

If healthcare is a right, then so is the repair of my roof or car. If I don’t want to spend my beer drinking money on shoes for the kids, then vendors should just give my kids shoes, as it is a right.. Pffft!

Socialism works in only two places, Heaven where they don’t need it, and Hell, where they already have it. -R Reagan  

You end up with this mindset by eliminating the lessons learned through history, by removing history from school. If you destroy statues erected as a reminder and burn books that describe in detail the agony people went through, you doom a new generation to repeating the same failures once again.

Did you know it was criminal to teach a slave to read? Why? Why in the world would that be a criminal offense? ‘An ignorant slave is easier to control.’ Today our education system sucks major big time. With this lockdown, it is even worse. An ignorant society is much easier to control and more likely to believe the lies.

I cannot imagine how corrupt a one-world government would be. When you see the corruption in local state governments, and of course those in DC, what would it be like to control the resources of the world?

Can you imagine a Pelosi or Schumer in charge of the world?

Power corrupts; that is a standard you can take to the bank. We worry about companies with too much control of an industry; what about a few people who controlled the entire global economy, not to mention the lives and fortunes of those that make things happen?

Capitalism works because people are not hindered from thinking creatively and trying something new. If you are trained to put widget A on Block B all day, what is the likely hood we will excel as a people on any given front?

BTW, do you think staying stoned makes you more or less likely to be controlled? Critical thinking is doomed with this logic.

The CCP has hopes of being the leader of the world. They are doing their best to strategize on where to put military bases and own certain governments by loaning them massive amounts of money they can never payback.

Communism will need to evolve in order to succeed. Unless shooting those that disagree with you is to be the standard, they would need to be open to ‘creative thinking.’

I don’t see that ever happening, as that would necessitate freedom of speech. That means, dear leaders, one could openly disagree with you and not fear a missile taking out you and your family. It also means we don’t find ourselves making shoes for some tennis shoe company at starvation wages. That would be the widget A on block B analogy for those of you who are not keeping up.

When free speech is under attack, look at who is attacking it. Those are the people who control you. Possibly it is a proxy group like the barking dogs in the media but, look who controls them.

2022 Needs to be better than 2021. Transparency with the truth would be a nice start.

If you think for a second that propaganda is not real, just search who owns the stations you listen to or the paper you read. Search the internet to learn where your source of news is coming from. You would be shocked at how many are owned by China.

When invading a country, you first destroy the methods of disseminating news. Burn the local paper and blow up the transmitting towers, and so on. That was WWII methodology. Today, you just buy them.

Ok, if you have read this far, Wow, you are a trooper!

Keep in mind that I am giving away Forensic Assassin on Kindle Unlimited until the end of February. Go check it out, and if you like it, please leave a review. Thanks

Much Love -TW


2022…And now what?

Ever wonder where some of my material comes from?

Have you ever asked yourself, “why?”

If you are like me, this time of year is depressing. I have put a lot of thought into this conundrum, and I think I know why.

Before I ruminate on this subject or dazzle you with my sheer genius, hit that follow button. Blogs are marketing tools, and I am a writer.

On to the reason for the blues.

Even with a normal Christmas, our lives have been upended for damned near two years. Truly, I get the idea this is all about big pharma getting rich at our expense. Yes, I know too many who have died from this horrible disease. I had it twice. Once when we were being told, it was nothing to worry about. There is nothing to see here; it is not transmissible from human to human, and so on. Yeah, I had it in early 2020.

I have the antibodies, and I am triply jabbed. Oh wait, this vaccine does not protect you from this new variant but get boosted anyway.

I heard them talking about the normal flu shot. It seems they missed it this year but, they still want you to get the flu shot, even though it will not work. “Why?”

When I was young, the only way to get something I really wanted was to wait for a birthday or Christmas. I suspect that is standard for many people. Our behavior becomes the standard for our reward. Do your chores, don’t hit your sister, take out the trash, and so on. We had Santa Jesus, and this generation has that elf on the shelf.

All of us were swallowing these lies completely.

Christmas and my birthday were ruined when I learned how to earn money. While I was never materialistic per, say I became affluent in little time, once I entered the work world. I had skills that were in demand.

When the phrase, I’ll be home for Christmas became germane is when I was spending my life in hotels, airports, and data centers. You haven’t lived until you have sat on the floor at a frozen airport for thirteen hours on Christmas Eve.

There is a price for affluence. The more it grows, the more complex and cumbersome your life becomes. I laugh every time I hear someone use the term white privilege. They have no fucking clue what they are talking about. It is a way to take a jab at a white person by calling them a racist using another term.

The holidays take on a whole new meaning as an adult. You go from “I want, to what can I get for…”

I get asked all the time what I want for Christmas or a birthday. I tell them, hug me like you mean it, and then spend some time with me.

I want to know what is going on in their lives. I truly want to keep that connection alive.

One of my friends gave me a coffee cup that had the first lines from some of the greatest books ever written.

That gift was special. She knows I am addicted to coffee, and, as a writer, I appreciate those types of things.

Speaking of cups, if any of my family or friends are reading this, I would really like a cup that holds at least 16 oz.

Yes, I could fill the cabinet with them but, each cup someone gets for me, I remember who gave it to me, and I think of them while I am sipping on my coffee.

I have some younger friends who have told me that they can hardly wait for Friday or the weekend.

I chuckle as I have been there. Usually, it was after a month of hotels in towns nobody ever visits, chasing a trail from someone who hacked into a mainframe and did a sloppy job of it.

Time is the great equalizer.

There are some horrible people in this world who have made their fortunes fucking everyone around them. Excuse the F-bombs but, they are prudent when talking about people like this.

They, like the rest of us, will die. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but there is no escape from it.

Imagine Jack Palance is sitting in front of you as I type this. He holds up one finger and tells you to just remember this one thing.

You ask him, “great, what is the one thing?”

He tells you that’s what you must figure out. Once you do and hold true to that one thing, nothing else means shit.

The lines and name Jack are from an older movie called City Slickers.

You say TW, what is that one thing?

Can you guess? I have alluded to it throughout this blog post. What is it I asked of people for a gift?


Time is a precious commodity. It is, as Lincoln said, your stock in trade.

When your child or your parent spends time with you, it is precious. When you give of your time, it is also dear and should be appreciated.

I have spent time in ‘retirement homes’ with those who will soon breathe their last breath. Thanks to covid, I can no longer smell urine. There is a bright side to this scourge on humanity. These folks have many tales to tell, and I will make time for them. One of them loved a series of books I wrote. I went back to speak with him about the next one, and he was no more. He died that morning.

Will you be home for Christmas?

Will you be using zoom or some other technology to go over the river and through the woods?

Will you get what you always wanted, or have you matured enough to realize that things are not important? You can buy things. Can you buy love, happiness, hope for the future? Can you purchase the warmth of a hug that comes from the heart?

I am not telling you not to buy something for someone but, make sure what you buy comes from that intimate knowledge that you have of them, much like that coffee cup with the first lines on it. Did she get lucky or, did she give it thought?

What will you do?

Not to belabor the point, but these words to you are a gift from me to you. It takes time to write, edit and post such things, and I do this because I think you are worth it. I value each of you, especially those of you who write blogs and are not just trying to sell stuff.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and or Happy Holidays.

Much Love -TW


New Release… Forensic Assassin

If you write viruses, look over your shoulder. Piss off the wrong person and as the mafia might say, it’s curtains.

New Release

Free for the next three months on Kindle Unlimited

You folks who read my blog get to be the first to pick up my latest novel. If you are a member of Kindle Unlimited you can get it for free.

I am looking for feedback from my readers and a review if you liked it.

Imagine you walk by a painting and the eyes seem to follow you.  Julie, my main character has many secrets to share in this thriller.

Without giving away any of the story, I have written this novel through the eyes of what we call an ‘unreliable narrator.’

I always wanted to give it a go after reading a few novels written in such a way.

Unlike my usual third-person POV, this is first person.

Having said that I am anxious for feedback, a quick comment or two, and truly if you liked please pop in and give it a review.

Why do I say if you liked it?

If you look at the reviews of novels you will find while the majority love it some AH will get on there and say it was the worst thing ever written, or in my case regarding Saga of the Starduster said there was not enough sex.

The feedback I can deal with. If I missed anything it is easy enough to correct.

Here is the link…

Thanks for following and again thanks for reading what I craft.

I have many stories to go back and work on, that will be my next foray into the dark arts of ‘writing.’

Much Love -TW

Forensic Assassin link on Amazon


My thought of the day.

What sane person would think Nukes are a good idea?

How do you know what articles to dismiss as propaganda?

As writers, we know to ‘hook’ a reader by some means in the first thirteen sentences. If not, they set the book down and move on.

Journalists attempt to hook you in the title.

Both of us typically will use some emotional hook to either warm our hearts or make our heads explode.

A perfect example of articles not to read include words like falsely or buffoonery.  

Here is why you can ignore them. By the very title, you already know the writer is not objective.

Where the news is concerned, it must be objective.

If the writer injects their opinion, it is no longer news but propaganda.

I am amazed that there are no ethics in journalism today. We know that politicians lie. We know they tell us what they think we want to hear.

The line is blurred when the media becomes the spokespeople for either branch of government. Who becomes president becomes a rating game between the different media giants.

If they can keep us mad enough, we will act. It might be simply getting us to the polls or something much darker.

The murder rate we see today is undoubtedly affected by the talking heads.

If you walk into a theatre and scream ‘fire,’ you are breaking the law. The law is there because the screaming of fire will most certainly cause a stampede, much like the tragedy in Houston a few weeks ago.

The media has been screaming racism for the last several years. Those who shout that word the loudest are probably the biggest racist of them all. As a journalist, that should be illegal.

Their claims are unfounded.

If this country was as horrible as they make it out to be, why is the rest of the world trying to get here?

The media promotes the narrative. Those who only watch or read certain stations or papers parrot what those propagandists promote.

With social media in the mix, the parroting of propaganda is amplified. Since the social media giants are also part of the publishing process and have a distinct bias, the world is screwed.

No, the masses are not smart enough to look for the facts. A talking head stood in front of a town on fire and told you it was a peaceful protest. Don’t believe your lying eyes.

Many, too many to mention, agreed that the billions of dollars of damage caused and the deaths of innocent people resulted from a peaceful protest.

Finally, this is a big one, since when did vigilantism become fashionable?

Crowds used megaphones outside a courthouse threatening a jury. If you don’t convict, we will find you.

This, again, is the fault of the media. They are not reporting the facts; instead, they keep the masses divided on as many fronts as possible.

Ask yourself this, and be honest.

If George Floyd were white, and the cop was black, would that story have even been reported, much less gone viral around the globe?

Would people still burn down cities and kill innocent people because they were enraged by the unfair treatment of fellow humans?

You know the answer. That, my friends, is the problem. We have been brainwashed by the media.

My skin color or my gender does not define who I am.

My behavior defines me. My character as a fellow human is all that counts. That is the truth of it for everyone else.

I have turned the lying bastards off. I know human nature, and no, Epstein did not hang himself.

Yes, the FBI was involved in setting the stage for January 6th.

Yes, Chris Cuomo violated ethical standards. I am confident it was not the first time.

Those who fake hate crimes should suffer the fate of someone who perpetrated a hate crime. That includes the lying ass media who constantly scream racism when it is not there.

If you really want to understand why, you need to realize that the ‘media’ is controlled by interests outside of our country. They are mega multimedia giants, and they own everything from radio to TV to magazines and newspapers. We are being played by our adversaries. The purpose is to distract us while the geopolitical stage is much darker.

There can only be one reason why a man spends millions to keep criminals on the streets, time and time again. With murders in your neighborhood, your “kitchen table talk” will not have time to include power struggles between the superpowers. If you cannot afford groceries and are forced to choose between heating your home or buying gas for the car, which will you choose?

What will you do when you are told who is to blame for it, and it involves race? Yep, you might believe it, and you might do something foolish.

It is a lie and a control mechanism. Biden will Fiddle while the USA burns, and those who control him will continue to push the buttons that distract the masses. Now they are talking war with Russia. Who the fuck thinks nukes are a good idea?  

Nobody sane would dream of it but, sanity is a questionable commodity with the God complexes around.

Ok, so I am done with my thought of the day. Maybe next time, I will take on the deaths of over 5 million at the hands of some foolish people.

My latest novel Forensic Assassin will be released soon on Amazon and KDP. I will leave it on Unlimited for three months before taking it to other outlets. Amazon has a no-compete clause when you use KDP.. Follow me here for more info. @authortwscott

Stay safe and stay tuned.

-Best TW


Nano Kaput!

If this picture was a writing prompt, what would you write?

Greetings, fellow writers, authors, and readers of this blog. If you took part in National Novel Writers Month, how did you do?

I managed 54K, which is not bragging; it is just the facts. Those that know me ask me how I tend to write so much in so little time.

I think the first thing I would offer as advice is this. ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff.’

The more you write and edit, the greater your propensity to catch weasel words and punctuation issues as you tell the story.

That is great if you can quickly correct them but, don’t sweat them now.

I am divorcing the word pantser and adopting the word or term discovery writer.

Writing for me is a hobby. A hobby is something that you had best enjoy. I know way too many who have spent years on one novel and then are so sure it will make it to the bestseller list they invest heavily. When I say heavily, I mean they hire expensive editors, beta readers, book cover designers, and the list goes on.

In truth, if you are going to survive financially in this writing world, you had best have a side hustle. What is that, you might ask?

Maybe you are an artist. You learn all you can about book cover design, and you try to design covers for authors that will make it.

Possibly you are a grammar Nazi, and you understand the comma… well; you might be an editor when not creating your own story.

Writers are suckers for spending money on their babies. There is one born every minute, and trust me, if you have something to offer that we believe will make the difference of published or not, we will buy it.

My second bit of advice to you is this, try to stay objective. You can spend thousands on your baby. You end with a copy on your shelf, and you get to brag to your friends.

As a discovery writer, enjoying the storytelling is the fun part.  In all likely hood, your draft will be shallow at best. By shallow, I mean lack of the attributes or layers that bring the reader into your world.

Who is your character?

What do they want?

Are they broken in some way?

Who is the antagonist, a jealous boyfriend perhaps?

We could go on forever with the details, from Save the Cat to Scene and Structure.

Vomit the story on your medium of choice before you dig into the details.

The more you write, the more you will learn. I have over thirty novels published that I will be re-working down the road. What I have learned by ‘forensic examination’ is that many of these things I do naturally.

The more you read, the more you write, the less you will worry about the muddy middle.

Very soon, I will be releasing Forensic Assassin, which I created in November. Currently, I am working on a cover design while I read and reread each chapter.

I get comments and e-mails asking me why I published before I had them polished…?

I had no tribe, no associates that were into writing so, I chose the only way I knew how. Bait the hook, cast the line, and see what happens.

On occasion, I will enter a contest just to see what fish I catch.

As far as Nano goes, I support the cause, and by support, I mean talk about it, financially support them, and of course, participate. What better use of money could there be than encouraging kids and young adults to write and become more literate?

Agents will be inundated with stuff for their slush piles from everyone that created the next Tale of Two Cities. That is the downside of Nano. It-dumps, and by dumps, I mean dumps, tons of slush for them to have their intern sort through.

With December just beginning, I wish you the best of the Holiday season. I hope that you keep your passion for writing alive.

Much Love -TW


Writers are Weird

When magic came into her life Sally had no clue it would take her to Scotland

At a recent conference for writers, I overheard a young lady telling her father, ‘Writers are weird.’

I wanted to give that idea some thought, well, the thought it deserved. ‘Are we strange?’

Thinking back to one of my novels, The Girl Nextdoor, I remember an extraordinary occurrence.

My main character decided to be gay.

In my novel, I am the creator, the god of all things, and who is this bitch to derail my whole train of thought on this novel?

Some call me a pantser. I think ‘discovery writer’ is probably easier to understand but, I suppose I, too, am strange. The characters tell the story. Some nights at 3 AM, they will awaken me with dialogue. You see, the difference between a hobbyist and a true writer or author is the former will turn over and ignore the characters. Famous last words ‘I will remember that in the morning.’

I, the author, will crawl out of bed and switch on the computer.

The loss of those golden ideas is a travesty if your characters are like mine. Does that make us weird?

I know many authors who are died in the wool plotters.

Imagine that you are taking a car trip from New York to San Diego. You have your destination plugged into the GPS, your gas tank is full, and your stops for fuel, food, and sleep are all planned out. That is a plotter. You most probably have a list that contains your activities for any given day of the week.

Now take that same scenario but, you don’t own a Garmin. You have a general idea of what the major highways are and, you know that you need to head west.

Which of the two do you think will get to San Diego first, assuming you both left at the same relative time?

Which do you think will stay on budget?

Which one will have more stories to tell?

One of you made it in three days and the other in three weeks; who do you think will have had more fun?

I am the latter when it comes to car trips and writing.

I know that my main character has a goal. She has a shitty life; her father is nowhere to be found, and she must raise herself. She believes the reason he is gone all the time is she is a disappointment to him. (the lie) She is an awkward child as she grew up without a mother. Spending her free time mimicking the stars on MTV (yes, dating myself), her brush becomes her mic and her stuffed animals her audience.

Magic comes into this story as she discovers the pixies who are guiding her, unbeknown to her.

Without plotting any of this, I knew that I wanted her singing to her stuffed animals to be part of the payoff. How do I get there?

What series of events must transpire to follow the story structure and make this story enjoyable with memorable characters?

What if we add another broken person who lives not too far from her?  What if her heritage is from Scotland, and what if she not only knows of the pixies but is aware of the white witches and so on?

The story unfolds early on when the two meet while she is under a spell.

This novel is one of my early works, and I will most probably be re-writing it soon. I can do so much better now than then.

Grammarly reports that I have written over 27 million words.  During that time, I cannot tell you the number of classes, seminars, and so forth that I have attended. Yes, many were virtual thanks to the pandemic but, that is good in a way; I didn’t lose the travel time.

While the story is still wonderful as it is, I want to take another stab at it.  See, we are weird.

My current NANO project is almost finished.  Forensic Assassin will be released soon. I am actually toying with the idea of publishing it on KDP for three months to get some feedback.  You folks make sure and follow me here or on Twitter, so you are notified when it is released. @authortwscott

The young lady who told her father that writers are weird was not far off the mark. The truth that she will discover one day is that we are all a little weird.

As far as the car trips, always allow extra days to explore the world around you. With smartphones, we are dependent on step-by-step directions and we probably cannot read a map to save our lives.

Stop at the out-of-the-way shops, and take the side roads instead of the large multi-lane freeways, if you can.

I am a chatty Kathy when it comes to travel and meeting people. You would be shocked how everyone has a story to tell, and if you can get them to speak…you might have a story for your next novel.

I typically will start with their name and compliment it. If they respond I tell them I am an author and I am always looking for names. That is a half-truth, I am looking for interesting people with a name.

Jim Croce ‘I got a name’ is worth listening to. The song began rattling around my head as I wrote that last line.

I hope you all have a super weekend and are staying safe during these trying times.

Follow me here, drop me a note. I love to hear from you.

Much Love -TW


Get Paid to be a Sex worker in your own Home

Tens of thousands are taking off their panties for money. Could you?

As a writer, nothing is off-limits. Well, some things are off-limits. Those that are just morally bankrupt and totally depraved are not going to see the light of day by my pen.

Years ago, a lady who followed me on Twitter said she was a cyber slut in her bio.

When I read that, I followed her link and was surprised to learn of an industry that was in its infancy. Webcam work was turning into a real thing.

My Free Cams is where she worked, and I think they were a pioneer in this industry. On any given night, there might be a few hundred models, and I am certain thousands of audience members.

I had just read 50 shades and was working on Cyber Subs when this came to light.

Why write about sex workers?  Why not.  We have enjoyed nude actors in films for eons. The porn industry is huge. We are sexual creatures.

The pandemic has more than probably driven more people to different-sex sites than any other thing to date.

As a writer, I am always on the hunt for material for stories. I want that material to come from life, not from the TV or other books. If it comes from real life, it will be dynamic and reflect the times in which we live.

I wrote two how-to books on the subject after investigating what these models were doing. Since my last book, Camming for Couples, I have learned that there are tons of these sites out there. These concepts apply.

Entertainment and business are concepts that get lost with many of these people. Simply turning the camera on and pushing broadcast isn’t going to do it.

I am focusing my attention on other novels and genres. I wrote those two books and kept them inexpensive, so those that choose to play in this fashion have some formulas on what works.

If I were to give out one free piece of advice, it would be this, ‘have fun with it.’

Imagine sitting around in your bra and panties with the camera focused on you. Engaging your audience as if they were all lovers might bring them back as regulars.

The book is worth the price of a cup of coffee. Many buy the e-book and then turn right around and buy the paperback version. I don’t know why but they do.

My friend who followed me sent me down that rabbit trail for a while.  A few of my novels have that aspect of life as a plot or subplot.

Imagine playing strip poker with tens of thousands of people instead of your college friends.

My newest material does not include this plot device. I do see this phenomenon as a cultural shift in the way we think.

I would like to see more clothing-optional beaches and places than we have today. I am an artist. The human body takes on a different dimension for me.

Too bad we can’t use Zoom for this. I would wager that people might show up in time if we could.

Much love -TW


The Covid Conundrum

Is there life after life?

Is mortality something you think about?

The larger question is, is it healthy to think about such things?

A little over thirty years ago, I was in a head-on collision (freeway speeds) with an inebriated geriatric. It was halftime; he was out of beer and decided he would take his newly restored old Cadillac to the grocery store for more.

His wife purchased him this heavy-duty car because he crashed his truck into a tree on his last binge.

On this fine day, it was I who topped a hill to find this long black Cadillac headed right at me. The timing of the crash was as follows. “‘Oh Shit’ Bang!”

All these years later, there is not a day, a time, or a moment that I am not reminded of that day because my life changed. Most movement causes some kind of pain due to arthritis in everything that was injured.

If you think I must have made a ‘killing’ on the insurance money, think again. When all was said and done, I was upside down on my car payment.  His insurance company and mine were the same.

Those were unhappy times in my life; even though I lived through it, PTSD is a real thing.

What I did for a living changed. What I could do for myself changed. In truth, I could have gone out on disability. I could no longer do my job.

I lived off savings while learning computer science stuff. They called it data processing back in the day but, the job was much more sedentary than my previous vocation, and there is nothing wrong with my brain.

Time was slipping by, and those arthritic nodules were still growing.

If you are like me, you don’t allow life to kick you when you are down. Every morning I open my eyes, it is as if I run a self-diagnostic.

You might be too young to appreciate this. It seems that I never know what the newest hurdle to jump will be.

I lost six months this year due to illness.

I was spending time in the hospital during this pandemic. I picked up Covid as a door prize. On my way out the door from having surgery, three days later, I had a rash as nobody had ever seen. Then a nagging cough, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, and a litany of other ailments. Brain fog and chronic fatigue are the two issues that still plague me the most.  

I learned that the GP only knows how to treat what he or she has seen before. There are no experts on Covid, and in truth, nobody really cares.

When the cough cleared, I was vaccinated. Neither shot bothered me other than the pain in the arm from them hitting the damned bone.

Covid has a neurological contingent that has affected my motor skills. Again, there are no experts on this ‘man-made’ disaster.

Since my GP is of no use, I have bounced from one specialist to another. Delineating from the effects of surgery to Covid’s aftermath has been a bit of a challenge, which not many are up for.

There are other variables, such as the vaccine itself. What, if anything, is it doing?

Why are so many doctors and nurses refusing to take the shot?

As a cynical person, I believe the vaccine push is about money to big pharma. We should have reached herd immunity by now. The super cynical me thinks it is about money to the people who make these ridiculous laws, or mandates, getting money from big pharma to do it.

By the time they ‘sell X many shots’ and learn it is unconstitutional, it will be too late.

If I could live with myself, it might be fun to run for congress. As a lawmaker, what price would you put on your soul to be purchased by the next scam?

Trust me, Jack; these beans are magic. You should buy them.

-Much Love -TW


God on a Shelf or Life on a Shelf

Is this a key to your soul, the truth or just a hunk of metal?

If you are my age or close, you might think back on the holidays with warm feelings. You might also think back on them, ‘you better be good, etc.’

As a young person, I drew the parallel rather quickly between Santa and Jesus. God or holy of holy was the adult version of Santa.

Instead of stuff, if you are good, you get eternal salvation. If you will notice that in many ‘religions,’ the goal post is fluid.

“What have you done for me today?” That makes you an eternal slave to whoever is pulling the strings.

Young folks have an elf on the shelf and a host of other motivations to ‘be good.’ Parents are practicing what the early church did by placing mystical powers into a plushie toy.

Before the elf, we had an imaginary guard who kept a list. Then there is the never-ending repertoire of Christmas songs tying Santa and Jesus together in one nice package. (Compliments of the early church.)

The retail establishment is capitalizing on greed and things that charm us push the lies even further and longer. Even before Halloween, we hear the little drummer boy on the store speakers.

By the way, whatever idiot wrote that song never had babies they were trying to put to bed. I dare say if he played his drum for him, Jesus would have been beside himself, and Mary would have been asking Joseph to throw the rascal out.

I digress.   

If you, as an adult, picture heaven or hell as depicted in biblical references, even the dullest of the dull will see that they were written to appeal to your fears and greed.

Streets of Gold

Jewels in Crown

The right hand of Jesus

Lake of fire

And so on.

Carl Sagan described death as a long dreamless sleep. He was an atheist, which is almost a religion unto itself. Was Carl on to something, or was he blinded by his revulsion of the early church and their long list of atrocities committed on their fellow man?

“What do you want for Christmas?”

I am asked this question every year for both the holiday and birthdays and so on. “If I wanted it bad enough to even think that I would like it or use it, I bought it already.” With Amazon, we shop at 3 am or on the toilette.

What do you want and why?

After the last two years of losing so many to disease, one quickly realizes that ‘stuff’ is not the answer.

In legalese, they call it ‘residual.’

The bible refers to it as things that charmed us. To those left behind, those things are a burden. Why? Undoubtedly, they will have some emotional attachment to the residual, and the cycle will repeat.

After losing family and friends, I get it. My garage is unusable as a garage, thanks to residual that is too good to toss and not my style to infiltrate my personal space. You might know a collector of things or perhaps a hoarder.

Antique malls and online shops are full of residual. From clothes to photographs, everything is there. Those things that charmed us at Christmas time or other occasions are also there. From toys, tops to board games, and yes, what is left of that EZ bake oven are on a shelf waiting for someone else to enjoy it.

I enjoyed watching that show the pickers. It was the perfect personification of what I am talking about. Shit in storage sheds, or as the bible calls it, things for moths to eat or rust to ruin.

I reject organized religion for what it is, brainwashing and a control mechanism. From the early church to modern-day religion, ‘to me’ religion is just another form of control. Using guilt to beguile you into giving of your time and treasure is just evil in the purest sense of the word.

Employing fear and greed as a control mechanism might seem like a good idea, but in reality, it does nothing but teach us to be ‘good’ when someone is around to see us being good.

This is part of the reason that the creature known as man is so messed up.

If you reject that theory, think about how you slow down when you see a cop, in front of or behind you. Instead of ‘being good’ when nobody is around, which we should be doing, we want others to witness our generosity when putting money on the plate. Very sad.

Don’t misunderstand me; I know there is an ultimate creator of all things. We can’t go to heaven or hell and come back with a phone full of pictures but, we can look at the evidence at hand. From what we can examine, we can develop a hypothesis that would be convincing.

The scriptures warn us to stay away from those who practice mystical things. Why?

I won’t go into this huge dissertation on why I believe what I believe but, I will say that we have a bicameral mind. There is much more that we are capable of as humans if we will ever look past our desires for things, or sex, or other forms of personal gratification.

While I am certain that the bible is NOT the breath of God or God-breathed, there is ample evidence that its creators, to some extent, were enlightened.  

There is also abundant evidence that man, in the form of a governing body of the masses, uses this book even today as a way to control you.

The early church was the school, the church, and the government. Any research on your part will bring you face to face with the harsh reality of the ugliness of mankind and how power corrupts.

No, I am not advocating purple Kool-Aid or joining the monks or even a monastery.  There is, in fact, no physical place to escape the harsh reality of mankind. Humankind is truly a misnomer in the purest sense of the word. By nature, man is not kind.

I am not advocating leaving the church. I am suggesting you dig into its history and understand how they use your fears, wants, and desires to manipulate you.

Enlightenment is the key to a happy life.  

Even in one of my naughtiest novels, I talk about this subject. Why there?

I want to reach those who would never pick up the bible. In many of my novels is wisdom derived from life, God, and yes, the bible. Weaved into the tapestry of stories that might titillate are also fragments of reality, truth, and enlightenment.  

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I put the Gospel next to the G-spot. Why?  Because that is what and who we are. Imagine staying out of church because some asshole preaches from Leviticus telling you that you are doomed as long as you are who you are. That is simply a lie.  

I was asked not long ago why I write such a diverse spectrum of novels.

Firstly, I know who and what I am. I am an angel in the kitchen, a sexual creature in the bedroom, and a purveyor of wisdom at the keyboard.

Anyone who denies this about themselves is a fool. We were designed this way.

Once you know who and what you are, then you can tear down the lies that got you there and begin to resurrect the person you were meant to be.  

I write what I write to speak to you, or some part of you.

I write to please myself, to perfect the craft, and with time, and a little luck, earn enough of a passive income stream so I can focus on what is important to me as a person and not to my bank account.

What about you?

What’s on your shelf?

It has been said, “that the truth will set you free.”  Free from what or who?

As long as you live a lie, you are in bondage to those who know how to manipulate you through fear, hate, and bigotry. With hate for your fellow man in your heart, it’s easy for those with an agenda to control you and keep you miserable.

I said that there was no physical place to escape the realities of this world. The constant stream of lies from the MSM might be a good place to avoid.  You can control your space and what you allow into your head.

I write under the Pseudonym TWScott because of where I reside. I happen to be in a nest of heavily brainwashed trolls who go to church every time the door is open. I often feel like I am living in the perpetual movie the Pod People.

Not all are this way but, if I were to write under my name, I would have to move to LA or Hollywood.

Most, not all, are the walking dead.  They work on autopilot and often nod their heads at anything they hear from the MSM or the preacher.

I want to know where Cain’s wife came from.  

Fun fact: If the flood story was factual and the arc landed on top of the tallest mountain around, that would mean that the ARC is somewhere around 30,000 feet.

The dove went out and brought back an olive branch while floating around at 30,000 feet.

Either God is a lousy scientist or the writers of that story didn’t understand atmospheric pressure, AKA Boyles law. I would wager the latter.

Either the ARC was floating around at -30C, or because of the amount of saturated air, they were at about 350C, and the Earth looked very much like Venus does today.

In laymen’s terms, the arc, if real and not literal, was full of frozen critters or crispy critters.

In order to get to the truth, you have to be willing to accept that you might be harboring some lies. Yes, those lies were certainly placed there by those that want to use them as a cudgel in some form or fashion.

The early church was the worst of the worst. History is littered with atrocities committed in the name of religion.

Know why you believe what you believe.  Don’t allow your crap to control your life. Treat others as you want to be treated. Do the right thing when nobody is around to see it.

No, Santa or the Elf or Jesus saw you not steal that candy bar. You saw yourself do the right thing, and that’s all that matters.

Much Love -TW


Nano November

Are you ready to be a Hermit?

Yes, I am working on an outline for a book to create during November.

To keep your tools sharp, you need to use them. Grammarly just reported that I went over 26 million words in October. 

Think about 26 million words all typed on this Logitech k350 keyboard. I have replaced keycaps on a few of the keys. Other than paint rubbing off, been a great keyboard.

Today I entered a flash fiction contest. I don’t for the life of me understand how Word, Grammarly, and Pro-writing aid disagree on so much.

Between the AP manual and the Chicago style manual, I am just not sure which is correct.

From Dialogue tags to internal thoughts, English has changed since I was in school.

Who dreams up this stuff?

Where publishing is concerned, use an editor. I spent days trying to teach myself what they consider to be ‘good grammar.’

I used to believe the comma was my only nemesis, not even close.

The Little Brown Book has nothing on today’s style.

I will leave you with this final thought. If you are not sure, the odds are excellent that the reader will not be sure either. Go back and read some of the literary greats if you want to blow what you think you know about grammar out of the water.

My secret is this, Write the Damned Story. Please don’t get your knickers wrapped around the axle where it comes to grammar. The more you write, the fewer mistakes you will find when you finally do edit it. 

Once written, put it away. Last year’s project is still in the drawer, waiting for me to edit it with a fresh set of eyes.

Don’t rest on your laurels. Once you develop that habit of writing, stick with it. I have found that between 4 AM and 6 AM works well for me. It would shock you how you will bounce out of bed once you get into the habit.

There is a science involved with that time of day, and it involves Theta Waves. Just try it for a month.

I can do the mechanics of research or editing anytime; for the creative part, I need zero distractions. I have yet to be offered a car warranty between 4 and 6 AM.

The news is toxic to the creative type. Remove the screens from your view and don’t focus on the idiots. From clickbait to ratings, they will say and or do almost anything to get your attention.

You might notice that I have blogged about certain events in the past. That was wasted energy but, it was a vent. That leads me to my last point, expel toxic poop from your life. From the media to people, if they are unhealthy, shut them out.

As a programmer of years ago, there was a saying—garbage in equal garbage out.

I hope this gets you in the right frame of mind and hopefully excites you about NaNoWriMo.

Yes, I contribute to them every year. I believe in the mission.




My how the world has changed.

I need to get back to fiction.

If you are like me, that mask drives me nuts. What’s worse than the mask is the lack of person-to-person contact.

I read on social media where there might be a lack of availability of things to buy for Christmas this year. “Start now, the meme decried.”

I believe that hugs would be the perfect gift. Wrapping them is easy, no paper is wasted, and your feelings for the person are expressed much clearer than any gift card could accomplish.

People who have never held a job might not appreciate hugs vs. stuff but, when you can buy what you want, material things don’t pack the punch that they once did.

Real hugs are not for sale.  Polite hugs offered at social gatherings are not real, and any fool knows it.

After visiting more doctors’ offices this last year than bees visiting my garden, one thing in common stood out.

Hand sanitizer. Right beside the Purell dispenser is this dehumanizing sign.

“This is a hand shake-free zone.”

How sad is that?

Don’t touch; stay six feet away, cover your face.  

Like cattle, we line up to get vaccinated only to learn the vaccine doesn’t really work.

We wear more than one mask that doesn’t work either but, it shows that you are obedient.

Fauci announced on one of the mainstream outlets that he has an idea why people don’t like him.

There is no mystery. You were part of the process of creating the virus, you used tax dollars to fund gain of function research (that is a biological weapon for those of you who don’t know,) and you lied about your involvement time and time again.  While the Communist News Network runs cover for you, the truth will come out.

Some journalists somewhere will grow a pair. They will realize that their involvement in peddling lies is tantamount to dumping thousands of 55-gallon drums of toxic poison into the ocean rather than disposing of it correctly.

(The makers of DDT did this in California…it is still there. )

Much like the single-bullet theory of JFK’s assassination has been debunked by more experts than lies told by Biden himself, the truth will come out.

Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear certainly can tell by now that if they voted for Biden, they screwed up.

Zuckerberg spent damned near half a billion dollars to sway the election in Biden’s favor; why?  Social media interfered with the election and, congress won’t touch it because social media giants fund their campaigns.

Government has a long and sordid history of controlling the masses through fear, anger, and, yes, racism.

A quick trip down memory lane will prove that what I am saying is the truth.

For me, it started with gas shortages under Carter, which was nothing more than a mechanism to get the price of oil up, so those that controlled it made more money.

For the younger folks, you might remember Y2K was going to cause airplanes to fall from the skies.

How about Anthrax of 2001 or perhaps West Nile of 2002?  We also had SARS, Bird Flu, E.coli, the dreaded financial collapse of 2008, followed by Swine flu. 

Swine flu is where we saw Purell make its debut into the market as a player.

In 2014 Ebola came to our shores, and the media hyped it 24 7. “Were you scared?”

2015 ISIS was cutting people’s heads off on the nightly news.  The executions were filmed in such detail it was almost as if Hollywood produced them.  Were you scared then? Were you ready to give up more of your rights to be safe from the boogie man?

2016 came the Zika virus and nobody came out with a vaccine for it.

Fauci is on record about this time, telling people that Trump would have to deal with a pandemic if he is elected.  How did he know this?

2020 we have a virus made for prime time released on the world from Wuhan, China. “You can’t say that; it’s like you have issues with Chinese people. That makes you a racist.”

“No bitch, it makes me someone who tells the truth. Its point of origin has nothing to do with the people that live there. We need the facts if we are to vanquish it. Hiding behind lies will not assist the world in any way, shape or form.”

Therapeutics, much like Tamiflu, is where we need to focus our energies. 

Big pharma has tons of real-life data to analyze.  At $20 a shot here in the US, they should have enough funding to research their mRNA technologies further in order to create the perfect cancer drug. Isn’t it time to stop allowing people to die while you fiddle?  

I started this blog with a virtual hug, and I would like to end it with one.

In one of my novels, I talk about the hug in an almost erotic manner.

An embrace that brings skin to skin, bone to bone, and yes, breasts to breasts. The warm moist breath of your lover becomes part of you as you embrace. Some believe that exchanging this level of intimacy is almost spiritual, as spirit loosely translated means breath.

Polynesians of old bump noses and breathe in each other’s spirit.

However, you do it, whatever your custom is, find those that you can hug and do so.

As long as money is changing hands, we will have this pandemic and all of its nuances with us for some time.

Is Covid real?  I have had it.  I survived the first round, got it again months later, and now I am double vaccinated.

Someone created the perfect weapon to thin out the world’s population.  It goes after those who are sickly or old. Those are probably the same people who no longer contribute to society (aka taxes.)

As a writer, this seems like a logical conclusion.

Is this about climate change or economics?

Five million deaths are not near enough to affect the climate. Do we tweak the virus again to go after the next group of people?

Do we teach the virus to go after certain ethnicities next? Are we practicing eugenics?

‘A man that does not benefit society by his life does so by his death.’

Aristotle surmised that man is a social creature; he either lives in society or if alone he is one of two things, a beast or a god. Those creatures lying in waste on the streets of our cities, with more chemicals in them than not, are no longer part of society; what are they?

Have we come to the point of creating a class of disposable people?

What do the elites have in mind? A politician in Australia let the phrase ‘new world order’ slip while speaking to the media.

For there to be one controlling government, there could only be one country or governing authority.  The rest of the world would necessarily need to be subservient and in need from that authority for it to work.

Think about it as you contemplate voting for socialists.

Now, go hug those that you love and wash your hands.



The Enemy Within

Should we try writing each other instead of FB posts?

We have been trying to get in touch with you about your automobile warranty.

This singular phrase, not to mention the other nonsense that goes with it, caused me to kill the Magic Jack.

There is a good chance that in this day and time, some of you are so lonely that a call from someone (a robot) trying to sell you something you don’t need is a good thing. Not me.

The one phone I have not killed only rings in one room.  I removed all of the other phones and tossed them. The recycle bin has at least six phones, two base units, and a Magic Jack. They all work perfectly; I want them gone.

My internet phone will be the following line silenced by the end of this year. I plan to port that number to a cell phone that I can turn off.

As a writer, I don’t need the distractions every thirty minutes by some telemarketer. (A robot.)

As a person attempting to hang on to my sanity, I certainly don’t need interruptions.

Many of you might feel this way; I pay for the phone for my use, not that of robots.

Not that many years ago, I called a friend I had not heard from in years.  The screeching voice on the other end of the phone shocked me. “WHAT DO YOU WANT!?”

My friend was probably two steps further down the road than I am. Embarrassed by his response, he will not call, and that friendship is lost.

I don’t want to be that cray-cray voice on the other end of the line.  Mitigating the interruptions early on seems to be one way to keep my sanity intact.  

Magic Jack has tried to lure me back into the fold with deals.  Your device, along with several phones, cables, and power adapters, will soon be in a grinding machine turning it back into the dust from which it came.

It’s not often I quote the bible, and this is a paraphrase, but…Mathew 5:27-30 If thine right eye offends thee pluck it out…

What that means is, if there is something in your life that causes you to stumble, remove it.

My passion in life is to improve my craft of writing and put out material that is worth reading.  With the phone ringing every few minutes, the impediment to my goal is obvious.

Screens, Alexa, and a host of other diversions are also part of the issue. As you discover which ones are which, pluck them out. Alexa is off my desk, and when I am writing, I put it in do not disturb.

In all honesty, I can tell you that social media is an impediment and an unhealthy addiction.  Many that I know only check it when on the toilette. That might be a good strategy if you can keep to it.

What if you cannot keep to it?  What if you sit up half the night and find yourself scrolling through endless want-to-be-influencers with stupid videos?

Is this time on social media time that you are taking away from your family?

Is Social media that important?

Do you think that all those 468 friends would come to your funeral if god forbid the covid got you?

Are you so insecure that you need the affirmations from people you don’t even know to like your latest cat picture?

Yes, there can be mental issues with Social media, and they can be severe enough that getting professional help might be advisable.

What about those friends and the baby pictures???

Here is a simple test to tell how important they are.

If you were to remove Facebook from your phone or tablet, how many of those ‘friends’ would take the time to write you an e-mail or letter?

How many of those same people would you take the time to reach out to via the written word?

Those are the only people that truly matter in your life.  The rest are just noise.

Noise, much like the ringing of the phone, is toxic. Remove it.




Just who did you shoot?

Who should you believe?

If you are like me, you might pay attention to the news in an abbreviated fashion.

I selectively allow certain issues to filter into my thoughts as I am a creative type.

Gabby Petito and her demise brought about a shift in the way I ingested those snippets of news.  The final shoe has yet to fall. Much like Natalie Wood, this is a tragic case at best.

It is my prayer that our forensics is much better today, and we don’t screw this investigation up.  The guilty need to pay.

These types of stories can be fodder for what we write. I am not heartless, just pragmatic when I suggest this.  These stories could be weaved into the fabric of our creations as cautionary tales.

Years ago, the movies seem to have morality to them, well, the ones I watched.

What passes for entertainment today seems lacking in such things. Your mileage may vary.

“If you want to know a person read what they write.”

Give that statement some thought, and then think back to your favorite authors. 

Somewhere in all of the books out there, and all of the movies that try to outdo each other with shock and ‘frankly PTSD’ material, that mess came from somewhere.

Today we see where it comes from, oozing out of the minds of those who are less mentally stable than others. 

We have witnessed people going ape shit in a store for no real reason.  We watched four friends turn on one of their own in a Walmart, killing her in cold blood.  Using a knife from a display, they chased her down and in the murderer’s words, not mine….’I stabbed the bitch in the heart.’ She did this while posting the whole event live on social media.

Four-letter words and other altercations in public are much more common.  What used to be relegated to road rage is commonplace in public spaces. The screws are coming out, and we need to realize that others are feeling just as rattled and upset as you are.

With domestic disturbances on the rise, the cops are in a bad situation. Police are suffering the same mental effects caused by the destruction of what they know to be ‘normal.’ Power-hungry megalomaniacs using this disaster as a way to gain more power are the true enemy.

Much like the Patriot Act of twenty years ago chiseled away our rights, they will use Covid to remove yet more of them.

If the assholes in the US were really concerned about doing their jobs, they would not be inviting tens of thousands of invaders in through the southern border.  These migrants are from over 190 different countries, not vetted or checked for covid or any other communicable diseases. They are then bussed, sent by airplane, or transported in some way to major cities all over the country.

These souls looking for a new life will be nothing more than slaves to corporations who control the folks in DC.  You might have noticed that neither Republicans nor Democrats have stood up and tried to stop it.  If you only listen to the Communist News Network or the People’s Republic of Madow, you might not even be aware that it is happening.

It is disgusting to think that black anchors on these same networks are perpetuating a lie that will enslave millions of migrants to do the bidding of a particular party. I guess history does repeat itself.

These new slaves are cheap labor to replace the morons searching for $15 an hour to flip burgers. The servants of the elites are also a new voting block to replace the Darwin contenders currently overdosing on the same drugs flowing in with the migrants.

If you want to learn who your enemies are, search Google, “Who is for open borders.”  Once you do that, look at the organizations shilling for Biden.  There are dozens of fact-checking media companies telling you nothing to see here. Dig deeper, and you will find that most of them are controlled or owned by mega-media giants.

There is plenty to see; you just have to look further than with search engines controlled by propagandists with an agenda.

Once you know who is protecting Biden and his disasters, discount any news from their sites. Just possibly, you might get an idea of who is who.

The media is not your friend. Social media is certainly not your friend. They all take their marching orders from people who are offering them money for their silence on the truth and for the lies to further their agenda.

All that is missing is an enemy to use as a disruption of the facts.  Race is always a good distraction because most people are, to some degree, racists. Ignore it all you like but, human nature is to have a prejudice against those who are not exactly like you.

Sure, we can be civil to those who are not exactly like us but, that little bit of bias is there as it comes from the animal kingdom, which we all hail from.

What is happening in the US has spilled over to the rest of the world. Australia, Germany, and others are using COVID as a way to refocus the world’s attention on a new enemy.  Much like blaming the Jews during WWII, we now have an active attack on White people. 

To create a focal point for everyone else to hate, they have made it class war, blaming white people as predisposed to white privilege.  Again, it is a label that puts any white person automatically on the defensive.  There is no defense, even if you live on the street under a bridge. You are guilty, period.

That, too, is a complete fabrication, designed to distract from what they are up to.

The world is going insane. What does the skin color of anyone have to do with anything?

If you can honestly tell me that it does, then you my friend, are the racist. Either you believe a lie perpetuated by ambiguous emotional triggers or you are at heart a real racist.

‘Judge not lest ye be judged.’

As Fox Mulder said so many times on X-Files, the truth is out there.

Best -TW


Writing Priorities, Maximizing your Potential for Profit.

Why do we write?

  • If you are anything like me, the news of the day can destroy your creative bubble.  Distractions like Alexa or news flashes also can remove you from ‘your world.’
  • Eliminate distractions. Alexa can be told to go into do not disturb mode, as can your smartphone.

The real point of this blog is to recognize why we do what we do.  Somewhere in the back of our minds, we want to be the next New York Times Best Seller.  In a talk recently, many denied it but, after a little soul searching, it turned into ‘maybe one day.’

  • Honesty with yourself at least puts you on the correct road.

That little voice in my head has always been there but, it certainly lives in the back of my head.  Throughout my writing career, I have kept a day job. Keeping it real, keeps you grounded.

My career in writing began as writing technical documentation and then teaching from it.  I published in some international magazines for technical things but, that is not creative writing.

Today I see many blogs on how to publish on Kindle or other services.  There are other blogs on snaring agents and so on.  Should how do I publish be your priority?  How about something like, how do I layer my story so I keep my audience engaged?

  • Much like a story, one of the first things you must do is build a foundation or skeleton.

I can create flash fiction in less than an hour, and it is a good story.  Short stories and flash fictions are excellent ways to practice using words judiciously while conveying a set of ideas, or in this case, a story that entertains.

Not knowing anything about creative writing, several years ago, I launched out writing a large novel.

The bones of the story are perfect.  The story entertained me as I created it, and I fell in love with many of the characters, even the quirky robot.

As for the craft of writing, that is a different story.

In all honesty, I should unpublish much of my earlier works while I take the time to install the layers or the craft of writing. Had I used traditional publishing methods, a good editor would have pushed me through the process of improving my craft, way back then.

While the bones are white and the structure sound, what color are the walls? What does it look like? What does it smell like or sound like to be there?

I could go on and on about story structure.  Perhaps I could lament about the use of symbolism or alliteration. I could expound upon creating that emotional appeal to the reader through the eyes of the characters, that in itself might be an entire chapter.

The bottom line is this.  There are tens of thousands of writers out there that are light years ahead of where many are.  They know to create a New York Times bestseller that the bones are only the beginning.

Last week my Grammarly report informed me that I had checked over 26 million words.  Those are words much like these that I have typed. I have published over 30 novels, most full-length.  Not bragging; none of them are on the New York Times bestseller list.

Currently, I have left them published as I feel like those that want to learn from my path can get an e-book version and see the progression of ‘the craft.’ Then there are those who actually leave feedback that assists me in improving my craft as well.

One way that I know I am improving is this; when I finish a novel, I look at the word count.

Under Roswell, while a great story is huge.  My latest creation is 45K words, or about a third of the word count.

The latest is in what I call an aging folder with other manuscripts that are waiting for me to revisit them. 

“What, you’re not promoting them to agents?”

Not unlike the works I published already, these stories are aging to the point that when I go back to read them, edit them, it will be as if I have never read them before.

I know writers who have been working on one novel for over 30 years.  They are hobbyists and will likely never get that one published as it will never be done.

Writers must be prolific, and they must be ruthless with their time.

Writers must live their lives and must not get their material from TV or others’ writings.

Writers must be open to critique, self-examination, and honesty.  Sure, dream big and go for the brass ring but, have a net.

I give my time and talent to other writers constantly. A rising tide lifts all ships.

When I go to different writing groups, give talks, and so on, I can tell who is looking for that one break and who is there to be part of the tribe.

The bottom line with that elusive ‘prize’ is what the audience will connect with when your book hits the market?

I wrote a number of books inspired by 50 shades.  Those sell but, not really my cup of tea.

Who will your audience be?

I see many new titles about pandemics.  Are you tone death?

My last bit of advice for you writers out there is this: Write to please yourself.

I am an artist, and I paint to please myself.

I love to play musical instruments but only for my own enjoyment and as a way to find my center.

I write to live in that world, love those characters, and escape this world.  In my paintings or my writings, I can live there and be at peace.

Yes, I know what is going on in the world. In many of my blog posts, you can tell when I am overwhelmed by the idiots who try to rule us.  There are many who should be facing Nurnberg-style tribunals and many more who should be swinging at the end of a rope.

We will never know who killed JFK, and we will never know the truth about the current pandemic.

Control the things you can, ignore the things you cannot, and try to live in peace in your own bubble.

Much Love -TW


Time Wasters That Keep You From Writing.

What are your distractions?

Greetings fellow bloggers, writers and those that just follow me.  Today I thought I might spend a little time with you talking about …time…

Have you ever chimed in on a conversation on social media? 

My personal feelings on Facebook are, it is a great way to keep up with family and friends without actually calling them.  Let that sink in.

The simple facts are very few people have 681 real friends.  I would define what a friend is but, I don’t think that is necessary.

My friends are the people on my favorites list on the phone. Everyone else is an acquaintance.

Yes, there are hundreds of people that I know, chat with online, and so on but, I usually don’t require their phone number.  Truth told, I don’t have the time to visit with many friends.

Scanning through social media has turned into a pastime that unfortunately zaps time away from other things.  Way back when, I used to teach a class on time management.  

In the business world today, they attach different names to it but Scrum is the latest tool.

From timeboxing to working in sprints, this is a high-pressure environment for programmers.

Where the program breaks, and the world of missed deadlines occur is a failure to take into account the human equation.

The smart phone and social media are two stumbling blocks. 

Not long ago I hired a landscaping crew to clean out the weeds, remove and replace dead plants and so on. The PM, or in this case the team lead, walked back and forth between the front and the back of the house.  As soon as he disappeared, his workers would stop working.  The cell phones came out of their back pocket.  It was almost laughable. They weren’t talking, they were playing games or checking social media.  The job took much longer than it should have.

The human factor can only do so many sprints before their mind needs to focus on something else for a while.

There were many time-management tools in the day.  As a manager of many programmers, I kept a spreadsheet of where they each were on their part of the project.  Hiring from sourced talent, if I got a dud, it was easy enough to replace them.

That by the way, is why most companies hire from such firms. They get 6 months to see how you will perform.

I would never work in a scrum environment. While the tool is meant for projects that might change with scope creep or unforeseen issues, the pressure on everyone involved comes down to time.

In our writers’ group we have writing sprints, which was taken from Scrum but, the sprint is just a way for you to dedicate time to your craft, or hobby.

Most writers that fail are those who have piss poor time management skills.

On my desk was an Alexa, my phone and some clutter that has shown up over the years.

Alexa had to go.  While a nice tool for some things, the screen displaying news feeds and so on was distracting.

The phone must be face down.  I don’t want to see anything that will cause me to deviate from my task.

Alexa has a ‘do not disturb’ function, use it.

I shut my office door to keep the distractions at bay. The phone is silenced and my list of what I want to accomplish is in front of me.

People ask me how in the devil I manage to crank out so many novels.  Time management is key.

I watch very little TV. Most of what I see is mindless dribble aimed at those with the functional IQ of a houseplant.

It is no wonder why so many shows have piss poor ratings.

If you are trapped into watching TV, examine the writing, the structure of the story and yes, any arcs.  In this way if I am stuck watching shows aimed at fifth graders, at least I can learn something from it.

Where this all started was a friendly post on Facebook.  Someone was reaching out for assistance.  I offered some advice. There were many who chimed in on my advice. Several gave very bad advice and attacked me in the process.  Delete post, and go back to my task at hand.

I live in the world I create most of the time.  Before I nod off, the story I am creating is running through my mind.  I don’t plot a story; I write from a stream of conscious.  If the ideas that pop up in the wee hours of the morning and I think there is a chance I will forget them, I get up and make notes.

Stephen King once said that he doesn’t keep a notebook with him.  If an idea pops into his head and he forgets it, it was most likely not any good anyway.  He also said a notebook like that, is just a book full of bad ideas.

I write very much like him but, I do keep a notebook. A simple three- or four-letter tickler, to have the MC fall into a crack in the ice at the end of a chapter is gold.

Best -TW


Sonny, You don’t know what you are talking about.

If Biden were truly worried about COVID he would not be allowing hundreds of thousands of Covid positive people into the country.

Years ago, while lunching with my best friend, getting older was the topic of discussion.  We both agreed that aging was not for sissies.

One of the first signs of aging is not the typical visual signals you might expect.  Hair turns gray and thins very slowly for most. Making those noises your parents made when you get up might take a while for you to recognize that sign.

Knowing your doctor’s office staff by their first names, and knowing their family history might be your first clue. When your social life revolves around which specialist you are visiting this week, just maybe the hint that you are getting older might set in.

For me, it was none of those things. It was something that I said.

The conversation drifted around different topics of the day.  The waiter comes up listening to us for a moment before he chimed in.  He was totally clueless.  His mind however was made up by some fragment of the facts someone had told him or, possibly something he had heard on the news.

My friend and I looked at each other, before I turned to glare at this kid.  The phrase never before uttered by me came out rather snobbishly. ‘Sonny, you don’t know what you are talking about.’

He walked away shaking his head while my friend stared at me and laughed.  “What?”

“Welcome to my world.”

I had to laugh as those words were never part of my diction.

Walking out the door my friend glanced at me and said…’They vote.’

The world is headed in the wrong direction. People without a grasp on history are controlling the narrative on social media.  Major Media sources are taking foreign dollars to print, or not print stories, that would paint those sources in a bad light.

Many that I know on social media only ever talk to me when they feel compelled to show their moral ambiguities, and myopic understanding of the world while chastising me.

Sonny, you really don’t know what you are talking about.  The fact checkers are twenty-year-old boys with man buns, who sit around in their undershorts putting in their time while reading from approved scripts from someone.

Get your facts from other sources other than social media, and use other search engines other than Yahoo, Google and Bing.  Algorithms are a thing.



News From the Russian Front… Ok, from a place outside of Big Tech…

Time to leave this world for a while…

‘I support those of you who do not want to take the vaccine; the sooner the virus kills you off, we will then be safe to go back to normal.’

This quote came from social media. I will address it at the end of this article.

Most of social media has been co-opted by governments who get them to do their bidding.  For instance, if I were to post this on my Facebook account, it would never see the light of day.  From demoting it to posting bullshit propaganda all over it regarding the veracity of what I am about to tell you, the article would be difficult to read if not redacted.

Keep in mind these social giants have hired academia to scour their platforms, so only the narrative they want advanced is visible.  

If the above link survives the process of publishing, you should take some time to read it.

  • To answer your first obvious question…TW, are you an anti vaxer?
  • No.  Having spent much of my professional career in the medical community, I am a firm believer in vaccines.
  • The real question is, ‘Is mRNA technology ready for prime time?’ 
  • The second question is, what will the long-term effects be of messing with people’s DNA?
  • What will the long-term effects be to the progeny of the vaccinated?
  • Is mRNA technology actually a vaccine?
  • When you focus the immune response on one particular covid molecule, what happens when the flu or H1N1 or even Monkeypox shows up?
  • If the government is so hyper-focused on making sure the population is vaccinated, why in just 2021 are they allowing up to 1.8 million undocumented, untested, unvaccinated immigrants from all over the world into the US?  Why are they Dumping them in Major cities everywhere?
  • Why do I have to use a search engine other than Google to find articles like the one referenced?
  • Why is the media, in combination with Big Tech, lying to the masses about Covid, immigration, and even the truth about our economy?

You won’t see a report about this on the MSM but, insurance carriers are going fucking nuts.  You see, they build their actuarial tables on current trends.

When Bill Clinton raised the retirement age, it was under the guise that people are living longer, so they should work longer.  That, of course, was a lie; it was a way to extend the life of Social Security as they had robbed it.

Insurance carriers did not change their tables; in fact, they noted that middle America is not living near as long. I would offer that it is processed foods and high fructose corn syrup (diet) that is most notably to blame, but that is outside the scope of this article.

With Covid, they are finding that people who contract it might perish six months to a year after they got it due to the ongoing damage from the disease.  This will cost them billions if they don’t factor this into their underwriting. Look for these questions to appear on forms right under ‘do you use tobacco?’

Since the beginning of this pandemic, I have learned more about Genomics than I ever wanted or cared to know.  Let’s face it, Bio movies and books like this have been done to death.  As a writer, I wouldn’t waste my time writing another Hot Zone. However, Dustin Hoffman did a good job in his role.

The bottom line is this. 

I think we should be focused on treating the problem vs. opening Pandora’s box of RNA technology, when we have no way to know what the long term outcome will be.  They are playing with fire, to begin with, and now instead of using lab rats, they are using millions of people.

Whoever authorized the research of ‘gain of function’ research on a deadly virus needs to be tried much like Nuremberg.  Why?  The world needs a say so, and we need conventions signed by all that we will not do something so haphazard and ill-informed ever again.

Before I end tonight’s Epistle, I wanted to share something I read on Facebook.

‘I support those of you who do not want to take the vaccine; the sooner the virus kills you off, we will then be safe to go back to normal.’

I understand where this kind of vitriolic rhetoric came from.  Much like the Jews were blamed for all the woes in Germany and beyond, the ‘my body my choice people’ are becoming the next class of people who might be required to wear something to identify themselves as those to be shunned or sent off to concentration camps.

The vaccine passport is a preamble to this type of behavior, and it is being promoted by the mainstream media, again, not your friend.

The person that wrote this is scared, or drunk, or just fucking stupid. The problem is, this type of talk is how angry mobs get started. Soon it is not the virus, or the person who invented it; it is the victim who does not want to be just another lab rat for Big Pharma!

Since we don’t know our history and are destroying it as quickly as our academic friends can, Rome will Fall yet again, and most of academia will fiddle, blaming anyone else.

The globalists are pulling the strings. For Globalism to happen, Rome must Fall. The Globalists are most probably in cahoots with China.

(Now there is a book idea.)

I don’t care what the media tells you; nobody in government gives a shit about you, long term. That is why they are replacing you. You are a tool, a vote, and while working, your tax dollars fund for their private islands and lavish life styles.

That money trickles down from congress and so on to committees who hire family members and soon tax payers are purchasing million dollar hammers and billion dollar bombs for some war that they will start. War is good for the economy.

Keep in mind most cable news anchors are dumb as a box of rocks and only know what writers tell them to say. They either appear knowledgeable with dark-rimmed glasses or attractive to whatever one might identify as but, as far as intelligent, not so fast. They, like most thespians are narcissist, and you would not want to know them in person.

If they were intelligent, they might look up the words Journalists and Objective and give it a whirl.

The problem is, those who listen to these talking heads are not much smarter. Unlike the talking heads, the consumers of this verbiage have lots to worry about that take up their time.  With the countries economy decimated by the pandemic, and ill-founded policies from this administration, it will not get any better. If Socialism is so great, why are the folks who say it is; not headed for Cuba or Venezuela?

I am going back to writing my latest novel; it will be something happy in a land far, far away… In the mean time

is still a favorite among my readers.

Much Love  -TW


What if you did something that caused the death of someone?

What if it were the death of 4 million someone’s?

I don’t know about most people, but I hate being lied to.

The mainstream media in the US and I suspect elsewhere is spinning yarns most probably created by the Chinese ministry of propaganda. If Anderson Cooper tells me it is sunny outside, I am going to look for myself.

I don’t believe a word I hear on CNN or MSNBC. That also applies to Apple News, Amazon news, and a host of other mega-media conglomerates who control the narrative around the globe.  

Those who pander to the overly emotional non-critical thinkers among us disserve what they get. Yes, good sheep, keep nibbling the grass; soon, all your troubles will be over…as you fall off the cliff.

People need to learn to think and know when they are being manipulated.  It’s very easy.  Sally Struthers if you remember back that far was excellent at it.  Walking among squaller and mostly naked children she would cry, how can you just turn a blind eye, help these children!!!

Of course, about 8 cents of every dollar actually fed the children.  PFFFT

If any news anchor makes some emotional plea, you are being manipulated.  The goal is to snag your emotions, hook your child, and get you to do some action.  If nothing more than develop anger for some opponent through lies and deceptions.

Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

There is a preponderance of evidence that the US-funded the lab in Wuhan, but Fauci was instrumental in what they were doing. There is this whole semantical argument he is making about what gain of purpose means.  

If you are old enough to remember Clinton telling the world he did not have sex with that woman, it depends on the definition of IS IS…it is the same argument.

While Fauci might not have stained a pretty blue dress, he might be instrumental in the death of over four million people and the utter decimation of the economies of over 180 countries.

In his mind, and he is on record saying this…

“If that is the case, the research was worth it.”

I have lost loved ones. I cannot speak for you or the other 4,000,000 who have died but, I don’t think Fauci can speak for us either.  With the Delta Variant still rampaging around the world, now we have the Lambda variant, what new horrors will it bring?

Viruses are harmful to play with as they are single-strand RNA.  They morph too damned easy.

His e-mails and papers are out there, but you might need to use Mozilla or Dogpile.com to find the correct metadata. Google, Bing, and Yahoo are filtering it so you will never find it.  Anything Covid related comes up to the official government script, created by God knows who.  I suspect China.

Before this is over, someone besides governments beholding to the communist party of China is going to demand answers. 

The truth is out there; we are just not getting it because we don’t need to know. 

“There is the grass sheeple, go eat.”

Just wear your mask, obedient slave. Take any shot we offer, and don’t ask questions.  The research will be worth it, eventually.

If again, you use another search engine and research mRNA virus research, you will see that those players today have been at it for years.  They were relegated to using humanized mice as lab rats. Now they have the whole fucking world as their oyster.

While the research might be worth it, someday, and Moderna, Pfizer and J&J might have a new cancer drug they can use to target cancer specific DNA, at what cost will the research come?  

Yes, I am a sci-fi writer. This stuff is morally bankrupt, and creepy.




Are you a government tit sucker?

Is the sun setting on the US?

Human nature is to seek the path of least resistance.  When one is paid to stay home and not work vs actually showing up at an appointed place, the results are pretty clear.

In the face of these policies, paying people to stay home makes no sense.

Let’s, for the moment, assume that the government cares about you. By paying you to stay home, you can stay safe, hunkered down in your safe space. Is that what you are doing?

No, you are living your life as usual, without working.

By now, even the most doltish among you should have realized that the cost of goods and services have almost doubled. From fuel to fast food to lumber, inflation is on the march.  Why?

We haven’t increased our GDP. We are printing money. Businesses are scrambling to stay afloat in a world where nobody wants to work, thanks to idiotic policies by this administration.

Imagine if you will, you are playing a board game where amassing large amounts of paper money is the end goal.  He who has the most wins the game. Mid-game, we change the rules. If you are running low, you write an IOU for the money you need. The result is, you never have to sell anything back to the bank for a loss. Every IOU created; lessons the value of the currency.

Printing more money is another form of an IOU.

While we struggle to keep food on our tables, larger businesses employ labor forces in other countries.  They have a fluid model.  This type of model allows them to shift the production of widgets to whoever can provide the cheapest labor.

  • Didn’t you find it odd that last year the flu went on holiday as only Covid was the real killer?
  • Many who passed in accidents, single-vehicle accidents were chalked up to Covid, true story.
  • Why make this virus seem scarier than it is?

Outsourcing will enrich the coffers of other countries as they have no such gifts from the taxpayers.  The people either work or starve.  If that sentence seems ambiguous to you, perhaps the following will put a finer point on it.

‘A man that does not better society by his life does so by his death.’

That statement might seem harsh, but it is true. You either contribute to society and pay your dues or die.  If all non-disabled people adopted this ideal, the world would be a much better place.  Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. We are compassionate people, but we are not fools, are we?

History is replete with the rises and falls of empires.  Marxism and communism are high up on the list of reasons for the fall. Built on lies, corruption, and greed, Marxism is a cruel hoax to those sheep who blindly follow false prophets, politicians, or charlatans.

There is a darker, more sinister scheme in play even now as you download the latest patch for your video game or perhaps the next big series to binge-watch on Netflix. 

You are being replaced.

A quick walk around almost any town square will be most educational.  HELP WANTED signs will be in nearly every window. Under the guise of a virus with a similar mortality rate as the flu, the country has been decimated. Small businesses are closing down all over the country, primarily because of policies set forth by this administration.

Unless you happen to use other search engines like Mozilla or Firefox, you will learn nothing about the millions of new immigrants pouring across our southern border.  It is an invasion of our country put in place by the Biden Administration.

Those new, soon-to-be citizens will happily take those jobs starting at $15 an hour.  While you fiddle, Rome will burn.

The distractions are plenty.  They seem crazy strange because they are. In an everyday world, we would not be entertaining the idea that a baby can decide what gender it wants to be.  We would not be cowing to those that feel like they are better than you.  We certainly would not be bullied by those same people who feel aggrieved because the media told them that they should be.

It appears as if our country is being usurped by a communist regime. The actions taken by the press and this administration are similar to actions taken under MAO Stalin and even Hitler. Stalin once said the sharpest weapon in his arsenal was the written word.

If you want to know who is controlling you, look around to see which groups that you cannot speak ill of. Those are the very ones who wish to destroy our constitution and remove your bill of rights.

No Mr. Biden, we will never yield our rights to the government. I will never give up my right to free speech.  

The brainwashed movements created from radical academia might think that’s a good idea but, those are the same people who ate Tide pods.  WTF is wrong with you? Is this what happens when you sit around smoking pot all day?

There are groups of people who are the ‘hold my beer and watch this crowd.’ You tide pod people make them appear brilliant.

If you knew history, you would know what is going on. The invaders from the south destroyed their countries, much like locusts in the fields. Brainwashed by their version of Pravda, they voted in the criminal element that pillaged the treasury. Now they are coming here to vote the same stupid way, giving power to the most corrupt politicians of our time.

My advice is to get off your butts and go back to work before all the jobs are occupied or outsourced. Learn what you can about multi-media giants. Then you too will see how propaganda is spread around the globe by people who wish to control the narrative. 

Nothing to see here, said the Wizard, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.  PFFT

Once they have enough new voters to ensure they will never leave office, those handouts will dry up.  Foreign nationals will fill all those jobs that are available right now. All the jobs that can be; will be sent offshore, leaving gaping holes in our collective talents. 

The good news is, if we ever need to fight aliens or rob hookers, millions of you will fit right in with a pizza, a six-pack of beer, and a grandma that goes to sleep early, so she will not hear you playing video games all night.

You are selling your future for pennies on the dollar while the invading forces will march right in and take your place. Since January, we have had over a million new people enter this country. Your tax dollars are feeding, housing, and moving them around the country via chartered busses and planes.

These new folks are not tested for Covid or anything else for that matter. They are dumped off in cities around the country. While I feel they should all be sent to Delaware, convention centers in major cities are currently their destination. 

A media blackout at the border was instituted, much like the blackout that the Nazis ordered when the Brits took out one of their dams which flooded an industrial area.

‘Nothing to see here, play happy news, ask happy questions.”

The only reason the media drones on about Trump is they use him to trigger the masses.  If you are focusing your hate on a man that the media has convinced you is worse than Satan, you are not focusing on what the magician has in her other hand.  

With a million or more low skilled workers in the country since January, how many of those Help Wanted signs will be there when you finally wake up?

As for me, Covid has taken a toll on my business too. Without immediate changes, I will be forced to close the doors by year’s end. After three decades in business, that is not the end I wanted.

I am still writing, speaking, and what have you. For the record, I have more than paid my dues.  While this epistle might seem truculent in spirit, I promise it was written to grab your attention and not scold you. There was a time in my life I might have fallen into the tender trap of sleeping late, playing video games, and binge-watching TV.

I became a taxpayer at an early age. I wondered about that pay stub where small amounts were taken out for different entities.

You are taxed to death, and you don’t even realize it.

From income tax to universal fees and taxes, they take take take.  That tax code is created by those who are more sinister than Al Capone ever was.




A Multi-Billion Dollar idea to defeat Corona Virus

Do you realize how much science fact we have today came from science fiction writers like yours truly?

Many of you were surprised when the experts of the world finally admitted that the virus was airborne.

It is just common sense.  How can we capture the virus reducing its PPM to acceptable levels?

What are acceptable levels?

What if we design a mask that will become charged electrostatically as our breath passes through them?  The charge of material might capture the virus and other bacteria, dust, and so on.

What if we determine the charge of ambient particles of dust, viruses, and alike and create a generator of opposite polarity to attract them to the surface of some easily cleanable material like glass.

Where did the idea come from?

I am old school and have washed the surface of more than one CRT in my days.  The surface of the TV or computer screen before the flat panel is a dust magnet.  Why?  There was a 40kv charge just behind the mask of the picture tube, which attracted the electrons to the screen.

Viruses like the Coronavirus have little to no mass.  Their size is well into the NM (nanometer) range which is much too small to be captured by a typical mask.  Sorry folks, you have been lied to.  The mask does you little to no good. I know that those who create and sell masks appreciate your money but, as effective against the virus, nope.

If you can detect the scent of hand cleaner while wearing your mask, any virus can get into and out of your mask with ease.  The ester or molecule that you detect is in the MM (micro meter) range which is much larger than NM.

Now, if we could find a way to charge the mask electrostatically, you might have something.

If you make millions with my idea, remember where you read it.

Why am I not trying to market it?

Patent attorneys require thousands of dollars to spend time with you.  If they think you have something and you have cash, the next step is to get it protected in every country around the globe.  That is, on average, three thousand per country.

It is almost impossible for the little guy to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Large companies can push your idea into one of their facilities in some third-world country and develop it there, much as they do with pharma today.

The world needs a solution more than I need to figure out how to make money on an idea.

I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking about this idea. What of we put that electrostatic charge on the plexiglass that separates cubes, tables and so on?

Many of my novels have been pirated and translated into other languages.  What can you do?

Work for the betterment of humanity and let God sort out the rotten apples.



The destruction of America

Are you awake yet?

How is that Blue Vote working out for you?

If you want to destroy an adversary, one of the first things you do is buy off the media.  In years past, the way to conquer a country was to destroy the press by blowing up transmitters, burning newspaper outlets, or killing or locking up anyone who said something contrary to the new narrative.

This is how Hitler rose to power and why 17 million Jews were exterminated.

Communist countries strictly control the media or entirely state-run propaganda when anything is sent out into the ethos.

Along comes a media that pays every airport in the world only to play their station. So as people travel around the globe while waiting, they might get two or three hours of opinions put out as facts. We would call that propaganda.

These opinions are almost always emotional triggers.  This is how they control the masses. If you are angry, you will not think objectively. Could they be lying to you?  No, you won’t know because you are triggered.

I had a house guest recently who called every Trump supporter the worst kind of racists that could be.  The media she absorbs has her believing that Alveda King is a white supremacist. In her mind, if all Trump supporters were rounded up and exterminated, that would be just fine. In case you don’t know who Alveda is, she is the niece of Martin Luther King and an ardent Trump supporter.

Of course, none of this nonsense peddled by the media is true.

The demise of the Jews under Hitler had nothing to do with anything they did. Instead, he needed someone to blame for plundering the treasury and the country suffering through hyperinflation.

The Jews were better at business and they did well for themselves as they had a work ethic.  They were easy to set up as privileged.  It is an age-old ploy, the have’s vs the have nots. ‘It isn’t fair.’

The US is heading down that same road under this administration. If this administration gets their way, the country will be 40 trillion in debt in just a few years.  In debt to who?  China.

The media is still peddling anti-Trump rhetoric, including the infamous insurrection. But, they are hiding the truth of it from the public, making you believe it was worse than D-Day, Pearl Harbor, and 911 all combined.  They are lying.

Of all of the people that died that day, only one died of a violent act. That person was an unarmed woman who a cop shot in the neck.  The others either died of heart attacks or strokes.  These were middle-aged or older folks who had enough of the lies.  These were people whose lives had been decimated by the pandemic and were not getting any assistance from their government.

Many of these folks are still sitting in solitary confinement in a DC Jail for Trespassing.

There was no violence by the protestors.  It was not a riot. Trespassing hardly equates to what the media is selling.

Along with the media is social media.  They, too, are carrying water for someone, but who?

Someone in Congress needs to grow a pair and stop what is going on before we are all forced to learn Mandarin.   I have no issues with any people of any country.  It is their governments that I have problems with.

Our government is under assault by those same forces who answer to the almighty dollar, not what is best for the American People.

If you are angry, you are being triggered.  It is that simple.

Trump and his supporters are not what the media is portraying them to be.  Think about that. For the last few years, the press has been dehumanizing Trump and his family, and his supporters.  When in our history have we stooped so low as to sway the results of an election?  

Would you stand idly by while our boys in uniform rounded up 74 million fellow Americans and sent them to re-education camps, aka an American version of Auschwitz?

One of our news anchors was on a late-night show musing about how we re-educate 74 million folks. 

My last houseguest would stand idly by and watch. She is that much of a believer she would turn her back on them, believing that they had it coming.  

To be that willing to believe the worst in folks, there already has to be a certain amount of hate in your heart.  I think my friend is more of a racist than she thinks she is.

The German folks of WWII did just that as their once neighbors were stripped of their businesses, homes, and personal belongings and sent to live in slums while concentration camps were built to house them. The press dehumanized them, forcing them to identify with that yellow star.  Maybe Trump supporters will be forced to have MAGA tattooed on them.  Where are we headed?

It was a redistribution of wealth from the Jews to the German people. Does this sound familiar? 

We are not a racist country.  It is those who put a color in front of people that are racist.

What can you do?  Firstly you need to have a dialogue with those that don’t see things as you do. You need to understand why they feel the way that they do.  As stated, some of it is just innate human nature.  Get over it.  Skin color does not make you any better or worse than the other person. 

PR firms use science to create this bigotry to herd the masses.  They understand human nature, and they know how to craft a narrative that will motivate people in one direction or another.

Hate, Fear, and Anger are three robust tools for nudging people.  What’s wrong in the world, and who is to blame for it.

The country is broke, you live in misery, and the Jews are to blame for it.  That was all it took for the German folks to allow 17 million Jews to be slaughtered. 

This tax and spend administration is raping the treasury, and they will somehow blame Trump and the GOP for the problem.  We went from energy independence in just four months to total dependence on another country. Gas is now where it was pre-pandemic; Russia and the Emirates are now back in control of the oil supply and price, yet it is Trump’s fault.  How do those in the media sleep at night?

By the time you catch on that your dollar just doesn’t go as far, it will be too late. All of the prices of goods and services are skyrocketing. Your votes will be replaced by the millions pouring across the southern border.  Why are they coming here?  They are fleeing their repressive corrupt governments. Will they figure out why they were allowed to invade this country?  Nope…they will vote for the party that allowed it.

I hate to say this but, I would go after their advertisers and hit them in the pocketbook. Money is about the only thing these people seem to understand.  We could call it EQUITY.  PFFFT!




Blinding light or slow and sickly, what is your choice of death?

Would you like to play a game?

Only in the annals of fiction do we see something so idiotic.  Let’s play a game, shall we?  Um, I will send a thousand or so nuclear-tipped missiles at your country while you send a thousand or so at ours.  The rest of the nuclear world will get involved because, why not? It’s the only game in town.

China just lobbed a threat of Nuclear War against the US.  Why?  The Biden administration is being forced to ask the tough questions?  Where did the covid virus come from?

With emails from Fauci to the scientists at the lab recently surfaced, we now know that the likely source was the lab in Wuhan. 

Let’s put that into perspective.

3.69 million people have died because of this virus.  We need to have Nuremberg-style trials, and Fauci should be among the people to testify.  

It’s not just the US that wants answers; the rest of the civilized world wants to know where it came from, who authorized it, and how do we stop it from happening again.

This virus, unlike those viruses that target certain ethnicities knows no boundaries.  The folks that created it are just as vulnerable as those farmers in parts of the world that don’t even have electricity. 

Megalomaniacs need to be held to account. That is what a tribunal is for.  We don’t threaten our adversaries with nukes for asking questions. 

The game is high-stakes poker with no winners, should you make one mistake. 

Maybe some scientist like AOC could tell us how many nuclear explosions it would take to change the climate.  The squad seems to know everything about climate change but, perhaps they should bring in the other expert from England, Greta, you know, the girl with the deadly scowl. 

Even as our military seems focused on the correct clothing for pregnant officers and political correctness, I would not want to test them when it comes to who is offended by some woke bullshit.

There are no winners in this game.  Only losers.

Stoking the flames of racism as a distraction for what is happening in this world only goes so far. People are watching actions and not the news; they know it is propaganda for the woke bullshit.

They see that their paycheck does not go as far, and Gas is right back to pre covid prices even though many are still not driving. Why did someone kill our energy independence and give it to Russia and the Emirates again?  Why Joe?  Why weaken the US at the expense of strengthening our adversaries?

Do you think that the American people are that stupid as not to notice, or are more race wars your answers to the distractions?  There are many useful idiots out there that can occupy any city you like for a price.

Speaking of Race, did you know that the Tulsa Race Massacre was perpetrated by the Ku Klux Klan, democratic society for the advancement of whites. Yes, the Democrats were behind the massacre, and yet Biden foolishly shined a light on it, I would guess in hopes that nobody would figure it out.  

Many believe the Civil War was between the north and the south, but not so.  Democrats loved their slaves and did not like Lincoln and his ilk trying to say that the Black man was equal to the White man, which he is.  Can you imagine being so full of yourself that you think your skin color makes you better than anyone else? I cannot.

The Civil war was between the ideals of Democrats vs. Republicans. 

It took a war to sort out the facts from fiction, costing Lincoln his life in the process.

As recent as LBJ (Democrat) who famously said, I’ll have those N**** voting Democrat for the next 200 years.  Care to bet if he knew any KKK members?

Biden admired Byrd a famous KKK leader.  True story.

Snopes and others try to downplay it, saying there is little evidence of it but, there is a video of him saying it.  Nice Try Snopes.  BTW Snopes is run by democrats, biased much?

Why racism?

Our emotions control us, and everyone that is in power knows this.  That is why just about every news blip you see on your phone has an emotional hook in it. 

If we wanted to stop racism, we would stop talking about it. I know of nobody that judges someone by how much melanin they have in their skin.

Knowledge is power, and education is the key to a successful life.  Hate will shorten your life.  Hate only hurts you.  BTW, I would go to the library for your knowledge as the internet is constantly scrubbed of things that liberal-leaning folks don’t like.   Much like Facebook, google, youtube and Twitter, it will never see the light of day if it does not fit the narrative.  

When they shut down Parlor, anyone who is the least bit fair-minded should have gone ape shit bonkers. Much like the Robin Hood app pulling the plug when the GameStop fiasco began.  Those that were bidding were playing by their rules, and someone in control stopped them.  IS the stock market fair? Not for thee, only for them.

Paper books from the time are more reliable than anything you read on the internet.

As far as nuclear war… Well, that would take care of all of the hate in the world as the cockroaches would be the only creatures to survive it. Radioactive fallout, much like the coronavirus, knows no boundaries either.  Your best bet would be to learn where the targets would be and go there before the first blinding light occurs.  Better to go out quickly than die a miserable lingering death of radiation sickness. No, there are no safe places on this planet if anyone is that stupid, demented, or just crazy.

I was speaking with a friend of mine about current events when we touched on the UFO stuff that is supposed to be released.  I said, “I hope there are aliens, it would be nice to have some intelligent life to speak with.”

Obviously, I was overstating things but the point is, if you read the news blips and dare, I say it, watch the news you too might conclude that we have gone bonkers as a people.  Who in their right mind pulls a gun on cops?

If China created this virus, which it looks like they did, someone needs to be held to account.

It’s not the people, it’s the government who gave their blessings.

If Fauci was involved, he too needs to be held to account.

Those are my thoughts for today, I hope you all are well.

Assuming China was saber rattling to clatter the bones of a rather geriatric basement dwelling executive who often is not sure what day it is, I will continue writing my latest thriller.

Told from the eyes of an unreliable narrator, with some paranormal activities, it should be a good read.

Much Love -TW


A Few Thoughts on life, climate change and You

How are you holding up?

I pray that you all have been keeping safe and well.  The world is upside down at the moment. 

An impromptu trip to Hospital reminded me of just how fleeting life can be.  What could have been Covid was something else.  Fever and two weeks in bed I am still recovering.  Either the tests are flawed, or the staff are students, and unsure of which end of the stethoscope goes where.  

From the looks of my body, after they finished attempting their ritual bloodletting, I am thinking someone relaxed the rules on what it takes to be a medical professional.  Sorry if that offends, had you been me, you would understand.

I spent a large part of April with a fever and medicated. Medical facilities were such that I was not in dire enough straights to garner a room, so I suffered at home.

Fever can be an interesting trigger for horrible nightmares, visions, and close personal chats with those that have passed years, if not decades prior. Yes, I am talking about spooky stuff.

There is a paradigm shift in the world.  The pandemic might be the cause, or the tool.  I suspect the latter. I don’t think we have seen the other shoe drop where this pandemic is concerned.  My research into vaccines and what they are doing with them vary.  Either it takes me to sites that tell you everything else is fake news, take the shot, yada yada or, you read on genomics, happen to have more than a passing understanding of the subject and realize that there is a real danger in messing with RNA.  That is how we got here in the first place.

Who, what sane person takes a virus that in and of itself is dangerous and thinks, ‘now, how could I make this more transmissible and increase the damage that it does to the host?’

If we knew the truth, we would probably convene trials reminiscent of Nurnberg.

Reported on several sites, the lab in Wuhan had sloppy controls, funding from other countries, and supposedly, Fauci was involved.  Let that one sink in.  If true, anything he said would be very suspect.

Just because you can, does not mean that you should.

We have enough nukes pointed at each other around the world to turn the planet into dust.  Why?  Are we that insecure as a race?

Over three and a half million have fallen to this virus. Is the plan to weed out the old, sickly and so on much like in the wilds of the animal Kingdome?  Is this tied to Climate Change and some magic number of humans to resources?  Are we revisiting Hitler’s Eugenics on Steroids?

As for Climate Change, It is bullshit.  Here is why.

When a 12-year-old girl becomes the lightning rod for a cause championed by non-other than a privileged girl, ex bartender who couldn’t spell Celestial Mechanics, you know there is an issue.

There is power and big money in cow farts and controlling your lives. 

This winter was unseasonably colder for us in the south.  This July, August it will be warmer than last year, and it is predictable.

Celestial mechanics, the movement of the heavenly bodies, plays a part in the majestic dance we are in with the other planets, moons, etc. 

Gravity is the key driving force that regulates this dance.

Our sun goes through a cycle much like everything else in nature, including us humans.  Where the sun is concerned every 11.5 or so years, it has a period.  Crude, but to the point.  The sun’s face gets some acne, a zit or two appear, and at times those pimples erupt.  We call them solar storms.  Sluffing off large amounts of solar stuff into the cosmos, if you are in the direction of the flair, much like your mirror if you squeeze your zits, there are now spots to contend with.

We get pretty dancing lights in the different extreme north or south hemispheres, and we are also at heightened risk of skin cancer from cosmic radiation.

The Thunberg’s and the AOC’s of the world will find some cause to rally around calling it exhaust from your immaculate burning car, but that is what stupid people do; they become shepherds, leading the sheep, even more foolish people, off cliffs.

In reality, the menstrual cycle of the sun is regulated by our protector and wandering star, Jupiter.

Much like the three wise men followed the Eastern star to find Jesus, we should be thankful it is there.  Its gravity is so dense that it plays minesweeper, capturing many wayward fast-moving rocks that might end our puny lives in a heartbeat, much like the dinosaurs before us.

Jupiter has such an immense gravitational field that it drags the sun’s core over a half-million miles closer to it, as it traverses its orbit ever oh say, 11.5 years. 

Wait, doesn’t the sun have its menses every 11.5 years? Could it be that there is no internal mystery of the cyclical nature of the sunspot cycle?

As it happens, this winter, not only was Jupiter tugging on the sun dragging it a half-million miles further away from our lovely little planet but, Saturn is also in conjunction with Jupiter.

Saturn is also a gas giant. I would surmise it does a fair amount of changing the core dimensions of the sun, shifting its center of gravity, and so on all on its own.  With both gas giants dragging on the sun in one direction, how much further will the core be nudged?

Well, kids, this July August guess where the earth will be positioned?

Yep, between the sun and those two gas giants.  If you could stand on the sun and look into the ‘night sky, you would see the earth, Jupiter, and Saturn all lined up within a few arcseconds of each other.  With each body exacting some attraction on the sun, this summer will be warmer than others.

The climate change people will beat their chest and demand more money from you to use less efficient forms of energy to save the planet. Now you have fodder to push back.  Knowledge is power.  Critical thinking is part of the process. Greta and her ilk are used as pawns by the rich and the powerful to control the masses.  Her Glower and adulation by Time Magazine, who also praised the likes of Hitler and Stalin, should be your first clue that you are reading the wrong rags. We are controlled and manipulated by multimedia conglomerates who own the politicians.

I am all about a clean environment.  I also know there are no free lunches and no perpetual motion machines.

Visionaries like Musk are who we should be looking for.

As for the virus, the more I learn, the more upset I am that this might not be the first such contagion released on the world. 

Back in our history, Smallpox was released on the indigenous population. If ever we needed that Thunberg scowl, that would be such a place

Here is some more glower material for those of you who study such things.

Radioactive dust in the form of Zinc Cadmium Sulfide was dropped on cities coast to coast by your very own military, exposing millions to toxic radioactive substances. They did this as part of cold war feasibility studies on attacking cities or countries with airborne agents.  Little did they know, years later we would have a virus that was .001 nm in size, more virulent and deadly than Hitler’s mustard gas, and would be transported by people.

While I admire the tenacity of the Hog’s, Thunberg’s, and even the AOC’s of the world, I wish to god you would educate yourselves.

You three and your ilk are like No Toes McGrew… Ready Fire Aim.  You want the facts; follow the damned money.

Guns are not the issue; sick people with severe mental anomalies are the problem.  With the pandemic, it is worse, not better.

Climate change is all about greed.  Yes, this inexpensive way of doing things works, but how can we nudge you into paying much more for less?  

Freon is the perfect example of how chemical companies lobbied the US to outlaw a perfectly efficient gas for air conditioners for a less efficient form that wears out equipment four times as fast and is much more expensive. This cheap gas is still used in other countries, not in the US, because our lawmakers sold out to the chemical giants.

These last few months have been tough.

If you know someone who, or perhaps you suffered a personal loss, you have my heartfelt sympathies.

As you might suspect, I know many people from what I do.  I would need both hands and feet to tally the close personal acquaintances that have passed in these last few months. I am waiting for Zoom to capitalize on Virtual funerals.

Mental illness is by far one of the most significant issues we face as a race.  Violence around the globe is on the uptick. Domestic disturbances are off the charts, and personal attacks on people they didn’t even know are reported more often.

Here in the states, shootings are frequent with the spark, often as simple as cutting someone off on the motorway, even by accident.  

Young girls, teenagers murder a peer for reasons as of yet unknown.  Part of me thinks it was to video it and get her five minutes of fame.  Plunging a knife into the chest of a classmate and former friend over an argument, video it, and brag about it.  On her own phone video, she tells her friends ‘I stabbed the bitch in the heart.’ Sure, Guns are the problem.   NOT.

If your emotions are triggered, you’re being manipulated. Preachers have been using this method for years, holding out your eternal salvation as a way to get part of your wealth, and worse, your time.  Business execs are more upfront, dollars for hours worked.  Yes, we are all whores.

Then there is the lowest of the low, politicians who enslave vast populations by paying them not to work.  Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.  If you are paid not to work, how likely are you to get into trouble with all that spare time?

They know this, and they don’t care.  Vote the right way, and what happens to you, your family, and so on is none of their concern.

Live on the streets in run-down, crime-ridden cities and vote when it is time.  Pitiful.

If you stomach the news, you might be tempted to believe it is a race thing.  That is what the talking heads all say, it must be true. That would be a lie.

Melanin has nothing to do with what kind of life you have.  If the desire to learn new skills and develop talents has been removed, our natural tendency is to take the path of least resistance.  Those of us who have had to scratch at the dirt, claw our way up from the ground to eat, appreciate opportunities.  That my friends is the real difference between privilege, and non. Flipping burgers as a child while going to school was a privilege.  That entry level job taught me the value of work.  The friends I grew up with, who were handed everything in life did not do so well.

What am I doing?

I am working on a thriller that is modeled after my Kelly McGuire novel.  This Story has a paranormal feel to it and is written from the 1rst POV.  This is an unusual style for me so stay tuned when it will be ready for pre-release.

Yes, all of the ideas and opinions in this blog are mine.  No, I have not borrowed anything from anyone in scientific circles. Much like my argument that meteors can have their own mini moons orbiting them, the concept of the sun’s cycles are mine.

Every so often I get an e-mail about the variety of stuff that I write.  People are rather bemused by the fact that I have written books on how to be successful in the adult entertainment industry.

When E.L. James wrote 50 shades, she did not want people to know who she was until she became rich.   

I am not ashamed of trying to assist those that are attempting to make a go of it, modeling on web cam.  I am not ashamed of any of my over 25 million published words. I am still scratching at the dirt, the walls and yes, the glass ceiling, because that is who I am.

As my craft continues to improve, I might go back and ‘fix’ some of my earlier works.  I try to look forward, and not backward.  Those two how to manuals took me less than a day to write each and they have assisted many.  If that is your version of scratching, God Speed.

If you are a regular to my blog, thanks so much. It has been a while since I had anything of value to contribute.  

Much Love -TW


Can you be a household name for doing a good deed?

If your dead, a state funeral does you no good.

There are ways to get famous, this way would not be my preferred way.

I am not sure what the world is coming to but, listen to this…

A neighbor reported that her cat got out and is missing.  It was the middle of the week.  My daughter was engrossed in some video games, and it was a nice day.

I walk the area on occasion but hardly ever in the middle of the day.  What harm can it do to take a walk and look for a stray cat?

As I chat with her about life and things in general while walking the sidewalks where the cat went missing, we see a cop pass by.  There are signs up with descriptions of said cat.

Without warning, the car turns around and now appears to focus on us. Two officers that get out to investigate us.  I wonder if they are there to help look for the cat?  Probably not.   

My daughter is a child, and I am not exactly threatening, but, rapidly the wrong end of a gun is pointing in our direction from the other officer.

“Woe, what the hell, officers?”

Separating us, my daughter is told to walk backward toward the other officer.  This child still has issues walking forward without tripping. Pffft.  I watch her, she is terrified. I am not exactly calm and collected, but I know not to do anything that would cause a trigger pull.

If she had tripped walking backward would that cop have shot her as she moved in an unexpected manner?

“We got a call of suspicious activity, and you two are out in the middle of the day, don’t seem natural.”

Are all Texans this slow, or do you have to be not real bright to wear the uniform?  Asking for a friend.

“We are not armed, and we live here.”

“Where is here?”

“Next street over.”

“I need to see ID.”

The end of whatever pistol the other officer was pointing at me looked like a cannon as I slowly reach for identification. 

“What are you doing out this time of day?”

I point to the sign on the post not twenty yards away.  They act as if they don’t believe me because nobody gives a damned about someone else’s cats or problems…

I do. What if it were my cat?

The other officer has my daughter by the car and is asking her the same types of questions.  Later she told me that the officer thought we were nuts to be looking for a lost cat that wasn’t even ours.

At least no more guns are pointing at us.

I happen to conceal carry; I did not have it on me then but, one has to wonder, what if?

Since this happened to me, a white person, I felt like it might be wise to pass on some salient info regarding concealed carry and cops.

By this story, it is not hard to tell that their anxiety level is much higher than what they might let on.  Like you and I, they deserve to go home to their family in one piece at the end of the day.

Whether you conceal carry or not, and I don’t give a shit what color you are, keep your hands in plain sight.  Statistics prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that cops kill more white people than black folks.  I realize that doesn’t fit the narrative but, facts are immutable.

If it is at night, pull over, put your car in park, turn on the dome light, roll down the window and place your hands on the dash.  You don’t want to be an accident.

Never adjudicate your case on the side of the road; the cop does not give a crap about your reasons for whatever you were doing that caused him or her to pull you over.  Yes, sir or ma’am or no sir or ma’am is about all you need to say.  A medical emergency is probably the one excuse you might offer up but make sure it is a medical emergency.

If I can have guns drawn on me while walking through my neighborhood, it could certainly have gone down a lot worse with a child by my side.

If you carry, when they ask, hand the cop your license to carry at the same time you give them your driver’s license.  They will ask you if you are armed.  In truth, they will know more about you before they ever talk to you than you would expect.  They will see if you are registered as concealed carry and if you have insurance, where you live, and so on.  The database is pretty reliable.  What you hand them is matched against it.

Never reach for your gun; you will end up dead.

Please keep your hands where they can see them.  Most probably, he or she will disarm you, allow them.

At the end of the day, it will be a story you can tell, or like me, blog.

I was unaware that Gladys Cravats from Bewitched lives in my neighborhood.  

The moral of the story, keep your cat or dog locked up when people are working in your house. Don’t expect me to go looking for it ever again.

The times we live in are much more dangerous.  Tensions are high as hate, racists acts, and all forms of violence sell air time.  The media has a 24 7 news cycle, and without people doing evil, stupid things they would not have advertisers paying them for air time. Emotional drama sells.

If things calm down, they will manufacture something even if they have to make it up out of thin air.

Had I been black and been shot for looking for a neighbor’s cat the press would have played the story for days.  Since I am white and didn’t get shot, it’s not worth mentioning. Unless, of course, you are looking down the wrong end of a gun carried by some cop who might be rattled.

They don’t need to be defunded; we need more money for more and better training.  We should be able to offer them good wages so we can attract the brightest and the best.  If they have the power of life or death in their hands, don’t you want the most brilliant and best wearing the badge?

Much Love -TW


Are we Headed this way again? Part II

It seems someone needs to learn some history.

When we speak of the Holocaust, the number 6 million is tossed around.  Those that even think about it want to dismiss it as quickly as they read the word Holocaust.  It is unpleasant.

It is more than unpleasant. Indeed it is deplorable that humans were treated in such a callous manner.  Blamed for something that was not of their doing, dehumanized by the minister of propaganda and several media outlets, they were the victims.  The Brown Shirts crawled out of the cracks from where scum usually lives and became the muscle of the Nazi party.

Good Arian boys and girls waved flags with the swastika to show their support of their  ‘dear leader’ while turning a blind eye to the atrocities unfolding in their midst.

There are many facts that even they didn’t realize or know.

Those trains carrying victims came from far and wide, much like a dragnet of sorts.  The actual number of victims is far closer to 17 million.  Let that number sink in… 17,000,000 and Change.

I am curious why we don’t hear the Jews looking for reparations.

History is rife with wickedness, and much of it is based on racism, or is it?

Nobody in their right mind would stand there today and argue that the slave trade before the civil war was a good thing.  Nobody certainly would stand on a soapbox and justify it or do anything to try and repeat it, would they?

The number of enslaved people from Africa is all over the map.  If you go with published data points, 12.5 million Africans were brought to the US from the 1500s to the 1800s.

Missionaries might have opened the door, using God as a cudgel to control the natives; it was not white people running around Africa rounding up slaves for deportation.

It was white people or people of lighter skin than those that they oppressed who brokered the transactions; however, they did not physically round-up anyone.

When the Spaniards purchased them, they were treated as livestock. That livestock was sold to them by Africans.  From buttons to baubles, the slaves sold to them were prisoners of war.  Those people would have been a food source to those who sold them.  Yes, they were cannibals.

They were conquered tribes, slaves, prisoners, females for sexual gratification, and yes, dinner.  If the truth offends you, stop reading this and go live in your delusions. 

Like the missionaries used God as a club, we don’t want to blame them because they were doing God’s work.  Really? 

Slavery existed long before bible-thumping opportunists went looking for ways to make money from dealing in human trafficking. While some missionaries genuinely believed in what they were doing, any thinking person should realize that using your salvation as a bargaining chip is evil.

This blog post is not about race relations.  I believe that thinking people realize that skin color does not make a difference in who you are.  Those who rely on skin color as a crutch own that problem, and it is up to them to see the light or continue to live in their delusional misery. After having a president of color, the proof is there for anyone who will open their fucking eyes.

Americans are not systemically racists. Those who claim we are have an ulterior motive, and it is evil.

In 2008 when Obama ran against McCain, I knew it was a farse.  McCain no matter what you think of him, was a Democrat.  Picking his running mate, they never put up a serious threat to Obama’s race. Nobody running a serious campaign would have picked her, as a running mate.

Republicans were duped time and time again by this man.

Hope and Change sold well in the media. As a PR person, that is a campaign I would have devised if I were working on it.

Still, people of all races voted for Obama, and the media was his cheerleader.  From the thrill up a leg to the fawning, obsequious talking heads of the media, owned and controlled by big corporations, the fix was in.  Manipulating the masses with emotionally charged issues, white people became the villains.

They did not count on those talking heads who were caught in too many lies. People of color, their base, began to question the democratic plantation.  They needed to find a new breed of voters who knew less history, but who?

Why not import a whole new population of voters, and oh yes, slaves to live on the democratic plantation?

Hillary had all the name recognition and branding she needed to have an easy win.  Unable to keep up with her opponent, she only hit the states with the highest number of delegates. She was quoted as saying that she runs as a Democrat because Democrats are stupid and easy to control.  She was and is her own worst enemy, and still, she blames everyone but herself.

She underestimated Trump.  She also underestimated people of color.

While the media attacked him mercilessly, nothing stuck; they attacked him, Melania, and his children. They made fun of her accent, playing to those who are racist.  When that backfired, one of his opponents sent nude pictures of her to all of his constituents in Utah, knowing full well the Mormons would never have anything to do with anyone who was immoral.  Little did they realize the evil person was the politician using every dirty trick in the book.

Trump and JFK have much in common; I will explain that link in a future blog.

With people of color leaving the plantation and women not dissuaded by the attacks on his character, the country ended up with someone who believed in America First.

Countries far and wide only think they have the power over the politicians; they don’t. As many who read this blog can attest to, repressive regimes are everywhere.  While this country is the last bastion of freedom, we are falling to the whims of large corporations and the elite.

That is the root cause of racism. It has little to do with color.  That is a lie told to the ignorant who believe everything they hear or read from the media.

Yes, some see a person of a different color and fain disdain for them, but it is not a color thing in truth.  It is much more rudimentary than that.  This issue goes back to the Holocaust.  

There is this mantra that most of us grow up with, study hard, work hard, and you will go far.  There are too many that never see that example.

The Jewish people have a work ethic and are disciplined.  Many folks of all colors work hard and see that someone like Obama can live in the White House and do what it takes to go far.  Some do not and instead depend upon the ‘governments’ to take care of them. Others, unfortunately, look for illegal or immoral ways to fund a lifestyle.

It isn’t just the drug dealers living on the edge; it is people in power that have become so corrupt that the laws don’t apply to them.  They use racism as a deflection technique to distract those of us who look behind the curtain. 

Those that depend upon free phones, free health care, free food, and free places to live typically are happy to stay on the plantation. They are told where their bread is buttered, and they vote accordingly. 

Those of us who keep our noses to the grindstone are the providers of their funds.  There are no free lunches; someone pays for them.

Today we have an unprecedented surge at the border from countries that have been so corrupt they can no longer afford to provide free stuff.  Those in charge will give to those who come here. However, they have a hand in your pocket to pay for it.

Much like the nomads of early history, they are going where there is still milk and honey.

These tens of thousands will accompany the over 20 million illegal, undocumented, pick your adjective people that cross our borders. I would not be shocked to learn that their governments are assisting in the migration as American dollars flow home from those who secure work or free stuff.

While the good people who profess their disgust of the word ‘illegal’ will welcome them in, it is not those people who will suffer from the overpopulation of migrants. 

They are the haves, that live in their gated communities, drive their nice cars, and send one of the maids out to the store to purchase what they desire. 

To show you just how out of touch they are, when Mrs. Pelosi stood next to her two, SubZero, 25 thousand dollar freezers, in her mansion, showing the media $16 a pint designer ice cream, many on the media took note.  How many of you realize that a SubZero brand freezer is $25K?  She has two.  How many of you buy designer ice cream at $16 a pint?

Now, how many of you have a side-by-side fridge freezer that came from Sears?   You know the one you had to finance at 24% interest over a year…   Maybe you didn’t have a Sears card and had to get it from Rent a center…  They are clueless about how we live.

It’s worse; she and her ilk are paid by you.  On top of that, they are working hard to keep wages low.

It was never about race; it is all about the have’s and the have nots.  Those who live in the gated communities, show up on the silver screen, or live in the country’s wealthiest county (DC), are totally out of touch.  They don’t know what it is like to triple lock your door at night or duck every time you hear a gunshot.

Those of us who do not live in a gated community, hear sirens on an hourly basis, or have the occasional gunshot wake us at night would not know how to react if we were to trade places with them.  

What would it be like to have armed guards around your house at night?

I am reminded of Montgomery Burns on the Simpsons, “release the hounds.”

Some of these migrants will be the ones with guns, the disrespect for human life and the law, and become part of our communities.

It was never about race; it has always been about the have’s and the have nots.

Archeological digs have found skeletons of early man who had his head crushed by their neighbor for what he or she had.  In many of these cases, the head was crushed because they ate the brains of those they killed.

Oh, and they used sticks and stones.

As these migrants filter into the country and end up in communities, jobs will be more challenging to come by for those who already live there.  Crime will undoubtedly increase, and the murder rate will increase too. 

Pay scales will decrease as there is more cheap labor…Slaves.

If they are kept in limbo, as they have kept the current 20 million people, more American dollars will be funneled out of the country to those very countries they have escaped.  Further, as long as they are ‘undocumented,’ they will live in the shadows. They are modern-day slaves. This administration knows it, wants the cheap labor, and, of course, their vote.

‘How much does a vote cost these days?  Asking for a friend.’

I am not saying the migrants are bad people.  They are leaving a country with limited funds to become slaves. The migration has been going on for decades. The politicians know it and facilitate it.   Follow the money.  When a public servant becomes a millionaire, they are probably crooked.  Why else would someone spend $19 million of their own money for a job that pays $154K a year?  Did we stop teaching critical thinking altogether, or is something in the water?

Today we have a high rate of catalytic converter thieves.  This theft is happening all over the country.  Some companies will readily buy them knowing they are stolen, providing the demand.  If the thief is not careful, it can cost up to four thousand dollars to get it fixed.

Those kinds of thefts are what I think will be the beginning of more significant problems. There are some complete morons who want to defund the police or take guns away from law-abiding citizens.

One such moron is a lawmaker in Texas who wants to make it more difficult for the law-abiding citizen to use deadly force to defend herself.

Biden once told the ladies if you are going to get raped, pee yourself, and then the rapist will not want to rape you.  This is coming from a guy that sniffs the hair of little girls.  Another lawmaker from a few years ago told women if they are going to get raped, lie down and enjoy it. 

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Me, aim and pull the trigger until it stops making that loud banging noise.  When it just makes that clicking sound, you can stop.  Who knows, the asshole might be into golden showers.   Judged by twelve, rather than carried by six, is my motto.

Save the hate comments, don’t need them.

Before you vote, think carefully about who and why you are voting that way.  The media is not your friend.  If your emotions are tweaked, you are being manipulated.

Much Love -TW


Is this where we are headed, again?

When we fail to learn from history we repeat it.

The following is a story modeled after true events in our history. It is about racism and is worth your read, and you sharing it.

Comments are welcome.

History is rife with example after example of what happens when you devalue a race of people.  Blaming ‘white people’ is a cruel joke on society, and the mark of a racist worthy of the KKK.

I wanted to post pictures of naked dead people from a real event in our history that was so horrific; those pictures gave me nightmares to this current day. I am a humanist.  While I acknowledge that evil exists, I happen to believe that humankind is inherently good. 

Mob mentality is catchy.  More horse thieves met their death at the end of a rope, without the benefit of a trial by their peers.   Vigilante justice is not justice at all; it is the opposite of justice.  It is, in fact, murder.

There is a lengthy history of such actions.  Google genocides through history. 

I see pundits tossing around the race card much like a match in a fireworks factory.  In 2012 the race card was played nightly when we first heard of a game called the ‘polar bear hunt.’

Inciting violence against an entire race is easy to do when you shout hate from a megaphone like the Main Stream Media is doing every day.  The individual who attempts to knock out an elderly white person with one punch is responsible for playing the game; the person who yelled fire in the theatre is to blame for those who get trampled.

I researched this for a story I was working on.  It breaks my heart to see those with megaphones yelling fire in the auditorium of life.  By their actions, they are dehumanizing white people.  Now before you say, oh boo hoo, I want you to read this story below.  I could have put tons of pictures here, but in all consciousness, I cannot.  They are far too graphic. 

If the news is reporting any event regarding race, I want you to take out the word white, and insert the word black, and see if it is still ‘ok.’  The odds are great it will not be ok so it is, NOT OK!

Not all that long ago, a group of people tore down statues.  They banned free speech. They blamed the economic hardships on a particular group of people.  They then instituted gun control.  They made fun of those who hung on to their guns and their God.  Indeed, you were to put your country or your government ahead of God.  They then nationalized health care regulating the industry with an iron fist.

With runaway inflation, printing money was the beginning to the end. The government needed to find ways to reward the faithful.  Since money was worthless, they came up with a plan.

To give to those that were patriots or loyal to the cause, they took the possessions, businesses, and personal property of this group deemed responsible, and re-distributed it to the good loyal followers.

This group of people were taken from their homes and moved into the ghettoes. They were forced to wear identification as to who they were. Everyday citizens spat upon them.  They heard about the camps and knew they were suffering, but they didn’t care.  They were to blame for the state of affairs, weren’t they?  All the news stations said they were to blame.  As the rape gangs brutalized women and children, they again looked the other way. This group was to get no sympathy from the good citezens.

You watch as your children are stripped naked in the streets, beaten and raped by gangs of roving ‘elites.’ The law is on their side, not yours.

The proper people ignore their screams while fussing at their kids; they might catch something by having sex with a dog, you or your child were now worse than rabid dogs.

Imagine your husbands are taken away, leaving you and your family defenseless after losing your home, your business, and being forced to live on the streets. 

Your customers who used to greet you when entering your shop now look down their noses at you and spit on your naked body as those that still want to rape you do so at will. Gang rape is in fashion, and you are defenseless. Nobody cares about you or your spawn.

You and your kind caused this whole mess and you don’t disserve to live.  That is what the media reports night after night, so it must be true.

The proper women complain that their boys might catch something, so the government stirs to action to protect the good citizens from street people’s scourge. The several year plan is complete, you and your kind are officially vermin. Never mind that your kids played with their kids, that is over.  How could they have been so blind as to not see that you are the spawn of Satan?

Imagine soldiers are rounding you up to save you from the rape gangs.  You and your children are loaded into boxcars with the promise of taking you and your children away from this dangerous place. If your boys can labor for the war effort, they go one way.  If you and your daughters are of no value to the war effort, you go another way.

Some find that their next destination is a concentration camp, or worse. In this place, if you go there, you will most certainly starve to death.

Some will not make it to a camp, they are filling up. They have to invent new ways to offload the refugee population faster.  They need to become more efficient at what they do.  While the scientists work on better ways to manage population control, many will be managed the old-fashioned way.  You and your daughter are on that train.

With the train’s chugging through the mountain pass, you are packed so tightly; you jostle into each other with every motion.  The smell of the smoke from the locomotive passes over as an occasional cinder lands in someone’s hair or on their clothing.    The top of the car is off, exposing you and everyone to the elements. Air from the mountain pass occasionally wafts in, causing the black smoke to blow to the side instead of over you.

A whistle blows before it comes out of the mountains echoing off the hills.  You hear it, but you have no clue it is to alert the men ahead that they soon will be busy.

The train lurches to a stop in the middle of nowhere.  The sounds of the clacking steel brace on the side of the car give way to the sliding door as it opens, allowing the cool air to circle among you.  You grab your child close as you witness officers brandishing machine guns.  The mood is dark as their orders are stern. You and your children line up as you leave the train cars, looking for evidence of your new home away from the rape gangs, you see none. 

Thankful to stretch your legs, your relief soon leaves as you catch a whiff of the odor you remember from a dead animal or worse.  On top of the foul smell, there are no buildings, tents, or anything that resembles a bathroom.

There is heavy equipment sitting idle and freshly piled mounds of dirt block your view of what lies past it.

The cool air in the middle of the field soon feels a little too cool. Orders are given to remove your clothing and put them into a pile.  You and others begin to sob, knowing that you have not escaped the rape gangs. 

There are too few soldiers to rape all the women, however.

One of your friends argues with the officer and is shot on the spot.  The sound of the gunshot shocks you as you watch her drop to the ground with blood staining  her white dress as she drops.

This is no longer about rape, and you realize in your heart what is about to happen.  You look for a way to hide your child to protect her from what is to come.

The children are too scared to cry as coats, dresses, and soon underclothes are placed into a pile.  Several of the other women are ordered to pick up the dead woman and carry her to a pile of dirt twenty or so feet tall.

As the rest of you approach the area, watching them carry your friend, blood drips from her dangling hands as the odor of death fills your nostrils.

The grass and cold dirt on your bare feet are a stark reminder that you and your children are naked as you walk closer and closer to what will surely be your last moments on earth. You make eye contact with a young man carrying a machine gun.  He orders you to stop looking at him.

Crossing the field there is a haze in front of the mounds of earth that you don’t quite recognize.

Reaching the precipice, there is an audible gasp from your peers. You glance into the ravine carved into the earth like a deep crimson scar.  Bodies, still letting out steam from their last moments on earth are piled on top of bodies that have been there for much longer.

The sound of your friend tumbling down the side of the ravine landing on top of naked dead bodies shocks you back to reality.  Like sheep, you do as your told, waiting for God to rescue you.

Her white dress is now crimson with brown spots where the mud has clung to her.  What was blond hair is also crimson with brown soil on her face.  Shuddering, you look at your daughter who is in shock.  She is not moving or talking your ear off as she normally would.

Flies and flesh-eating birds hover over and around the bodies as you peer at them until you see someone that you once knew. The shock of what you see silences your thoughts, causing you to go numb inside.  Stella, a good friend lies lifeless with her eyes still open as if she is gazing into the heavens. Her face is contorted oddly as her body lies unnaturally on the top of mountains of flesh.  You knew more women who are face-up, with gaping wounds where the bullets exited their body.

Those face down had small holes ranging from their legs to their backs.  Many had let loose their bowels after they died.  The odor was almost toxic.

Children cry as you pick yours up, holding her close.  You call out to your God to save you from what will surely be the sting of death. A warm liquid leaves your arms as your daughter has lost control of her bladder.  You hold her close, kissing her as the soldiers bark out more orders to the end of the line.

Ordered to face the ravine, the last few of your friends and colleagues are lined up, all facing the rising sun.  Steam from the gorge causes an eerie fog to obscure it. The call of angry crows catches your attention as they fly by, distracting you for a second, as they chase after an owl that stayed out too late.  For a moment, you wish you were the owl only having to confront the murder of crows.  Were the crows much different from the rape gangs you wonder.

You hear mechanical sounds of metal on metal.  That is the arming of machine guns, and you have heard them before. A shock of sorts goes through your body from your toes to your head with the last click of the guns closest to you. You squeeze your daughter tight to your breasts, knowing the bullet that kills you, will kill her too.

Orders are barked as you hear the first of many pop pop pops.  Screams, grunts, and the sounds of people collapsing, falling forward, and landing on those that died before you, fill the air.  As the bullets get closer, you hear the shot’s splat, as they tear through the flesh of a friend. You see red vapor explode from your closest friend’s chest.  You close your eyes as you hear your friend tumble away from you down into the ravine.

The sting in your back and butt and leg causes your vision to flash a bright white before you see the vapor of red escaping out of you and of your child.  Time seems to slow to a crawl as you slowly fall to your knees. Your legs no longer can hold you as you see shattered bone just below your knee poking out through your skin. Frame by frame you watch as the world turns upside down before you realize it is you looking up to the sky through your blood soaked legs. Light glints off the broken bone as blood spatters around you and in your face.  Headfirst you fall into the pit, still grasping your child who is gasping for air. Your body slides down the mountain of flesh, coming to rest close to your friend who still has a vacant stair.

For just a flash of a second, it is you peering at your friend, before you realize that Elizabeth is crying in agony. A bullet went through your mid-section and pierced your daughter’s chest. Reaching for your daughter, you can’t help but close your friends’ eyes as your last gesture of humanity, before more bodies land around you.  

You hear another fall and still more dirt accompanies those that tumble down into the ravine. The rat a tat tat of the guns are now but an echo far above you as more naked women tumble down onto the mountain of flesh.

You witness strange white shadows leaving the pit from those around you. The smell of death no longer bothers you as you listen to your child try to cry, gasping for air through the gurgling blood pouring from her gaping mouth.  Pulling her close you try to comfort her to no avail.

“We going to see grandma Elizabeth, just let go!” you whisper…

Your tears mix with blood that is now dripping from your own lips. You pray that god will be merciful and take her quickly, not even thinking about your own pain.  The sight of Elizabeth suffering is much worse than anything these bastards could do to you.

The sounds of moaning, crying, accompany an unsettling silence which fills the air. You can still hear the sounds of the men talking above you. The ache in your hip is nothing compared to the burning, searing pain in your side. Your daughter is gasping up more blood as you pray for God to take her. Her blue eyes are not as bright as they were a few days ago before the rape gangs had their way with her.  She watched as they had their way with you and many of your friends. Closing your eyes, you cannot look.  Reaching for her you hear the soldiers walking the precipice above.

Bang! You hear the first of many single shots from handguns finishing the job of the executioners.

The soldiers, looking for signs of life, pull out their sidearms and send bullets tearing into the bodies of those still clinging to life.  You watch as your daughter’s head splits open as a bullet rips through the flesh that was her brain. 

Time once again stops as you see a curious vaporous like ghost, leave from her diminutive body. It rises above the dead becoming part of the mist you noticed earlier.

You thank God for his aim. 

Pow! Another bullet rips through your neck, missing your head. A flash of another bright light as you notice that breathing is all but impossible. You no longer feel the rest of your body as the sounds of gunshots fade.  Another bullet finds your back but you don’t feel it.

Rising above the death and misery you see the face of the man who just killed you.  He watches for a second before moving on to the next target.  Your shopkeeper who stocked the shelves and watched  Elizabeth after school is the next to get a bullet in the back of her head.

Susan joins you as do others as you rise above the crimson river caused by evil racist animals who are truly the subhuman life forms that they have accused you of being.

Elizabeth waits as you reach up for her leaving the world behind. ‘Foolish imbecilic creatures.” One of your friends imparts to you through thought.

The coppery odor of blood mixed with the stench of rotting flesh causes the men carrying machine guns to light up cigarettes to mask the odor.

Some take time to reload their hand guns while ordering the lower ranking among them to load the pile of clothes and shoes into the back of a trailer. An occasional gunshot from one soldier ends the life of those who are still trying to live.

Larger birds return in the silence, as the train that brought the hundreds of Jews, leaves to pick up more from up north.  The fragrance of tobacco does not manage to mask the odor of death.  There are jokes passed between those that executed the hundreds of women and children; some are crude and off-color but, that is ok; those people in the pit were not human’s; they were Jews. Oh, and they were ‘White People.’

As the last of the shoes, underclothes and other garments are collected they hear an echo in the mountain pass.  The conductor is giving them fair warning that they need to reload the machine guns and get ready for more refugees.

Politicians, the media, and the Elite are playing a perilous game.

I cannot begin to quantify the number of people I know and consider friends.  If any of them value or devalue anyone by the color of their skin, it is a secret to me. Racism has no place in a world where we are all tied together by the mutual bonds of our DNA.

If we are to be judged, it is by who we are and what we might have done in life.  Where we were born or what color our skin happens to be, is irrelevant.  Who we love in our lives or bedrooms is nobody’s business. 

However, some are so ignorant that they light matches, tossing them down irrespective of where they land or on what.  If they start a fire, they move on and watch the destruction they caused with their carelessness.  The destruction is news, and news brings ratings.

The pictures I found, and the research I have done are much worse than what I have depicted in this story.

The Jewish people were never responsible for what happened to their economy.  They needed a scapegoat, and it is easy to hate an entire race when you have state-run media spewing out lies, dehumanizing a race as a whole.

Asians are not responsible for the virus.

Nobody alive today had anything to do with slavery.

Hate is a poison you take in hopes it will affect someone else.

Those espousing equity and critical race theory are the racists.  They are dangerous and most certainly ignorant of history.

If the holocaust was not enough to convince the dullest among the elite to stop playing with fire, look up Mao or Stalin.  If that is still not enough, try searching for Vlad the Impaler, he was probably your kind of guy.

It is imperative we teach our kids history.  It is not always pretty but necessary to avoid making those same mistakes again and again.

We are capable of such great things, and we are capable of so much evil.

Unlike sheep, we can choose. 

Much Love  -TW


Greetings Fellow Earthlings

What does Normal look like?

I am wrapping up a companion book to How to be a Camgirl.  If you don’t know what that is, it’s ok.  We don’t judge here and I am not about to start.  This book is called Camming for Couples.

While there are a few who will look down their nose at those who model, keep in mind that we all need to eat.  With the virus morphing and changing, much like actors on a screen, they do what they do. It is my hope that this non fiction book can assist them in their vocation.

The editor has it now, and I still have to come up with a book cover. 

What’s next?

Today marks the one-year anniversary of ‘two weeks to flatten the curve.’  What have you been doing with your time?

After I sent Camming for Couples off to the editor, I started a science fiction.  The damned thing has a virus as part of the problem, which undoubtably is being done to death. So, why write it?

Unlike our predicament here on planet earth, which is ruled by imbecilic creatures that should be in those nursing homes, my virus is a bit player.  Aliens are coming to the rescue.  Providing the method to save our skins, they are only giving us a hint at how to live from here.

Two chapters in, stay tuned.

Why write it?  Firstly, it is on my heart to write it.  Secondly, it is therapy to write it.  It amazes me just how many books have been written with the virus as the main bugaboo.  When Epstein was big in the news, I wrote Schadenfreude which was a novel about sexual impropriety on an island.  

You know he didn’t hang himself… I wonder what is to become of his girlfriend?  I would love to interview her after the trial.  Twenty-one days after we had minus 18.9 C today, we had 23.89 C.  Yes, the air conditioner was switched on…

That is the way we roll here in Texas.  From snow and ice to BBQ and Sunscreen. 

Ok, back to my latest novel, I have aliens to seduce. 

Much Love -TW


HB 196 Texas

Don’t let the novels I write fool you, I can match wits with the best of them.

Recently a Facebook post announced that there is a new proposed bill HB 196. This bill would amend the Texas Castle Law. Some fear-mongers have modified the post to make it even scarier than it is. 

Even after looking at the original bill, I have a few thoughts.

Currently, the castle doctrine protects the homeowner by giving him or her legal defining rights to defend themselves and their property. 

HB 196 is designed to weaken the castle law.  The creator wrote that (nobody should die for stealing lawn ornaments.)

I agree that nobody should be killed for stealing, period, but it is their choice to steal or not to steal. Where do you draw the line?  Is it one garden gnome and one flamingo? How many flamingoes do we allow them to take before we defend our property?  

Let’s ask this another way. Why should I willingly be a victim?  Why should I choose to cower in a corner while some criminal ransacks my house or my family?  Why should I sit idly by while my cars or property is taken from me? Why should I run out the back door if someone breaks in the front door?

The truth is, his or her life is in my hands when they violate my domain, my castle. Just like the lady who died breaking into the capital, she screwed up and died. She was shot in the throat while entering a window.  An air force veteran was killed because she was with the wrong crowd.  She is the only one of the five that died that day because a weapon was drawn. She didn’t have one; it was the cop.

Nobody could make the argument that the cop was afraid for his life against an unarmed woman, could they? Sure they could; a reasonable defense attorney could make the case in a heartbeat. Just get the right jury and the right judge.

Why didn’t they kill Chewbacca? Why her? What was so special about this petite woman that she needed to be shot in the throat?  Was she the only one that he wasn’t afraid of?  We will never know.

This bill, HB 196, would weaken my rights in a court of law, making it harder to prove my intent.  “Why didn’t you run away?  How do we know you were terrified for your life? Did you pee yourself? Is a life worth a catalytic convertor of tires?

Was her life worth entering a window along with hundreds of others?

Why should the burden of proof be on the homeowner’s shoulders? 

There is a broken door, his fingerprints on the crowbar, and a dead body in my hallway. Case closed.

Not so fast…

The simple facts are; the police seldom prevent a burglary or rape or murder; they arrive in time to write it up while shaking their heads. It takes hours to investigate a crime scene, and they were ready for dinner. The cops come after the alarm has cycled, and the alarm company was unsuccessful at contacting the homeowner.  Three minutes after the door is broken down, the alarm company finally places a non-emergency call to the local police. A dispatcher will find the closest officer and ask them to drive by and check out why the alarm sounded.

Now, this is not like smokey and the bandit, where they are in hot pursuit.   No, no, they will receive the call and casually drive to the neighborhood in question, frequently joined by another unit just in case.

The criminal has done his or her dirty work and is long gone by the time the police arrive. 

Bright lights from the car-light up the door, and they see evidence of a forced entry.  They report this to dispatch, who now asked who is available to back up that unit.

They push the door open while the hinge’s creak is accompanied by the sounds of broken glass under their feet. Bloodstains on the floor; the putrid stench of a coppery odor of blood hangs heavy in the air as they trip over broken lamps, stuffed animals, and a dead dog. Their hearts race in the silence.   Slowly they search the house, listening for movement with their guns drawn.  A grey cat streaks by them, causing them to jump and almost shoot each other from the freight.  Flashlights peer through the darkness to find what is left from the carnage after some people did something.

Ever been to a murder scene?

MS 13 are not the kinds of people taking garden gnomes.  They enjoy killing for sport, and they are here. They do what they do for the sake of terror. Much like ISIS beheads people for effect, they cut people up most horrifically for the fear and terror engendered in the little people’s hearts.   And there are attorneys whose job it is to defend them.  Those who live in gated communities make laws that they might never have to worry about, as they have private duty security looking out for them.

Why not make it easier to defend the criminal?  Yes, let’s cripple the castle law. Let’s narrow the scope so it is easier to defend the bad guy and easier to convict the home owner. We could accuse them of being a racist of bigot because that always plays well with juries.

Those who perpetrate crime don’t worry if their gun is full auto or not.  They don’t fret about the large capacity of their clips, and they certainly don’t care if the weapon is registered to them or not.

But you, Mr and Mrs. homeowner, you need to dot every I and cross every T.  This is the same logic the Obama administration used in sending our boys into combat.  You can guard them, but you don’t get any bullets. Before you engage the enemy, you need to seek permission, and it could take a few days as we have to consult several committees in DC.

After we that we take several polls of likely voters to see if there is support for any action against a particular group. Hang on, we can usually get this done in just a few weeks.

Texas has suffered a rash of burglaries, home break-ins, and vandalized property.  While companies like Ring are enjoying profits from the sale of security devices, the folks who make and sell catalytic convertors are also having good sales.

The quality of the video from Ring is not where it needs to be. Higher res cameras need to be installed in these devices. Yes we can see if was a guy and he wore a cap but that is about it.

Why should we as a people entertain limiting our rights to defend our stuff or make it more difficult to prove our innocence in a court of law?   

There is an uptick in the theft of tires, wheels, and catalytic converters.  Those are not ten-dollar garden gnomes. Are they funding criminal activity with our stuff?  What do you think?

The creator of this Bill knows this, but sluffs it off as garden gnomes. She knows damned well they are stealing things like (tires, convertors or anything else that is not nailed down.)

If this bill passes the homeowner would have to sit idly by while their car is broken into while waiting for the cops to finish their dinner before responding to a 911 call. Wait, can you even call 911 if someone is breaking into your car?

If you look at the Next Door app, you would see that more and more citizens are victims of crime at an alarming rate.  This amendment would encourage more criminals. We have videos of porch pirates, cars vandalized and lawn mowers and other expensive items taken by a criminal. If her bill passes the homeowner would have less legal rights than the criminal.

Reading the post, Americans are becoming more paranoid as they feel that they cannot depend on the police to defend them.  Since Biden took over, the price and availability of ammo have changed dramatically.  Did he pull an Obama and place vast orders to create a shortage, or are people that paranoid?  

I don’t know about the average person but, I work hard for what I have.  The cost to replace a catalytic converter is anywhere from $1000 to $3000, depending upon the car. It takes a few minutes for the criminal to slide under your vehicle with a battery-operated saws-all and take a costly item from your vehicle.

Insurance may or may not cover it, and even if it does, there is a deductible and then the hassle of dealing with a wrecker, the police, the insurance company, and a rental company, and then the dealer, which all takes time. There is the stress of dealing with the fact that you were violated in some way.

Garden gnom, ok, I can live with that; what dollar amount do you place before you pull a gun and shoot the bastard?  While the community would be thrilled to have one less thief in the area, the lawyers would be delighted too.

Some lawyers are sympathetic to the thief. Why? Some might claim they are cut from the same cloth, but I digress.

If you want to create a new law,  create one that makes it harder for criminals to profit from the sale of used (stolen) catalytic converters.  I realize that would cut into the ease at which the criminal would benefit from his or her ill-gotten gain, and it would also cut into the profits of those who purchase such things, but that law would make sense.  That law would save the lives of the criminals who are stealing ‘garden gnomes.’  How?  If it were more difficult to sell what they steal, it seems that would make stealing such things less attractive.

I am confident that insurance companies would offer campaign funding for that kind of legislation.  

Japan did not invade the mainland in WWII because they knew every farmer had a gun.  True story. History is replete with useful information; try reading it.

While some might take literary license with what she is proposing, the hard facts are that when we look at a massive influx of illegal immigrants, our laws should not be made more favorable to the criminal. These folks already have a track record of not respecting our laws or Mexico’s, for that matter. Why would any American Law Maker seek to diminish the rights of Americans?  

This country is a country of laws.  We respect them, and everything works better.

Five years ago, then-Vice President Biden told rape victims to piss themselves.  That way, the rapist would not want to have sex with them. So, piss yourself and possibly dissuade the criminal.  At what point is it reasonable to defend yourself? 

This same person also said if someone is breaking into your house, open the back door and shoot a shotgun out the back door, that will frighten them away.  What is wrong with leveling the gun at the person confronting you in your own home? They can turn around and run or keep the projectiles and consider them a door prize.

At what point will an attorney who makes a living defending rapists and murderers and the like say, oh hell no? What is the line that you, as an attorney, will not cross?  Do you have one?

If you defend yourself, that person had a name and was once someone’s child.  Even if your defense of yourself were legally proper, some attorneys make money by chasing down any relatives and then taking the victim of the crime to a civil court.

In this court, they will do their best to play to the emotions of the jury.  The guy that raped you will be portrayed as god-fearing, good to his mamma, blah blah blah.  They will paint you, the victim, as a short skirt-wearing girl who sent out the wrong messages, so it was your fault. You knew what you were doing when you dared to wear a sleeveless blouse; it is all your fault that this man is now dead.

The jury’s pictures to consider will not be of a tattooed twenty-something but a child with their parents at a birthday party. There will be baby pictures and that of a sad mother who lost her child to some gun-crazed lunatic. This person dared to hang on to their guns and their bibles, putting stuff over the sanctity of life.  The dead person had a name, damnit!

They have no shame.  It is all about winning.

HRC defended a rapist who raped a 12-year-old girl and won.  She bragged about it to her peers. She convinced the rather feeble-minded jurors that the 12-year-old liked sex and knew what she was doing. She was proud of it. 

While there is wisdom in chasing them off, it is even wiser to be judged by 12 than carried by six. Just be prepared to defend yourself against another type of monster.  

“Were you terrified for your life?  How did you know this person intended you harm?  Did you see a weapon? Did he shoot at you?  Only once, how do you know that wasn’t just a warning shot or the gun didn’t miss fire? Why didn’t you run away?  Did you realize that he was using that money to feed his kids and his elderly mother? Now how is his family going to live?  Pfft ! 

If you have not ever sat in a court of law, do it.  OMG!   You will quickly realize just how screwed up the system is. Once you do this you will never vote for a politician that is seeking to limit your rights.

Percy Foreman was a friend of mine. Unfortunately, I know the way the system works. People like Percy would defend the indefensible and win more times than he lost. Winning was their reputation, it didn’t matter what the person did; it was all about twisting the law enough to get an acquittal.

 He once told me while looking me right in the eyes, ‘it is easier for me to get you off if I know you are guilty.’  Cold chills ran up my spine with that admission, and I lost much respect for not only him, but our entire legal system that day.

The day he died, the criminals lost a friend.  That is the sad truth.

No, the Castle Doctrine should be strengthened, not weakened.   A castle is a bastion of freedom for the occupants, and the law is already too mailable.   

Americans are witnessing higher amounts of crime.  There are efforts to defund the police and restrict what kinds of guns Americans can own. The innocent are under attack by the system that is supposed to be there for them. Why would we entertain any bill that would weaken our legal rights to defend ourselves or our property?

Any member of a governing body that puts forth an argument that restricts law-abiding citizens’ rights over those who don’t respect our laws, or our rights to protect ourselves or our property, should not be in office.  

Don’t mess with Texas, and don’t mess with Texans. We do cling to our bibles, our God, and our guns.



What Radio Station do you listen to?

From shortwave to Facetime around the world..

The world continues to shrink.

Years ago, I got into Amateur Radio.  Now that was back in the early ’70s.  Before, there was the internet.


Earlier than that, I had a shortwave radio. I still have it. 

Radio to me was magic.  As a child, I could not understand what magic happened for this voice to come out of this box.  Television was just FM!  Effin Magic…

Anyway, a shortwave radio back in the day opened the world up to me. I fell in love with accents. To get your license to operate the Ham Radio back in the day, you had to learn a lot, including Morse Code.

I wanted it, so I did it.

You and I know that the internet screwed all that up.

Computers were a natural evolution for me.  Spending thousands on an IBM PC with a green screen and floppy was just one box in a transition of many computers.

I would imagine that I owned over the years just about every kind of computer that was made.

They are a horrible investment, but if you wanted to make a career out of it, the time and money were a good investment.

Once the ham radio was part of my daily routine, I met many people worldwide.  I talked to a king of a country that no longer exists.

Now IHeart Radio has been around for a while, but I have not investigated it. Today while doing the regular Happy Birthdays on social media, one of my friends mentioned Radio Garden.

There is an app for that BTW…

A picture of the globe appears, and then it says it is planting seeds.

Hover over a green dot, and Viola, voices from anywhere in the world are now blaring into my office.

Currently, I am listening to a station from York, Australia.

Folks, the world got a little smaller.

Here is my challenge for you.  Tell me in the comments what radio station you listen to and where to find it.

There are so many of you who I see comment or like my posts regularly, let me hear what you hear.

From music to talk radio, tell me about what you listen to.

I have long held the belief that we are but the sum total of our environment.  Our mores and attitudes on life all come from our environment.

Currently, I am working on several projects.  This radio thing might be a distraction; however, I want to know you a little better.

If you are a writer, as I suspect many of you are, what music, if any, do you listen to when you are writing?

This station right now is playing fifties and sixties music.  The DJ sounds like a version of Julia Childs. 

It’s 206 AM on Tuesday here, and it is 406 afternoon Tuesday in York. 

Wrap your head around all that, take a deep breath, and tell me how you are doing.

Much Love -TW


Baby, It’s Cold…Inside!

Are your buns toasty?

The Butt Effect

Writing a blog post about this subject without putting the politics in it is challenging.

It is almost as if they look for stupid people to run for office.

So, without calling ex bartenders dumber than a box of rocks, allow me to ‘splain’ why Texas got so cold.

Climate change will not kill us all in 10.5 years, as our Nine-year-old expert from the UK claims.

While she might have the patent on glower, at her age, she should be thinking about flowers and possibly learning some science from someone other than an activist.

To explain this in ways that even she can understand, we will be speaking about celestial mechanics. 

When the power went out in my north Texas home, I happen to have natural gas too.  Lighting the fireplace to stave off the chills and wearing several layers of clothes, I quickly came up with a way to explain the current cold snap to the world.

Backing up to the fireplace, I would get rather toasty.  Sitting back down, away from it, I would get rather chilly, much like our Earth in respect to the sun. I could see it, but I could barely feel it unless I got much closer.

What we are experiencing is ‘weather.’

The weather is typical for this time of year, except that we are a few degrees colder than usual.  While Al Gore still has those carbon credits to sell you, changing the label from Global warming to Climate change won’t get him off the hot seat while globetrotting in his private jet.

Climate change is nothing more than a way to control you and your behavior by the ruling class.

If you look at this picture that I drew, you will notice that the Earth is tilted 23 degrees.  During the Summer months, our days are longer, and our nights are shorter.  Since the sunlight has less atmosphere to travel through, more energy makes it to the ground, thus heating things up.

During the winter, the opposite is true, and our friends down under enjoy longer days and more energy to keep things toasty.

If a simple 23-degree tilt can make this huge difference in our temperature, is there anything else that might cause severe weather?

Several months ago, NASA announced that Mars was going through Climate change.

Wait, all the experts tell us that climate change is human-made and we must stop whatever we are doing, or the Earth will die, the plagues will come, and so on.

This had me scratching my head.  Climate change on the Earth and Mars…

Firstly, I wish to address the sun and its eleven-year cycle.  Every 11 years, the sun has these massive storms that toss plasma streams out into the cosmos.  These streams often strike the Earth as cosmic radiation, causing the northern and southern lights.

If you have one or two active storms on the sun, the holes caused by them are larger than the planet Jupiter.  With spots on the sun, that effectively means the sun puts out X amount less of energy that strikes the Earth and other planets.  Think of it like turning your burner on the stove on low and trying to boil water.  Eventually, you will get there. It just takes longer with less heat.

While that could contribute to some variances in our weather patterns, and I think upticks in skin cancers, there is something else. There is something that is much more obvious, but we don’t talk about it. “The Butt Effect.”

When we back our ass up to the fireplace, it gets hot. Hence I am labeling this the ‘Butt effect.’

When we examine other stars for worlds, we search for suns or stars that exhibit a wobble.

The greater the wobble, the larger the planet orbiting it is.  While we cannot see the planet, we can tell from the duration of the wobble, the length of its orbit, and we can guess how large this planet might be.

Here is the thing that our News does not cover because it does not fit the narrative.

Our star wobbles.

If you look at the picture below, you will see what our Solar system looks like today.  Our Earth is almost diametrically opposite of the two largest gas giants in our solar system.

Since we just landed another probe on Mars I wonder if it is colder than usual.

We know that Jupiter pulls the sun half a million miles closer to it as it orbits.  We can assume that Saturn also has a similar effect on the sun.

Notice where Saturn and Jupiter are.

The two largest gas giants in our solar system are yanking on the sun in a similar direction.

If we would pay attention to where the sun is in its cycle and where the gas giants are at any given time regarding Earth’s location, we could determine when we should stock up on firewood.

More importantly, energy providers could predict when it might be unseasonably hot or cold.  I realize that the words Celestial Mechanics might spook politicians and nine-year-old girls, so let’s stick with the Butt Effect.

I am currently working on a new novel which should be ready for the editor shortly. Stay tuned.

Cheers -TW


Breaking! Meme creator arrested and jailed on charges of creating a political meme.

Is free speech under assault?

I might not agree with you but, I will defend your right to say what’s on your mind.

Since the early days of social media, I learned to fact check my sources before I posted.  While FB still goes over the top on many occasions, I am not an activist, and in truth, I probably have more liberal friends than conservative ones.

We all need to listen to each other, and Free Speech must be protected.  While I will not debate with emotional people, I want to hear what each side has to say.

Tonight I listened to the news as I heard that some meme creator was arrested for creating a meme that the left didn’t like.

I create memes more for fun than anything, but if what I heard was accurate, we have much larger fish to fry than FB fact-checking us to death.

While I still want to know all the details, the story on national TV led me to believe a lie.  It would make anyone who listened upset about their rights to free speech.  If it is on TV, the source is reliable, right?  No….


The link is to the story, and it is much more damming than someone putting a MAGA hat on Taylor Swift.

If you can trust NBC News, that reporter paints a grim picture of what this person was up to, unlike Fox, who led its viewers to believe this story is all about free speech and a simple political meme.

I might disagree with you but, I will defend your right to say what’s on your mind. Can you do that?

How many memes have we seen of Bernie the last few days?  This is America.  Can you get arrested now for creating a meme of Mr. Mittens or mocking a US senator? If so, that is a country I don’t want any part of. Mocking our elected officials is like WWE wrestling.  You pick a wrestler and then mock the other one. 

You know Mitch and Chuck smoke a cigar and drink beer together after they call each other names. It is all show for you.

Do not come at me with, ‘there is your problem, you heard it on Fox.’  No, that is not my problem.  I listen to multiple news sources, including those outside our country who have less of an ax to grind. I even listen to the news on shortwave.  Granted, I am basically on a news hiatus at the moment, but this story caught my attention.

The bill of rights must be sacrosanct, period.

I would challenge any of you who are stuck in one camp or the other to check out what each network has to say before you get on social media and rant.  It is hard to find unbiased press these days, which is why I often get my news from down under.  I also happen to enjoy the accent.

When one of your friends starts out a post with WOW! There is a dead give away that they fell for a story like I am speaking about.  Fox nor CNN have a monopoly on sensationalizing a story for ratings.

When each side is so ensconced in their ‘beliefs’ that they are willing to name call or block someone for their opinion, that division will not go away. Are you so insecure in who you are that you would block those that you disagree with?

I have snoozed some folks because they are over the top ranting. I have not blocked anyone.

What if?  What if you are wrong? What if your long-held beliefs that you learned in college are erroneous?  Wouldn’t you want to know?

Regrettably, I have ‘friends’ that are family, who are unable to do this. They are so emotionally invested in their beliefs they cannot even consider that they might be …wrong….

Lots of people drank purple Kool-Aid and died because they followed a crazy person.  The idea that this crazy person could be crazy was just  …crazy…

When your emotions are triggered, someone might very well be manipulating you.  It could be the fact-checkers, or it could be big tech who has an agenda.  It might be news media that triggers you for the ratings.  Hate is a powerful trigger.

Boys using girls showers is a trigger, a diversion.  Emotional triggers are usually the shiny coin the magician uses while he slips a card up his sleeve.

You win public opinion and votes by telling them what is wrong with the world, getting them emotionally invested, and telling those same people who is responsible for it.  It works every time.

There are complete sciences built around manipulating the people. Cults work this way, too, hence the purple Kool-Aid.

As we begin to see the, I told you so’s from friends and relatives, those will not help bring the country together either. Possibly they need us divided, and there are thoughts on that too.

I visit with people all over the world.  Some of them have such divergent cultures from what I am used to; one would think there would be no common ground.  But there is.

I have acquaintances in many different countries because I build those acquaintances on common ground. 

Can we agree to disagree and still be friends?  I hope so.



National Underwear Day #NUD

Can we make #nud trend? Pick a day world and let’s do this!

Yes, we will move away from computers and metafiles and all kinds of forensic things.  There are times you have to change the scenery or, in my case, change the topic.

If you own a company and have not put together a business continuity plan by now, the Virus has undoubtedly made it abundantly clear just how much you screwed up.

I am not going to visit with you about disaster recovery or forensic computing today.

Switching gears, I want to talk about the need to stimulate your brain.  Yes, I want to talk about mental health but not in some psychobabble, couch lying, you hate your mother kind of way.

One of the first things I would encourage you to do is change what is ‘normal.’ Insert routine for Normal.

I am the president of a writer’s group in North Texas.  In a few weeks, many of us’ non-essential’ employees will have been homebound for the better part of a year.  Virtual is not stimulating.

When we began to communicate via e-mail back in the early 80’s, I quickly realized just how wrong things could go without the visual or verbal cues we get from in-person communication. 

Here we are a year into this Virus, and we don’t see others.  If we do, they and you are wearing a mask.  We have lost touch, or are losing touch with our humanity.  We have celebrities of all things, preaching from their ivory privileged towers that anyone who does not see something the way that they do, need to be punished.  Can we talk about having lost our collective minds?

As a celebrity, you have a responsibility to be that voice of reason. WTF people?

I was thinking about this, wondering if this is how Jesus met his end?  It is mob mentality, and it is time to put a stop to it.  How?

With Zoom or some other webcam communication, we now can see a face, smile, and yes, sometimes we catch a hint of your home life, including your underwear. 

I have witnessed people in their pajamas, and yes, we catch a glimpse into your home.  Is it a bad thing?

What would it be like to have a national underwear day? I think the distraction would be humorous, delightful, and would shake many out of their comfort zone.  I worked in the medical center for years.  The sight was not pretty but think about it—a dose of reality.   We need something like that to get us talking about other things than the Virus, or politics. National Underwear Day #nud

We need to come together as a people, human people, and make a point of how much the same we are.

I visited a nudist beach once—clothing optional.  Folks, that is a humbling and awakening realization.  Quickly you see just how insignificant you are in the overall scheme of things.

No Mika, you don’t need to tell me what to think.  To the rest of the news media, I have a brain; tell me the facts.  I don’t care if you live in a gated community; when your clothes come off, you are no better than I am.

You have heard of the ugly Christmas Sweater.  How about we have a national underwear day and…we add the qualifier’ audacious.’

People go to the beach wearing less, why not?

Do you realize that would trend in no time? Do it…#nud You know you want to…

We need the small-minded in Hollywood and DC to come to grips with the facts that this is the United States of America and not America’s playground for the rich and famous.

Would a bearing of the souls as it were, cause us to come to grips with we are all the same?

If you strip away the thousand dollar blouses and other designer clothes, would we then see that we are not so different?

Let’s talk about normal, shall we?

Here is the first thing you should change if you have not already done so.  When you crawl out of bed, act as if you are going to the office.

Shower, dress as you would, and yes, make the morning coffee or whatever you would do if you commute.

Arrange to have as many of those calls as possible with the camera on.  That face-to-face time is essential in keeping not only you but your co-workers from feeling isolated.

Keep regular hours.

Turn off the news.

I will not go into a long rant about how craven they are or how they only have ratings on their mind as they spin the facts.  Unless they are Pollyanna or Walter Cronkite comes back and tells you how it is, turn it off.

I am beyond sick of the bias that exists on both sides.

Be careful about any online news sources as they have ratings (in the form of clicks) as their determining factor of what gets published. 

Reagan said to vote with your feet; I say vote with the garbage you allow into your head.

Social media is another excellent place to either visit or abandon. Many keep up with their family and friends, but what they ingest via the news often makes it onto your plate.  I have found that snooze works well for those who are eaten up with the desire to ruin your life.

There is something about using the bathroom and ingesting information from social media at the same time.  It all stinks.  Remember this one fact.  If what you are consuming jerks at any emotion, you are being manipulated.

So, what can you do to keep your sanity?

I am so glad you ask.

Diversify what you do.  While we joke about vacationing to the garage, we will have spring here in North America before you realize it.  Today we hit 66 in Dallas.  The heat is off, the windows are open, and I spent time in the sun.

Yes, indeed, ladies and gentlemen, get outside!

I usually have my first cup of coffee in the sunshine if at all possible.  Your brain needs that light to set your circadian rhythm.  There are probably hormones and chemicals released too, so get outside, even if the weather is not great, stay warm or dry but get some fresh air.

Along with writing and other hobbies, I have taken to ‘tinkering’ with a 3d printer.

If you have ever wanted a challenge, a 3d printer is the ticket.  For less than $200, you can find one at WOOT or Amazon.  These things do not come out of the box ready to print.

Opening the box is a daunting process.  The thing is a kit.

Don’t chicken out or turn away; embrace the challenge.

There are many videos online on how to get it started, and then many more groups that I feel are more like support groups for those afflicted with 3D itis …  Yes, I invented the term.

While this challenge is not for the faint of heart, it is much like learning cross-stitch or knitting. 

Over the last year, I have gone back and re-taught myself many things.  School subjects that I did poorly in now make sense to me. My poor English teacher would probably die again if she knew I was writing and president of the league.

Not only have I published in international magazines, but I have over 30 novels.

Math and history were not interesting to me in school, and now I see them for what they are.  With the internet, there is no limit to the information at our fingertips.

In a roundabout way, I am trying to say this, turn off the damned idiot box and learn something.  Netflix and other entertainment sources are fine, but you can use this time to teach yourself new skills.

I have determined that the Raspberry Pi is a handy computer for the price.  No, it is not difficult.

There are tiny microprocessors known as ESP 8266 that are great fun to learn and play with, regardless of age or gender. (you are never too old.)

As long as this blog post makes sense to you, go forth and enjoy.

Once you look at this time as a positive thing instead of a poor me moment, you can use it to your advantage.

The last bit of advice I would offer to you is this, don’t give the politicians the time of day.

Biden spent 1.5 Billion dollars, much of which came from dark money.  He will be paying those favors back, which is why what he is signing seems counterintuitive to unity, from killing the Keystone to raising the price of insulin. Dark money came from special interests, and it doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to figure out who or from which organization.

Hate is a poison you take in hopes that it will affect someone else.

Anger is beating yourself up for the mistakes of someone else.

Did you know that once you print something with your 3D printer, it is damned hard and sturdy?

Yeah, focus on what you can control and let the other stuff vanish.

Take care of yourselves and those that you care about.  This Virus will not keep us down forever, and anything that guy does with an executive order can be undone with another.

If you see #TEXIT trend, then you might want to watch the news.


PS…I would not be shocked to see #FEXIT and #TEXIT trend in the upcoming months.


$200,000 a month for Stripping on webcam?

I somehow doubt her story.

This is a story you just have to read.

Is your jaw dragging the floor like mine?

Many of you know the story, but I had this twitter follower who works in the sex industry just briefly.  Or should we say adult entertainment?

The last thing you will get out of me is judgment. I have friends from all walks of life, and I tend to straddle all of them at times. Walks of life, not my friends…

In my professional life, I chase bits and bytes. A mild-mannered IT person that happens to have a passion for writing novels.  Some of them cross the boundary of nice to naughty. Hell, no, I make no apologies for creating fantasies for you or others like you. I hope you enjoy what I write and it pleases you.

I have not locked into a particular genre as of yet.  They are all fun to create.  With over 30 odd novels published, one would think I would have found my niche.

Maybe I like to explore all of them.  For instance, I wrote a how-to book for camgirls.

‘TW, why are you writing nonfiction?”

I freely give of myself in many different ways.  Local writers don’t know me as TWScott.  They know me as someone who likes to write.  They know me as someone who spends time and energy to assist others in becoming all they can be. Those that know me in person would probably never dream that I would try to help someone working in the adult entertainment industry.

Truth told if you are going to do it, why not do it right?

This twitter follower had a bio that said she was a cyber slut.  Yes, I scratched my head.

If you follow me on my blog, I will peek at your blog and comment.  If you are a Twitter follower, I will look at your bio and possibly your tweets.  If you take the time to reach out to me the least, I can do is recognize your effort.

I followed her tweet, and I found myself on an adult webcam site.

Truth told, that was an eye-opener.  I had no idea such things existed.

If you are over 18 and curious, go check out my free cams.

I tend to get in trouble as a person as I tend to take in my surroundings wherever I am.  I listen to people, watch people, and create in my mind how all of what I am experiencing could become fodder for a novel.

My Free Cams soon became a pivotal story device for Cyber Subs.

That one wasn’t enough, so I used it again in Schadenfreude.

Since those two novels have been published, more of my followers have found me from that site, and others like it.

People, that one site alone has close to 2000 girls on it at any given time.  Now I find places with both men and women, couples, gay, trans, and I am not sure what they do.

Remember what I said, no judging. I am not judging anyone.  My eyes were opened, and I think my innocence was molested by the time I finished my research. 

Some of it is like driving by a traffic accident.  You know you look for the blood, and if you see it, you cringe.

For the most part, I witnessed people attempting to live out some fantasy.  Men were masturbating in hopes someone was watching them. Trans folks were also masturbating.  I must say I have never seen such lovely breasts coupled with a bountiful male anatomy on one person. I chuckled thinking, ‘they have the best of both worlds.

Couples, both gay and straight, are there for your pleasure.

Chaturbate and Stripcam I think, were the other two’s names, but wait, there are plenty more.

How can so many sites exist with thousands of ‘models’ on each site?

During my research for my novels, it hit me why some models were succeeding and some failing. I am a business person, after all.

As the pandemic continues to take lives, people are doing whatever they can to put food on the table.  Some of these girls are putting themselves through school. 

So, I wrote how to be a camgirl and make money.

I don’t market it as people seem to find it without any effort on my part.

It doesn’t make a difference what site you’ work on.’ If you are of that mindset and desire to make extra funds that way, the book is dirt cheap and worth every penny.

Some people go on those sites to be an exhibitionist.  Harvey Weinstein could have gone on there, put a camera on his stuff, and masturbated until he was worn out, and he would have been one of the hundreds.

Some ladies are also on there simply to get naked with the idea that thousands of men want them.  One reported that she felt their eyes touching her.  Good imagination.

Today, it perked my interest when a lady was quoted as saying she makes $200K a week modeling on such a site.  The kicker is, she said, it does not conflict with her Christian faith. 

I want to read whatever bible she is reading. It would be a best seller.

In my research, those girls realistically make about $2K a month.  If they want to make more, they should read my book.

One person purchased the eBook and turned around, and ordered the hard copy.

Honestly, I think many go on those sites to be exhibitionists.  My Free Cams boasts the most registered purveyors of smut.  They are also a girl only site.  Pfizer should be doing well with all the men keeping it up on the rest of the sites.  I did learn this during my research. ‘Not all men were created equal.’

With that, my loves, I will bid you adieu for now.

I am working on bringing Kelly McGuire out of retirement, taking time, as you might guess.

Much love -TW


Kelly is back!

We don’t take prisoners, we clean up our mess!

I have some excellent news!

Kelly is out of retirement.

Kelly McGuire of Presidential Assassins is out of retirement and back in the forefront of my mind.

If you have not read this novel yet now is the time.  Kelly is one kick ass red head that takes names and kills.

While the good guys skate free the bad ones, are not so lucky.

Presidential Assassins is a thriller that is jammed packed full of action.

Today, she is back.  I have written the first two chapters. 

It amazes me how I can start something like this and all of the sudden the characters come to life and I just have to take notes.

Go find it, read it and wait till you see what she is up to now.

Once you meet her you will want to follow her on Twitter.  Yes of course she has her own account.

There has been much material thanks to the media so, I am full of ideas.  Let’s see what trouble she can get into.

Don’t waste a single day folks, life is short.

Much Love -TW


We’ll Meet Again, Don’t Know Where Don’t Know When…

Where do your characters com from?

One of my favorite pass times is traveling out to small towns throughout the world, hunting Antique Malls or small antique stores.  Before I tell you why, let’s discuss what those are.

One town not too far from me is Gladewater, Texas.  Gladewater, which is also close to Canton, is known for its abundance of antique malls.  If you travel to the old downtown part of Gladewater, you will see that the place was transformed for tourists.  Yes, there are locals but, the town’s economy depends upon people like me poking through stuff that might ‘charm’ me.

I mention Canton as it is famous for the First Monday sale.  Much of the town turns up to market’ stuff.’

The buildings have been re-purposed after the ‘death of the town.‘ Big box stores wiped out the mom and pop shops.  If you go into these ‘malls’, you will see that the edifice has been divided up into areas dedicated to rental property.

The owners of the building or perhaps the lessee has divided the total square footage of the building and subleased it out to individuals or perhaps small businesses for retail purposes.  As part of the leasing agreement, the store staffs the building, and they act as the person’s agent and collect funds for goods and or services.

No viable place of the building is off-limits.  Even the bathrooms are rented out to vendors.  One building I was in, the attic had been stuffed chock o block full of stuff.

In a typical non-COVID environment, this works out well for the tenants. It will be interesting in a macabre sort of way to see who survives.   Many of the tenants of those buildings are paying a lot of money to store their junk, in the hopes that someone will buy it.  In reality, what they are doing is converting their loved one’s treasures into liquid assets, for the person who leased or owns the building.

I have lost count of the day’s since ‘normal’ left town.  This much I do know for sure, the automobile insurance companies are making a killing.  I am getting months to the gallon, or the liter if that is your standard of measurement.

That ends the pragmatic part of this blog.  Now, let’s get on to why I search for antiques.

As a writer, I am always on the hunt for stories or fodder.  Sorting through the buttons, jewels, and other things, they become much like a time capsule. 

The styles that were in decades ago are now not only gaudy, but some are societally incorrect.

Societal norms notwithstanding, what charmed us back then and now?


Mink coats, hats and so on. 

Things made from ivory.

Lamps with dangly things on them.  Glass cabinets loaded with pins, tchotchkes, and other sparkling things.  As you go from cabinet to cabinet, it is all different, but all the same.  Much like rocks in the river, they are entirely different, but all the same.

In the end, that is about the value they possess.  We value gold for its monetary equivalence, but we wear it, why?  Could it be we wear it to show the world we can spend perfectly good cash on a status symbol?

There is a chain of islands by Bermuda that are owned by people like Johnny Depp, who is a whopping 57 years old.  Why?  Why would you want your own island unless you were ‘Epstein like’ and did not want the cops showing up at any given moment unannounced?  What laws are there on your private island?  Is it lord of the flies or possibly a land looking for a volleyball to anthropomorphize as a companion?  What about owning an island charms someone? Do you suppose they value their privacy so much they have to buy an island?

I wrote a novel called Schadenfreude that takes place on such an island right after Epstein did not hang himself.  I digress.

As we age, our friends either leave us, or we leave them.  The things that charmed us are not loaded into a U-Haul trailer, (self-moving rental) and pulled behind the hearse.  Before the last bar of Amazing Grace or perhaps the bugler playing Taps, our friends or family are already wondering what to do with our’ stuff.’

Recently I acquired boxes of ‘stuff’ that charmed my best friend.  On an old phone was only one song.  Charging the phone, I was amazed to hear it.

I am the last of such a group of friends who spent countless hours together when not with family.  The laughter still echoes in my mind as I think back on all of those silly conversations. The long nights where too much wine was poured, where we talked until sunrise.  Those times we compared notes about our families, poking holes in the air with our fingers saying, ‘By God, that is what I need to change.’

Of course, we never did. The next year those same conversations reoccurred until one by one, there were fewer of us to have them.

There were nights where we listened to music, extolling the virtues of real composers: Glenn Miller, Arty Shaw, and singers like Vera Lynn.  No, I am not that old, but I was born way too late.  I am convinced I have an old soul.

‘Please say hello to the friends we both know…’  That song echoes through my heart and tugs at it each time I hear it.

Now it is you, my dearest of friends who must say hello to the friends we both know, as I am the last one here.

While the stuff that charms you might entertain you for a few moments, it is friends and family who provide the reasons to live.  If you need convincing, go check out those antique malls.  Walk the aisles one by one and try to imagine the person who owned it.

As their stuff sits in an old building collecting dust, and revenue for the building owner, try to imagine it as it once was.  An old hat with a feather in it.  A purse with more spangles than cloth.  Yes, that mink stole or perhaps that dress that belonged to a ‘flapper.’ Can you hear the music of the roaring ’20s?

Both the Victrola and the typewriter were made in 1920.  Yes, they both work very nicely. See what we can do if we try.

I am still on the hunt for some Vera Lynn Records.  I peruse antique malls and garage sales searching for 78’s. 

Someday, someone will have to wonder what to do with my’ stuff,’ as I say ‘hello.’

Carpe Diem

Much Love -TW